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GPSMAP Proximity Alerts/Alarms

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1 hour ago, Cheminer Will said:

makes me think we are doing something slightly different that Hans.

Seems to be the case. ;)

I can confirm that alarm pois are working on an OR 600:


cruise_oregon_600.png?raw=1  cruise_oregon_600_alarm.png?raw=1


Frohes Jagen


2 hours ago, Cheminer Will said:



Well since it Hans confirmed it worked with a load of POIs for him but not for us on our GPS MAP 66 units or your numerous other models, makes me think we are doing something slightly different that Hans.  Do you think it is possible the problem is that, not the model of GPSr?  If it was just me trying to make it work, I would be more sure of user error in the process.  But with you also trying, and with all the different models you have used to test, I am puzzled as to why only Hans is successful.

Using Garmin POI loader, it should work, and the POIs actually show they are supposed to alert on all my units, however they do not - I have informed Garmin and they are looking into the issue. Now we have to wait a little....

1 hour ago, HHL said:

Seems to be the case. ;)

I can confirm that alarm pois are working on an OR 600:


cruise_oregon_600.png?raw=1  cruise_oregon_600_alarm.png?raw=1


Frohes Jagen



I 'assume' you are simulating those routes? Or are you actually out driving them?

4 minutes ago, Atlas Cached said:

I 'assume' you are simulating those routes? Or are you actually out driving them?

Right, but just for doing screenshots. I'm reluctant doing screenshots whilst driving. (It's a legal issue in Germany as well)



  • Funny 1
4 minutes ago, HHL said:

Right, but just for doing screenshots. I'm reluctant doing screenshots whilst driving. (It's a legal issue in Germany as well)




Yes, my question intention was that the proximity alerts work while simulating the route, and do not require you to actually drive the route. 8^)

Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Atlas Cached said:


Yes, my question intention was that the proximity alerts work while simulating the route, and do not require you to actually drive the route. 8^)


JFYI:  The one time I did think I had it set up correctly, I actually went out and walked up to the POI location but did not get an alert.  Then just to make sure alerts were working at all even at the most basic level on my 66, I backed off and set a course to the cache located at the same place as the previous POI and when I arrived, it alerted.  I did not try navigating to the individual POI itself though.  I should try that I suppose instead of assuming it would work individually just because the cache did.   


But that doesn't really matter to me as if I want an alert for a specific, individual, cache I am navigating to that works fine.  For those that may be reading this later in the thread timeline, my original intent with this and what we are struggling with now is loading POIs corresponding in location to all caches and getting alerts for all those POIs whenever we approach one.  This is so I do not inadvertently hike right by a great cache while in a trance from beautiful views, distracting hiking companions, etc.  Hans has it working, the rest of us do not so far.


Also just to be clear, the one part of the process where I originally thought I was going wrong was maybe getting the POIs loaded without correct proximity alert settings/information.  But since you have done that part also, and are unlikely to have made any same mistake I might have, I am at a loss as to what to try next.  I still have a feeling I have done something wrong in loading POIs with good proximity info.  


My hope is that you will figure it out and post steps to follow to do it correctly and then I can just copy you!! :P

Edited by Cheminer Will

I have been reviewing again and again all the information provided here.


I have the four columns in the same order as Hans, and the data all list in that order, one line per POI, separated by commas, just as directed.


However, when I open my .csv file in Excel, I see that each data item, separated by commas, also has "" marks at either end of each data field.


Is this normal? Is this OK?


I am assuming yes because each POI on my GPSr show the correct alarm distance, which leads me to believe the GPSr has correctly indexed the information in the POI file.

Posted (edited)

Here is what one of the lines in my .csv file looks like after being exported from GSAK:





Here is a screenshot of that same line in the POI file if I generate it to my computer and view it with Notepad++"




Edited by Cheminer Will
Posted (edited)

What??  You got it to sound a proximity alert for one of your loaded POIs?  Ot that you have this figured out?  Or are you saying that one of them just randomly alerted when you approached and now you have to figure out why that one and not others?.

