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Hate when I post a DNF and then ...

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My simple rule: If I get to GZ and look for the cache and cannot find it, then it is a DNF. Period. Dot. It could be 2 seconds because muggles showed up or 2 hours of extensive searching, it doesn't matter to me. It's just part of the fun of geocaching. I'll admit that I love finding caches that others before me couldn't and vise versa, have had others look for caches just because I couldn't find it. It's just a part of the game that makes it that much more fun to me.


People need to maintain a sense of humor. One of the amusing ironies of this game is that while in general practice and experience will make finding a cache faster and easier, there are many reasons (including luck!) that will cause someone to DNF an easy one, and find a tough one amazingly fast. The same principle applies to the n00b and the veteran. The veteran is *usually* faster, but at any given cache the n00b may put the veteran to shame.




um...for many of us in this thread, this is us expressing our sense of humour about the situation


... the next 10 yahoos say "Easy find", "Didn't take long", blah blah BLAH! Especially those with significantly fewer finds than me. Way to rub salt in my wound, people! At least lie to me and say it took you hours! Lol!


:cry: :cry: :cry:


This is a tough call. Most people i'm sure don't want to hurt your feelings. However, they want to accurately report their experience - and maybe even celebrate their good fortune.


I remember once having exceptionally good luck finding a cache. Looking at a recent post where a veteran said he struggled, I felt I needed to tone down my celebration. But really, I shouldn't have. The next five times i'm sure he found a cache faster than me. It's not a competitive game.


This is a totally light-hearted post and I am making fun of myself! ^_^ And yes, we need a sense of humor about DNFs! There are so many bigger things to worry about. I'm just having a lil' fun.


People need to maintain a sense of humor. One of the amusing ironies of this game is that while in general practice and experience will make finding a cache faster and easier, there are many reasons (including luck!) that will cause someone to DNF an easy one, and find a tough one amazingly fast. The same principle applies to the n00b and the veteran. The veteran is *usually* faster, but at any given cache the n00b may put the veteran to shame.




um...for many of us in this thread, this is us expressing our sense of humour about the situation


YES! THIS ^^^ exactly this ^^^


That's why I try to disclaim when I run out of patience and just quit looking, versus when I look in every nook and cranny and find nothing.

I claim there's no difference: "I looked in every nook and cranny" really means "I ran out of patience trying to figure out where there are more nooks and crannies." When I think it's important, I give the time I searched, since that gives someone familiar with the area an idea how much effort I put into it, while talking about my patience tells them nothing unless they know how much patience I have.


Not necessarily, at least for me. If I show up at GZ and discover a cache is hidden somewhere in a field of rip rap, or is a micro in the woods (or just in a giant juniper tree), I give it about one or two minutes of cursory looking before bailing, because I'm not a masochist. Those are the caches I count as "lost my patience."

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