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I'm having urges

Lazyboy & Mitey Mite

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We have lots of deer in our part of the woods. Can't count them they are so thick, almost like rats with longer legs.


So, I've been thinking how much fun it would be to shoot one in the butt with a BB gun. I haven't done this myself but I understand some consider this great sport. I mean they have thick hides and eat roses for crying out loud.


Anyone ever hear of someone shooting a deer in the butt with a BB gun????? Care to name names????


Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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let me see. I knew a couple of guys who used to shoot them through the ears with .22.250's, There was a person in Sunriver shooting them in the guts with a .22 because they eat her shrubs, I knew a person that popped a few with marbles from a wrist rocket, I know they will jump from bottle rockets popping over their heads, I know they really do not like human hair in nylon bags hanging from shrubs, I know they do not like moth balls scattered on the ground. But as for the BB gun thing, that remains as a to-do for later days. Give it a whirl and let me know how it turns out :

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On behalf of Lazy Boy and Mighty Mite, I have to rise to the defense on two points. First, the social atmosphere among Oregon geocachers seems to be fairly tight. There is ample evidence that much of the message exchanges among this group could be considered "chit-chat". But isn't fellowship among cachers part of the reason for this site? I wonder if you would have objected had Lazy Boy and Mighty Mite asked if anyone had a recipe for rubarb pie.


Secondly, there may be a subtlety to their circumstance that escapes you. In some areas of Southern Oregon, herds of "subdivision deer" are becoming a major nuisance. As deer feed in gardens and flowerbeds, they gradually become desensitized to human presence. Any biologist will tell you that a wild animal that has lost its fear of man is a potential danger.


Have you ever had a 150 pound animal come at you with ill intent? I have - a doe mule deer who decided that my backyard was her turf, in spite of the fact that I was walking the property with three 100 pound labrador retrievers. I've also had a pretty good sized buck bust of the the brush, antlers down and frothing at the mouth, to challenge the dogs and me.


As a rural Oregonian, I accept these "perils" as a consequence of the intersection of species. I enjoy the priviledge of seeing critters without having to pay an admission price. Yet, a slap in the butt with a BB may serve as a reminder to treat the two-leggeds with caution, potentially saving all concerned with far less grief and pain.

The more people I meet, the more I like my dogs.


John & Mare

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Originally posted by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite:

So, I've been thinking how much fun it would be to shoot one in the butt with a BB gun. I haven't done this myself but I understand some consider this great sport.


Fun? Sport? Sorry oregonblackdog, but it sounded like he just wanted to get off...not get them off 'his land'. I guess I misunderstood (??) Oregon aint unique--we have the same situation up here.


In WA, we exchange our pie recipes in our geocaches. icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite:

So, I've been thinking how much fun it would be to shoot one in the butt with a BB gun. I haven't done this myself but I understand some consider this great sport.


Fun? Sport? Sorry oregonblackdog, but it sounded like he just wanted to get off...not get them off 'his land'. I guess I misunderstood (??) Oregon aint unique--we have the same situation up here.


In WA, we exchange our pie recipes in our geocaches. icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by oregonblackdog:


Have you ever had a 150 pound animal come at you with ill intent? I have - a doe mule deer who decided that my backyard was her turf, in spite of the fact that I was walking the property with three 100 pound labrador retrievers. I've also had a pretty good sized buck bust of the the brush, antlers down and frothing at the mouth, to challenge the dogs and me.



Well, the so-called "Frothing Mouth" deer was most likely trying to scare your dogs, not you. Wild animals such as deer, cougars, coyotes, bears, whatever else, don't really enjoy attacking humans without a reason. They will however attack other animals to get them to go away. Most animals are smart enough to know that attacking humans is a bad idea. I see a deer almost everyday by my apartment in Beaverton and there no way in heck that I'd shoot it. Be it with a bb-gun, a .22, a slingshot, or just throwing snow at it, it's still wrong. Why the heck do you think some of the deers and stuff are agitated in the first place?? It's because people like you shoot them with bb-guns. I personally think this is completely idiotic and has no point of being on the Geocaching webpage. If you want to hurt a deer for, OH NO, EATING PLANTS (which is what God put them on the Earth to do), then there's something wrong with you. I'm sure that the deers don't like the fact that humans throw up a 150 house suddivision in the middle of thier stomping grounds. Animals tend to only attack humans when they are provoked. The deer you were talking about would've most likely just run away if your dogs weren't with you. And what's the point of saying it was "frothing at the mouth"?? Like a deer is going to try to bite you icon_rolleyes.gif