Edited by Cheminer Will
1 hour ago, Cheminer Will said:

What??  You got it to sound a proximity alert for one of your loaded POIs?  Ot that you have this figured out?  Or are you saying that one of them just randomly alerted when you approached and now you have to figure out why that one and not others?.


No, it sounded for all of them. And I am not sure why. I have not changed anything on the device....


Have you loaded your POI alerts to your MAP 66? If yes, then go navigate toward one or more of them (no simulation) and see if they alert....


They are no longer loaded on my 66, but I did load them a couple of weeks ago and walked right up to one of the POIs and no alert.  But I was not 100% sure I was doing everything correctly every step of the way.  Now it has been those couple of weeks without focusing on it so it is even more likely I might not get it right, even going back over this long thread and piecing it all together to do again.  Maybe for my somewhat technologically challenged level of understanding and for the benefit of some that may come later wanting to do this:  Would you be willing to post a reply that takes it step by step?  Like writing a tutorial that takes all the pertinent parts of this thread and puts in one place?  And leaving out all the red herrings and wrong directions that popped up along the way?  I know I would benefit from that I bet others that would want to do this would also. 

Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Cheminer Will said:

They are no longer loaded on my 66, but I did load them a couple of weeks ago and walked right up to one of the POIs and no alert.  But I was not 100% sure I was doing everything correctly every step of the way.  Now it has been those couple of weeks without focusing on it so it is even more likely I might not get it right, even going back over this long thread and piecing it all together to do again.  Maybe for my somewhat technologically challenged level of understanding and for the benefit of some that may come later wanting to do this:  Would you be willing to post a reply that takes it step by step?  Like writing a tutorial that takes all the pertinent parts of this thread and puts in one place?  And leaving out all the red herrings and wrong directions that popped up along the way?  I know I would benefit from that I bet others that would want to do this would also. 


If you navigate to GPSrChive > GPSMAP 66 > Function > POI > Custom POI,  you will find pretty much everything Garmin have published on the subject... But that may not be enough....


Edited by Atlas Cached
11 hours ago, Cheminer Will said:

Maybe for my somewhat technologically challenged level of understanding and for the benefit of some that may come later wanting to do this:  Would you be willing to post a reply that takes it step by step?  Like writing a tutorial that takes all the pertinent parts of this thread and puts in one place?  And leaving out all the red herrings and wrong directions that popped up along the way?  I know I would benefit from that I bet others that would want to do this would also. 


I'm working on something now, but it will be a few days before it is ready....

On 3/12/2019 at 10:15 PM, Cheminer Will said:

They are no longer loaded on my 66, but I did load them a couple of weeks ago and walked right up to one of the POIs and no alert.  But I was not 100% sure I was doing everything correctly every step of the way.  Now it has been those couple of weeks without focusing on it so it is even more likely I might not get it right, even going back over this long thread and piecing it all together to do again.  Maybe for my somewhat technologically challenged level of understanding and for the benefit of some that may come later wanting to do this:  Would you be willing to post a reply that takes it step by step?  Like writing a tutorial that takes all the pertinent parts of this thread and puts in one place?  And leaving out all the red herrings and wrong directions that popped up along the way?  I know I would benefit from that I bet others that would want to do this would also. 


A 'Geocache Proximity Alerts' step-by-step tutorial is now available from the GPSrChive > GPSMAP 66 > Operation  > POI page.



Posted (edited)

I followed the instructions at that GPSrChive link and it all seemed to go well. I ended up with the correctly named file in the Garmin\POI directory. Now when booting up the 66, it gets to the Garmin screen with "loading waypoints, tracks and routes" and the green progress bar at the bottom.  But now it takes about 20 minutes to load the screen.  


edit: It actually took 25 minutes.  But then I shut it down and restarted it and the 2nd time it booted right up as it always has.  Maybe it was just the first time with the file being indexed or something?  I will boot it up again tomorrow from another locations and see what happens.  I will also approach a geocache with it and see if I get an alert.


