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The Game - 8/27/02 - 7pm


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The cache was truly incredible! What an experience wandering the west side with about 30 geocachers, getting to put many names with faces. The after-cache was lots of fun too, though it was still going when I left around midnight.

(Hey drea, don't forget to actually log your find!)

You are a crazy and fun group to hang with! I hope I can get to another one of the gatherings soon.



This event quickly went from a multi-type cache hunt, to a roving band of technocrats, bent on discussions not related to G.C. The Max will never be the same. My favorite part must have been the speeding car that performed a drive-by-clueing. Skeletor behind the wheel was a nice addition. Classic!


It was a fun to watch non G.C. folks expressions when 30 people poured out of a train with weird little gadgets. It was great to meet some new friends, as well as the crowd regulars.


Hey Fractal, hope you enjoyed the Margarita, and I look forward to the next adventure.


A-painting I will go now. Well maybe sleep first.


Thanks to eveyrone for showing up.. And I do mean everyone! Way more people than I expected, but it appears that everyone had a good time icon_smile.gif


If you played, don't forget to log it!


Let's see.... What can I do for a Game 2.0...? icon_wink.gif




[This message was edited by fractal on September 01, 2002 at 08:20 PM.]


At one point a chopper flew over and we all thought, "No. fractal couldn't have gotten his hands on a chopper . . ." So what's been left out of this virtual log? Tasty squid, excellent service at Cassidy's, and assorted decadence and depravity that shall remain undescribed. All in all, a well-rounded evening. Tons of fun! Best of luck, igor71!


Originally posted by Geo Boltz:

maybe I should plan my next vacation around The Game II.


fractal, is THE MASTER of cache design! This one had us,(about twenty or so?) hopping trains terrorizing commuters, running with sissors, and carring a small coffin-like box full of feed your head geo-bubbles (one of them contained the final cooridnance of said fractal) around Portland for three hours or so. As there is only one fractal, and he's Portlands icon_razz.gif I think you should plan to be here for the game V2.0




Originally posted by Geo Boltz:

I'm in SoCal but I have been watching this game develop and have been waiting w/ baited breath to see how it went and what it was all about. It's 11:30 pacific time and only one logged visit and one message...I guess everyone is still out having fun...I can't wait to hear about this. The promos and hype were so intense...maybe I should plan my next vacation around The Game II.


Since I had done fractal's Contact Cache I knew how much attention to detail he was capable of. I have been watching this wanting to find out what happened and how it well it went. It sounds like it went really well but everyone is being very vague about what happened. I would like to plan a special event like this in Colorado so I was curious.


Maybe if I hold it at CooperSmiths here in Fort Collins and home of Fat Tire beer there would be hope of luring some of you out here to help with such a event. icon_biggrin.gif Reading about the event caches in Portland area really make me miss the Northwest. I moved away to the land of sunshine and kick-*** views at nearly the exact same time Geocaching came about.


Anyway I would love to hear details of what was planned and what actually happened. I think it might be a great discussion in the organized Geocaching forum.




A = A


Originally posted by Dan Edwards:


Maybe if I hold it at CooperSmiths here in Fort Collins and home of Fat Tire beer there would be hope of luring some of you out here to help with such a event.


Hmmmm. I like it so far. There are three crucial components to a good geocaching get-together, and beer may be the most important one.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Well, i finally rented the movie 'the game' last night. and now i get the joke with fractal's t-shirt. also i'm glad i don't take cabs much anymore.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed

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