If I see anyone shooting the deers around my place with BB-Guns, you may expect a shot in your own *** from me and my girlfriend just so we can see you twitch around and get all agitated. Because what can it hurt? You wear pants right icon_rolleyes.gif


buneatg.gifI am the Rabbit King, I can do anything

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Originally posted by oregonblackdog:


Have you ever had a 150 pound animal come at you with ill intent? I have - a doe mule deer who decided that my backyard was her turf, in spite of the fact that I was walking the property with three 100 pound labrador retrievers. I've also had a pretty good sized buck bust of the the brush, antlers down and frothing at the mouth, to challenge the dogs and me.



Well, the so-called "Frothing Mouth" deer was most likely trying to scare your dogs, not you. Wild animals such as deer, cougars, coyotes, bears, whatever else, don't really enjoy attacking humans without a reason. They will however attack other animals to get them to go away. Most animals are smart enough to know that attacking humans is a bad idea. I see a deer almost everyday by my apartment in Beaverton and there no way in heck that I'd shoot it. Be it with a bb-gun, a .22, a slingshot, or just throwing snow at it, it's still wrong. Why the heck do you think some of the deers and stuff are agitated in the first place?? It's because people like you shoot them with bb-guns. I personally think this is completely idiotic and has no point of being on the Geocaching webpage. If you want to hurt a deer for, OH NO, EATING PLANTS (which is what God put them on the Earth to do), then there's something wrong with you. I'm sure that the deers don't like the fact that humans throw up a 150 house suddivision in the middle of thier stomping grounds. Animals tend to only attack humans when they are provoked. The deer you were talking about would've most likely just run away if your dogs weren't with you. And what's the point of saying it was "frothing at the mouth"?? Like a deer is going to try to bite you icon_rolleyes.gif


If I see anyone shooting the deers around my place with BB-Guns, you may expect a shot in your own *** from me and my girlfriend just so we can see you twitch around and get all agitated. Because what can it hurt? You wear pants right icon_rolleyes.gif


buneatg.gifI am the Rabbit King, I can do anything

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Deer do not bite. The reason I mentioned the frothing was to point out that seemingly placid wild animals can work themselves into quite a state when territorial issues are broached. This IS a relevant statement for a geocaching discussion, because we need to keep this fact in mind when we venture afield, especially with kids and pets. This, in my mind, is not obsessing but being "woods-wise".


At the risk of provoking another "flame" I would like to clarify two things, rabbit. First, I have never shot at a deer with a BB gun. A .270 and a bow, yes.


Secondly, I have never threatened to shoot anyone, anywhere, with any thing, for any reason, ever.


Catch my drift?


John & Mare

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I have shot and killed my fair share of deer and will continue to do so. As far as we are concerned in our area they are an infestation.


I don't get off shooting deer in the butt, I get off eating them.


And I wouldn't shoot a human regardless unless they planned on harming me.


Stick up for all your furry creatures. I will continue to eat them [:D]


Most of the "city" deer down the hill from me are being loved to death. They now depend on humans for food and the stupid humans are providing. They are diseased and dying because of the lousy diet. It's against the law to feed them but lovers of furry creatures are doing just that.


Does this belong here? Of course not but many matters outside of geocaching seem to be discussed here. Should anyone desire to flame me over this it's fine by me. You are also welcome to shoot a deer in the butt if you like. It doesn't hurt them a bit and it helps to chase them off. I don't have city deer where I live. They are heathly and afraid of humans. Any deer out here stupid enough to come close to a house will not be around long enough to screw up the gene pool.


Deer can be very dangerous when they lose the fear of humans. I suggest avoiding such deer at all costs. They may have very cute faces and lovely eyes but they are wild and have harmed many humans. I've seen a confused buck trample a hiker before. It actually stood over it and did a little dance until we chased it off. Poor hiker needed help getting out.


Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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I have shot and killed my fair share of deer and will continue to do so. As far as we are concerned in our area they are an infestation.


I don't get off shooting deer in the butt, I get off eating them.


And I wouldn't shoot a human regardless unless they planned on harming me.


Stick up for all your furry creatures. I will continue to eat them [icon_smile.gif]


Most of the "city" deer down the hill from me are being loved to death. They now depend on humans for food and the stupid humans are providing. They are diseased and dying because of the lousy diet. It's against the law to feed them but lovers of furry creatures are doing just that.


Does this belong here? Of course not but many matters outside of geocaching seem to be discussed here. Should anyone desire to flame me over this it's fine by me. You are also welcome to shoot a deer in the butt if you like. It doesn't hurt them a bit and it helps to chase them off. I don't have city deer where I live. They are heathly and afraid of humans. Any deer out here stupid enough to come close to a house will not be around long enough to screw up the gene pool.


Deer can be very dangerous when they lose the fear of humans. I suggest avoiding such deer at all costs. They may have very cute faces and lovely eyes but they are wild and have harmed many humans. I've seen a confused buck trample a hiker before. It actually stood over it and did a little dance until we chased it off. Poor hiker needed help getting out.


Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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icon_biggrin.gif RobertLG, it takes real character to offer a public apology! Now, let's all grab our Divine Instruments, put aside our differences (which we are priviledged to be able to air in this or any other forum in this country), and go score a few more caches!


John & Mare


[This message was edited by oregonblackdog on June 29, 2002 at 12:59 PM.]

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icon_biggrin.gif RobertLG, it takes real character to offer a public apology! Now, let's all grab our Divine Instruments, put aside our differences (which we are priviledged to be able to air in this or any other forum in this country), and go score a few more caches!


John & Mare


[This message was edited by oregonblackdog on June 29, 2002 at 12:59 PM.]

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Well Robert I take very little seriously around here. Sticking pins in butts or girlie names really gave me a laugh. Even the animal lover white rabbit that said he'd shoot me gave me a laugh.


I wasn't able to butt shoot any deer around here today, too close to home and hunters. But should someone plant a cache in Shady Cove or Keno, where the deer think they are goats, maybe then I"ll get a chance to pop one for you all.


Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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1. The plural of deer is deer, not deers.


2. Deer do attack people during the rut, not in defense of their territory, not out of fear, it's a hormone thing. I have even seen deer attack cars and trucks. They are simply nuts at this time of year.


3. The big game animal that kills the most humans in the U.S. every year is the white tail deer. I believe most of this can be attributed to car accidents.


4. People who are against hunting but still eat meat are hypocrites that have other people do their killing for them.


5. Vegitarians only eat things that can't run away.


6. Deer are tasty.


7. I have never shot a deer with a bb gun, 44mag yes, 30 06 yes, 50cal muzzle loader yes, snowball yes. The last one lived.


8. I have been shot with a bb gun, it's no big deal unless you are like 3 feet away. A pellet gun is a different story.

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Back in high school my physics teacher considered it great sport to hide in the woods and jump out and slap deer in the butt. He was also heavily into martial arts. Don't know why I mentioned that.


I wouldn't use a bb-gun to dissuade deer from gathering in a garden or for sport. I would use my paintball gun. Then all the other deer would see the mark I left on the bad deer. They would ask him where it happened. Then they would know to stay out of my garden. I shot a stray dog with my paintball gun once and he never came back. It works. Once when I lived in the Philippines I shot a stray cat with a blowgun and he never came back either, but for different reasons. icon_wink.gif


"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night. Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."

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Back in high school my physics teacher considered it great sport to hide in the woods and jump out and slap deer in the butt. He was also heavily into martial arts. Don't know why I mentioned that.


I wouldn't use a bb-gun to dissuade deer from gathering in a garden or for sport. I would use my paintball gun. Then all the other deer would see the mark I left on the bad deer. They would ask him where it happened. Then they would know to stay out of my garden. I shot a stray dog with my paintball gun once and he never came back. It works. Once when I lived in the Philippines I shot a stray cat with a blowgun and he never came back either, but for different reasons. icon_wink.gif


"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night. Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."

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