So this morning I think I figured this out.  I inadvertently loaded two large proximity files on to the 66 as explained here. This is likely what caused the slow indexing/loading time I experienced.  I will fix that and see.  And hopefully have time later to actually go out and approach one of the caches and see if my 66 audibly alerts me.



Edited by Cheminer Will
Posted (edited)

Well as posted above, I carefully followed the instructions at GPSrChive, which are very clear and logical.  All seemed to go well and the correct GC Proximity POI.gpi file ended up loaded into the 66 internal memory\Garmin\POI directory.  22,000 caches, file size 2Mb.  I do also have tones and proximity alerts turned on on the 66.  I just went to a nearby cache and walked up to it and got no alert, visual or audible, from the 66.  If I navigate (Go) to that single cache, I do get an alert as approach the cache.  If I manually set a proximity alert on the 66, even just to a random point on the map, I do get a proximity alert when I cross under the distance I set in the proximity alert set up.  I just do not get any alerts when I get within the 250' radius I set in POI Loader for of any of the caches in the GC Proximity POI.gpi file.


If it working for others, I must be messing up with some step.  But it seems straightforward and I can not see what I could possibly be doing wrong??!!  Very frustrating.

Edited by Cheminer Will
Posted (edited)

Huh, that all appears to be in order!


Some have suggested in the past that there is an unknown limit to the number of Proximity POI that any Garmin GPSr can correctly index.


The test group I used for the GPSrChive tutorial was less than 2500. 


Maybe remove all the POI Proximity files from your GPSMAP 66, and use a filter in GSAK to do just the geocaches within a mile or two of your home location, repeat the process just for those caches, then retest by approaching those geocaches?


Smaller groups are quicker and easier for testing.


If those work, using the same process, then we can assume potentially there is a limit to the number of POI Proximity alerts the unit will properly index, and we can move on to determining what that number might be.


Edited by Atlas Cached
Posted (edited)

OK.  I will do that and see what happens.


I did notice something yesterday that caught my attention.  I had gone into Settings>Setup>Tones>.  I made sure Proximity tones were on.  I set a different tone for Proximity Alarm, Approaching Alarm, and Leaving Alarm.  When I think back to testing the proximity alarm with a single regular cache, what I actually got was the tone I had set for "Approaching", and then the tone I had set for "Leaving". I never actually heard the tone I have set for "Proximity".


So that makes me wonder how that is actually supposed to work.  If you set a proximity alert for a specific geocache, should you get all three alarms? First, an alarm for Approaching, then an alarm when you enter within the set Proximity, and an alarm when Leaving?


Edited by Cheminer Will
Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, Atlas Cached said:

The test group I used for the GPSrChive tutorial was less than 2500. 


I just repeated loading 259 POIs.  It all seemed to go as it should, and POI Loader gave me the "congratulations, you have successfully loaded 259..." message when finished loading.  I set the proximity alert distance to 150'.  I then walked up to within 100' of the nearest of the 259 POIs, and no alert.


When I follow the GPSrChive instructions to build and load the GC Proximity POI.csv file and load it with Garmin's POI Loader, I get a POI file on the 66 named GC Proximity POI.gpi. Just like I am supposed to.  But I can not see those anywhere on the 66.  I know the map won't show them because the icons are transparent.  But if POI Loader really did successfully put them on the 66 I would expect to see them in the listed in the menu of the 66.


I did just figure out something that may be a hint.  Yesterday in a different thread about a slow initial boot I wondered why I have two large proximity files on the 66.  It was suggested that this was because GSAK was sending child waypoints as custom POIs and those were in the 2nd POI file that was being created at the time of the GGZ file transfer.  This turns out to not be the case.  When I load my geocaches using GSAK and the Garmin Export Macro to put a GGZ file on my 66, that process was also creating a Proximity.gpi file that has a proximity entry for every cache in the GGZ file.  I can see them on the 66.  So sometime in the past month of messing with this trying to get it to work, I had somehow set GSAK or the macro, (I do not have proximity box checked in the macro), to create that Proximity.gpi file with an entry for every cache.  I can not for the life of me remember how I did that, but it does not matter now as I have somehow managed to get it to stop.  Now when I load the GGZ file, there is no Proximity.gpi file created at the same time.


