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Can Someone Rescue A TB In Taiwan For Me?


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Hi Everyone, 

My trackable has been sitting in a cache in Taiwan in Guanzihling Hot Springs cache. GC1PHJF. Since February 2017 (it is now October 2018). And no one has found the cache since this time. The cache is not missing but someone did put a maintenance thing on it because the log book was wet. So a reviewer's comment is the most recent log. However, the person who added the TB in February 2017 said, "Was wet so I've put it all in zip lock bag" and I think she cleaned out the cache a bit. But this was prior to the reviewer responding to the earlier "needs maintenance" log. So I think people are being deterred and not searching for the cache because of the maintenance thing on it. Yet it sounds as though it is fine. Can someone please rescue my TB? I am in Australia - so a LONG WAY AWAY!

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If you are worried about people being deterred from going to the cache, write a note on the cache page and ask someone to please pick up the TB, and say you believe a geocacher did some maintenance. Sometimes someone might do this as a favour. I mean, I have picked up TBs and then seen where they want to go and have gone out of my way, more than once, to deliver it to the exact destination, so I'm sure others would be willing to do favours too.

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We see this a lot for some odd reason ...people placing trackables in caches that need maintenance.

One a couple months ago had the baggie it was in floating on top.  At least it was in good shape. The log and everything else weren't so lucky....


I feel you're probably correct, a NM with a Reviewer note since February last year,  most are probably surprised it hasn't been archived by now.

The CO not active for some time, most remaining caches have NM red wrenches.  I'd be surprised it's still there.

Like Goldenwattle,   I might place a Write Note on that cache page, asking for someone to pick up my trackable (if even still there...).

Maybe someone would be interested in finding it

Good luck.  :)





Edited by cerberus1
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