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Just guessing... but more than likely, you are using the Intro-app as opposed to the (full) Pro-app.

Intro-app is the free one, Pro-app costs.


The Intro show you only select caches... generally "beginner"-type.

The Pro-app shows all, aside from Premium Member Only (PMO) unless you spring for Premium Membership.




Then too, if you refresh upon moving to another area, it will show those... either app.

Edited by Gitchee-Gummee
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I can see lots of caches on the map on my laptop but when out and about looking on my iPhone I can see all of them why is this


You can see on the phone, the same caches you can see on your laptop? :blink:


OR. Do you mean you can see less caches on the phone, than you can on your laptop?

Using WHICH app? Groundspeak's Basic/Trial/Free one by any chance?

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Also, the official paid-for app will only load up to 30 caches at any one time (you can set that preference in your "settings"), presumably to save on the amount of data it takes to load them. In the right hand corner is three dots, click that and you'll see "load more results".

The only time I find this useful is when saving to offline, as the more caches loaded, the slower the app is and the more likely it is to crash and close.


Unless of course you're using the free/trial app, then the others have that bit covered :)

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