And without that GSAK created proximity,gpi file on the 66, I can now see the GC Proximity POI.gpi file loaded by POI Loader and I can see the individual proximity POIs  of that file listed in the menu of the 66.


But, I just walked up to one of them and got no alert.  I will do it again, taking screen pictures and post back with a more visual explanation of what is and is not happening.





Edited by Cheminer Will
Posted (edited)

Alert distance set in POI Loader







Proximity File loaded on 66



And visible in 66 menu



Initial navigating distance to one of the proximity POIs.



And final navigating distance to that proximity POI, less than the 150' set in the first screen shot above. And no alert!




Edited by Cheminer Will

I then set a manual proximity alert of .04 mile for the geocache that is at the same location of the proximity POI used and shown in the previous post.


I have my proximity alerts set on the 66 as follows:

Approaching Alarm - Tone 7

Leaving Alarm - Tone 10

Proximity Alarm Tone 8


When I approach the geocache, I first get Approaching Alarm, Tone 7 for approaching close to .04 mile.

Then I do not ever get Proximity Alarm Tone 8 even if I walk right up to the cache

But when walking away, I get the Leaving Alarm, Tone 10 once I get further away than .04 mile.


So on a manual proximity set, I get Approaching and Leaving Alerts but do not get the Proximity Alert Tone 8.  This is OK for a manual alert as the Approaching Alarm serves the same purpose as a proximity alert.  But still, it does seem like I am not getting specific proximity alerts on either a manually set alarm or on the Custom POIs in the GC Proximity POI.gpi file.


I hate to say it, but maybe it is time to remove all user data from the GPSMAP 66, perform a hard reset, then slowly reload data to the device as needed. Sounds like some of your GSAK data had created some issues for you with not being able to see your new POIs, and maybe the SQL library is corrupted?


You can try renaming the SQL directory and rebooting, forcing a fresh build of the database, and see what happens first... but then maybe a full reset and reload of data. I recently did that with my GPSMAP 66 and it corrected a couple of issues I was having...

Posted (edited)
41 minutes ago, Atlas Cached said:

maybe it is time to remove all user data from the GPSMAP 66, perform a hard reset,


I suppose other than the work of doing that, and redoing all my settings, there is no real downside.


Do you know the answer to this that I posted yesterday?


23 hours ago, Cheminer Will said:

So that makes me wonder how that is actually supposed to work.  If you set a proximity alert for a specific geocache, should you get all three alarms? First, an alarm for Approaching, then an alarm when you enter within the set Proximity, and an alarm when Leaving?


As I said, below is what happens on a manually set proximity alarm.  I know I never get Tone 8 as that tone is very distinct.  But maybe if you have an approaching tone (7) and a leaving tone (10) set, then you are not supposed to get a proximity tone 8 also?  Or maybe you should get all 3 tones/alarms?


58 minutes ago, Cheminer Will said:


When I approach the geocache, I first get Approaching Alarm, Tone 7 for approaching close to .04 mile.

Then I do not ever get Proximity Alarm Tone 8 even if I walk right up to the cache

But when walking away, I get the Leaving Alarm, Tone 10 once I get further away than .04 mile.


I seem to be getting the Approaching and Leaving only.  If that is not how it is supposed to work, and indeed you should get all 3 alarms, then that may be to root of my problem.  If I am not getting the proximity alarm for either the manually set geocaches or the loaded GC Proximity POI.gpi files, then the issue is indeed likely is with my 66.

