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How to change default car navigation app?


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Now that I have a phone that can actually navigate to a cache, I've been using the app more and more.


When I hit the car icon for street routing from my location to a cache or to parking coordinates, the app automatically opens up Google Maps .  Which is fine, but I prefer using Waze when I can, as it not only routes, it also shows what the current speed limit is.  (This is very helpful in Europe given that there are speed cameras EVERYWHERE.) 


I can't figure out how to change preferences/options to make this happen.  I didn't have Waze installed when I first installed the Geocaching app, so I don't recall whether I was given an option. 


If anyone has successfully changed their setup so that the Geocaching app opens Waze (short of uninstalling Google Maps), can you please share how to do so?  Do I need to uninstall and reinstall the Geocaching app?  Or is it even possible to use anything other than Google maps?

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Thanks for mentioning this!  It reminded me to go check if this kind of thing is possible.


See if this is what you want.  I started with this link, but it wasn't matching up with my phone settings.


So I went to Settings - Apps - Waze - Open by default - Opening supported links - Open in this app


That set Waze to open "by default".  I returned to The Official Geocaching App, "navigated by car" to a Geocache, and Waze popped up!  The Geocache within Waze is called "Received Location", and of course sends you to some stopping point along some road, by a range of addresses.  But that's pretty much what Google Maps does.


Some considerations:  I can't buh-leeve it's this easy.  There must be a catch.  I have not tested this new feature at all.  There are extra steps to return to the App (basically, I can drop back to the Home screen, and select Geocaching again, without closing Waze).


Looks like if you add more Geocaches, Waze will append them and build a route.  So that could be pretty cool.  Check it out, and see what can be done about making the waypoints more friendly.  It may be tough to keep track of which cache is which if it's just a street address.


Just now tried messing with Spyglass (replacement compass).  It has "no supported links".  It would be great to also be able to select whatever compass I like.  Now I'm looking at iPhone, to see if I can do something similar with Waze.


Edited by kunarion
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19 hours ago, kunarion said:

I went to Settings - Apps - Waze - Open by default - Opening supported links - Open in this app


That set Waze to open "by default".  I returned to The Official Geocaching App, "navigated by car" to a Geocache, and Waze popped up!  The Geocache within Waze is called "Received Location", and of course sends you to some stopping point along some road, by a range of addresses.  But that's pretty much what Google Maps does.


That worked!  I had some different prompts to go through, so we may be using different Android OS's (I've got 8.0.0 at the moment), but it was easy enough to muddle through.


At first I set Waze to open supported URLs by default, and when I picked the car navigation option in the Geocaching app, it opened Waze automatically.


Then I set both Google Maps and Waze to "Always ask" for supported URLs, opened up the Geocaching app again, and hit the car navigation button.  That popped up a bar at the bottom allowing me to pick from multiple apps.  So not only can I choose whether to use Google Maps or Waze, but I can also opt to call an Uber -- or even go through my Deutsche Bahn app and take a bus or train.  That is AWESOME.


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Edited by hzoi
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13 hours ago, Stumpy75 said:

I just discovered that my app also started opening it's navigation in Uber...  Still trying to work through it.


See the posts in this thread.  You may select Apps to open "Maps" or "Waze" or whatever you have installed that you prefer.  You may instead set it up to always ask which map App to open.  But the specific steps depend on the phone and Android version.

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