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Logged Geocoin into the wrong cache!


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Recently, I left a geocoin (https://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?guid=2f1dcd27-37e4-4ea6-8ece-cd40a87e824e) in GC3JEY8. However, I accidentally logged it into GC6C3RX. I have written a note for the coin's owner but they haven't been active for a year. Is there a way I can correct this log?


Simple. "retrieve" the coin from GC6C3RX and "drop" it in GC3JEY8 from the coin's listing. You do have the tracking number do you?

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If you have the tracking number, use it to grab the coin, and then drop the coin correctly. Without the tracking number, no. There's no fix for you. An active coin owner can do it, ie, they can grab and drop their own coin anytime.


Assuming you do NOT have the tracking number, I'd add a clear Write Note log to the cache where you did drop it. Or just let it go, someone will pick it up, and (we hope) log it. It'll just have a bit of wrong history...

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As stated above you need the tracking number to grab it back to drop into the cache it actually sits in. If you did not write down that tracking number somewhere the only way to get it is to reach out to the owner who can then either do it for you or send it to you to do yourself. With the owner unresponsive all you can do is wait for someone to grab it from where it lies and re-enter it into the tracking system correctly.

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As others have said, if you wrote down the tracking number, now you know why that was such a good idea. This is one of many reasons I always write the tracking number in my notes as soon as I pick the TB up.


If you didn't write down the tracking number, add notes (or edit finds) on the two caches -- the one where it really is, and the one where you said it is -- to alert people visiting those caches of the discrepancy, and also edit the drop log (or add a note) to explain, giving the GC code of the cache where you actually placed it. It's not that big of a deal, but adding some info to the logs will help anyone that cares sort out what happened.

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Except for my early caching years I have all tracking numbers in a GSAK trackable database. Especially while logging via API this is a very easy and convenient way to log caches + trackables in one go adding the trackables to the database automatically. That way I can go back to any TB and see where/when it was retrieved/dropped/discovered.

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