Edited by Cheminer Will

Knowing more than a bit about how Garmin GPI works, it wouldn't surprise me at all to have bugs surface that depend on the data itself more than the amount of the data. We've had examples in GPSBabel history that depended on the order of the input or, more distinctly, the density or "clumpiness" of the points. 50 points that were evenly scattered over a state were OK, but if there were 40 in one park and 10 in another park a few miles away, the device would crash.

Garmin's GPI format uses a form of quadtree. https://jimkang.com/quadtreevis/ but each block (node) can have some number of points inside that block. GPSBabel uses "128" and it tries to balance each block to have about the geographically closest points in each block. (Looking at the code, I can imagine it doing "funny" things at the poles and hemisphere boundaries, but I'm not worrying about that right now...)  If you're curious how a writer might look, the hard part of it is in https://github.com/gpsbabel/gpsbabel/blob/eb8e3cabbb58b7a574f42d8fceee331b88d776d8/garmin_gpi.cc#L842

Unless you're all using the same GPI writer and the same input data, it's easy to imagine the data inside the gpi file being different and exposing different feeeeeatures of the code on the device that's reading them.

I can imagine alarms on 2500 points not being a well tested case. If 1300 of those points are all within the alarm distance (or close enough to it that it has to do actual math to figure out which hundred are the closest) it's pretty easy to imagine the device doing funky stuff.

I won't say it won't work. I'll say it's very easy to seem like you're testing the "same" thing when you're not because of the nature of this file format. Be very meticulous and be prepared to send Garmin any cases that you're pretty sure don't work - and don't fall over with shock if they say that 2500 alarms * 3 just isn't happening. :-)

Good luck and good job writing up your research so far.


Posted (edited)

Very interesting Robert.  Thanks.  My last test only involved 259 alarms, although my first did not have 2,500 but closer to 25,000.


Hopefully someone will be able to answer my question above about the 3 different types of alarms so I can understand how Garmin is using and implementing those 3 alarms.  I suspect the custom POI alarms I am trying to get to work do not use the "Approaching" or "Leaving" alarms that Garmin provides on the 66.  I suspect it uses the "Proximity" alarm I have set for tone 8.  That alarm is not working for me even for a regular geocache and even when I only set one, and set it manually.  Approaching and Leaving alarm fine, Proximity does not.  This makes me suspect the problem is not in the data in the "GC Proximity POI.gpi" file, but is something else.  If I do a hard reset on my 66, I will then load only a few regular geocaches, set an proximity alarm for one of those, and see if only the Approaching and Leaving alarms work even then.  I am pretty sure I have never heard the Proximity alarm tone 8 I have set, even before I started trying to get this .gpi POI thing to work.  Since new, I have only heard the Approaching and Leaving alarms. 

Edited by Cheminer Will
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Cheminer Will said:

Since new, I have only heard the Approaching and Leaving alarms

And both are proximity alarms as well, just defined as approach or leave. It's obvious that you will not hear tone 8.

It seems that proximity alarm tone 8 is for alarms on any target other than your Proximity Pois. Try this: route to a target (hotel, gas station, etc.) and see if tone 8 will sound when approaching that target.

Edited by HHL
Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, HHL said:

It seems that proximity alarm tone 8 is for alarms on any target other than your Proximity Pois.


OK - I will try what you suggest.  But just to clarify, I have never heard tone 8 under any circumstances and it makes sense that you say I would not in situations where Approaching and Leaving alert.  And, I have heard Approaching and Leaving only when a proximity alarm is set for a specific, single, geocache.  I have never heard any tone or alarm when approaching close to one of my Proximity POIs.  


I will set a proximity alarm for a target like hotel, business, etc., navigate to it and see what happens.

Edited by Cheminer Will
Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Cheminer Will said:

I will set a proximity alarm for a target like hotel, business, etc., navigate to it and see what happens.

You do not set a proximity alarm for a specific target. Just set Proximity Alarms to "Tone 8" in general on your unit. You will be alarmed on any target. Example: I am alarmed on any cache and other waypoints I had approached when I was near to 10 - 15 mtrs.(depends on how fast I am) And I do not have proximity Pois on my unit.

Proximity is for targets you have a Goto to.



Edited by HHL
1 hour ago, HHL said:

You do not set a proximity alarm for a specific target. Just set Proximity Alarms to "Tone 8" in general on your unit.


Thanks - yeah, my confusion.  I will set a Goto for a specific target and see what happens when I approach.  Possibly it will be the same as when I Goto a geocache. (Tone 7 when Approaching and Tone 10 when Leaving), but I shall see.  It will be interesting if it is different than for geocaches and I get Tone 8, which is the tone that Proximity Alarms in general are set to on my 66.

13 hours ago, HHL said:

Try this: route to a target (hotel, gas station, etc.) and see if tone 8 will sound when approaching that target.


OK. Did this and I got an alert, not Tone 8 though.  It sounded two beeps, maybe Tone 16 or 19.  But as the screenshot below shows, I don't have those set for anything anywhere I can find.




Yes, I am sorry. It is a photo. 


But you did ask this:

15 hours ago, HHL said:

Try this: route to a target (hotel, gas station, etc.) and see if tone 8 will sound when approaching that target.


And the answer is no, some other tone sounded.  Not 8, and not 7 or 10 either.  Maybe some default tone that can not be set?  Sounded most like either tones 16 or 19.

1 minute ago, Atlas Cached said:

Cheminer Will - I am not ignoring you, I am doing my own research before I can answer you, as Proximity alerts have never been one of those features I used much, so I have to learn more before I can comment further....


No problem at all.  I am going to give this a rest for a day or so anyway.  On another note that you will probably notice.  I took your advice and did a hard reset.  But as I just posted in a separate thread, that seems to have opened a new can of worms.

Posted (edited)

So I got back to this today with a newly factory reset GPSMAP 66st.  It simply does not work, at least for me.  I followed everything as I indicated above, step by step, using the GPSrChive instructions.  All seems to go as it should and I end up with the  "GC Proximity POI.gpi" file on the 66.  I can look at that file on the 66 and see all the Custom Proximity Points.  But when I approach one of them within the 250' proximity I set in the Garmin POI Loader, my 66 is silent.  I even used the menu: Find>Custom POIs> GC Proximity POI.gpi to watch the distance count down as I approached one of the points.  As I walked within the 250' foot radius, no alert.  I walked right down to ground zero and nothing.  


Either this just does not work at all which is unlikely as I believe (?) one person at least has said it does work for them.  Or, maybe there is some setting I have to change in my 66 menus to get this type of alert to sound.  I previously thought this last scenario was a possibility.  But now I don't think so because my 66 was reset to original settings.  Plus, I can't find any tone or alert setting in the setup menus that would seem to relate to proximity alerts other than the basic, approaching, leaving tones discussed in a previous post.  As before, all alerts work fine when I am navigating, (GOTO), a specific point or geocache, I get both approaching and leaving tones as set.  So I am at a loss to know what might be going wrong.  It is unfortunate as even though this is not a function that has been done in the past, it is such a good theoretical implementation that I think if it would work, it would be a very popular tool. 


I am not ready to give up yet, but I really don't know what to try or look at next.  If there are any suggestions, they are welcome.  And if there are a few other people with GPSMAP 66 units that want to go to GPSrChive and try this themselves, I would love to hear your results.  Thanks.


This morning I again carefully read through the instructions on GPSrChive and I am certain I have everything correct and I do get all the results expected and detailed in the instructions.  It is only the last  paragraph of the instructions, (step #9) that does not happen.  So there must be a menu setting on my 66 that needs to be adjusted so that these types of alerts set off a tone and the proximity message.  And since my 66 is set back to factory defaults, that menu item must be something that does not come set as needed from the factory.  But I can not find it in the menu system.

Edited by Cheminer Will
Posted (edited)
On 4/10/2019 at 5:13 PM, Atlas Cached said:

Cheminer Will - I am not ignoring you, I am doing my own research before I can answer you, as Proximity alerts have never been one of those features I used much, so I have to learn more before I can comment further....


I will describe what I tried today below and that maybe indicates that your research only needs to focus on the final part of the equation, the alert itself?  See what you think.


I loaded the Proximity POIs as per the GPSrChive instructions except that I used an "E" icon that I could see on the 66 screen.  I did not load the corresponding geocaches just to be sure the icons for those did not overlap the POI icons .  So the only things I loaded on the 66 were the Proximity POIs.  Shown are a couple of photos of my 66 screen showing that indeed the "E" icons correctly show where the Proximity POIs are located.  The first photo shows the distance to a Proximity POI as 177.7 feet. It also shows the alert distance set at 98.9 feet. (A little odd as I set it as 100' in POI Loader).  I then walked up to within 79' of that POI as shown in the 2nd photo.  No alert.  So, the POI is on the 66 and showing correct distances and alert distance.  I am just not getting an actual alert.  The 3rd photo just shows some of the 26 Proximity POIs displayed on the screen.


Do you think this is more likely a problem is with a setting on my 66?  Or more likely something wrong with the POI file even though it shows on the 66 as being correctly loaded?








Edited by Cheminer Will

Have you tried manually editing a waypoint on the 66 and setting the proximity that way? When I do so on my 64st and my friend's 62s, it shows an orange circle around the waypoint when viewing the map. I would expect the 66 to do likewise. I noticed that your map screenshot does not have that. I'm not suggesting you do that with all your waypoints but it might reveal something in your testing. 

3 hours ago, JohnCNA said:

Have you tried manually editing a waypoint on the 66 and setting the proximity that way? When I do so on my 64st and my friend's 62s, it shows an orange circle around the waypoint when viewing the map. I would expect the 66 to do likewise. I noticed that your map screenshot does not have that. I'm not suggesting you do that with all your waypoints but it might reveal something in your testing. 


He is trying to get proximity warnings for geocaches, which can not be set in this manner, thus the POI Proximity method.

7 hours ago, Atlas Cached said:


He is trying to get proximity warnings for geocaches, which can not be set in this manner, thus the POI Proximity method.

I have manually set proximities on waypoints and received a tone when entering the proximity circle. It was not possible to do that with geocaches, so I placed a waypoint at the same location as the cache and set the proximity on the waypoint. I have also used Basecamp to select a bunch of waypoints and set proximity on all at once. When the exported GPX was copied to the 64st, the circles and alerts were working. 


I just thought setting one or more test waypoints manually on the device might clarify the native capability of the device and eliminate the possibility of a GSAK setting. 

Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, JohnCNA said:

I just thought setting one or more test waypoints manually on the device might clarify the native capability of the device and eliminate the possibility of a GSAK setting. 


As detailed above, setting an alarm manually for an individual point works fine.  When arriving at the proximity circle line, the tone I have set for "Approaching" sounds.  When leaving the proximity circle, the tone I have set for "Leaving" sounds.  What this thread is about is loading hundreds of custom POIs, with invisible icons, and a set proximity alarm distance.  Those custom POIs match directly to the geocaches we are loading to the 66. (Although I have tried it without loading caches, only Custom POIs, and still no success.)  So every geocache has a perfectly location matched custom POI.  All is working fine up to the last step when a proximity alarm should sound.  At least one person here has it working for them.  On my 66 the proximity alarm is not sounding or displaying, either because of an issue with the proximity data in the file, or a setting on my 66.


If you go to GPSrChiveGPSMAP 66>Operation>POI (Points of Interest) there is a very well done explanation of what this is and how to do it --->  Geocache Proximity Alert POIs 


If you are willing to follow those instructions and see if it works for you, we would really appreciate it.  Almost nobody is trying this yet, but if wrinkles can be ironed out, I think it will be a very popular tool.

Edited by Cheminer Will

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