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Flying South Geocoin


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The "Flying South Geocoin" is our project.


We will ship to nearly all countries in the world. The shipping within Europe will cost 5 €, the shipping without of Europe 6 €. If you pay via paypal, we took an additional fee for paypal of 5 %.


So within Europe the set of coins will cost 49,88 € and without of Europe 50,93 €.


Please contact us via e-mail to geocoin@team-thefox.de

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Received a message from Mario on 11/17/2014 but no word since. Could you please update on the status of these coins. Thank you.


"Dear customers of our Flying-South-Geocoins,


two months ago you have ordered the Flying-South-Geocoins. We are

still waiting for the delivery.


Now our shop (Coinwerk) informed us that there was a communication

problem between Coinwerk and the Chinese manufacturer. So the coins

were not produced yet. Coinwerk has now given the approval. But it

will l will last minimum six weeks until the coins were delivered.


I know that this is not a good news. But we hope that you have

understanding for this situation. We will keep you updated.


If you have any questions, please ask us.


Best wishes


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Received a message from Mario on 11/17/2014 but no word since. Could you please update on the status of these coins. Thank you.


"Dear customers of our Flying-South-Geocoins,


two months ago you have ordered the Flying-South-Geocoins. We are

still waiting for the delivery.


Now our shop (Coinwerk) informed us that there was a communication

problem between Coinwerk and the Chinese manufacturer. So the coins

were not produced yet. Coinwerk has now given the approval. But it

will l will last minimum six weeks until the coins were delivered.


I know that this is not a good news. But we hope that you have

understanding for this situation. We will keep you updated.


If you have any questions, please ask us.


Best wishes



Mario contacted me last week and I am in contact with the shop owner as I do know him quite well to get an information about the issues they have. I`ll keep you all and Mario updated.

Edited by longtomsilver
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Dear customers of our Flying-South-Geocoin.


four months ago you have ordered the Flying-South-Geocoins. Until now we are still waiting for the delivery.


Our shop (Coinwerk) isn't able to tell us an exact date or anyother details. We haven't seen the photos of the sample coins yet.


We are now in the clarification and we will keep you updated. We hope that we can give you more detailed information at the begin of February.


If you have any questions, please ask us.


Best wishes


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Thank you Mario for the update BUT...

It seems to me that four months is a very long time to not even have seen production photos or gotten updates from Coinwerk. Are you sure these coins are even being produced? I would certainly like to know if we can expect a refund of money if there is no proof of production and delivery date for these coins. I paid $67.35 for these three coins on September 19,2014 and would like a refund if no answers are given by Coinwerk as soon as possible. Waiting until February now is just too long. Thank you for help. LJ

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Actually we don't know if the coin was produced.


We have set an ultimate delivery time within the next week (28th january 2015). If there is no delivery, we will withdraw from the contact with Coinwerk and reclaim the paid money (over 2.000 €). We will refund the paid money if the coin is not produced.


Please be patient for ten days.


We hope that everything is going to be alright.

Edited by Team TheFox
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As I heard from Mario Team Fox he now has proofed documents that the coinorder finally made it to the mint. Its ashame because the Shopowner is a friend and I didn't get out what had happened. But due to the message from the mint Team Fox is pretty sure to get these coins by end of march, early april due to chinese New Year. My coinorder is still in and I will stick to my order.

This is nothing compared to the fuzz of Circle of Four Coins years ago.

Edited by longtomsilver
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As longtomsilver says we have seen the minting artwork now. Our shop now ordered the coins via a well-known factory in China. At first he ordered via an unreliable company.


I think we will know the delivery date within this weak.


If you want to cancel your order, please send me an e-mail. Then I will do a refund.

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Longtomsilver, I do realize it was not Team TheFox fault for not having these coins in time as promised. They apparently trusted the wrong manufacturer to have them produced with. I am in no way comparing them to the makers/designers of the Circle of Four, Lady Luck, Cat Got Your Cache, Titanic, etc....

I hope Team TheFox understands this. I just have personal reasons for not wanting to wait any longer and will be requesting a refund.

I hope they come through for you all and hope they look as nice as they appear in the illustrations. Regards, LJ

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Liebe Vorbesteller der Flying-South-Geocoins,


nach langer Zeit möchten wir Euch ein Update zur Flying-South-Geocoin

geben. Wie Ihr wisst, haben wir unserem Shop COINWERK bis Ende Januar

Zeit gegeben, die Angelegenheit zu klären. Daraufhin teilte uns

COINWERK Folgendes mit:


„Wir bedauern die Verzögerung sehr. Leider ist der beauftragte

Hersteller für uns derzeit nicht greifbar. Emails werden ausweichend,

oder meist gar nicht beantwortet und auch telefonisch kann der

Ansprechpartner nicht erreicht werden. Den Grund können wir uns

derzeit nicht erklären. Da die Fertigung bereits zu einem großen Teil

im Voraus bezahlt wurde, sehen Sie uns bitte nach, dass wir nicht

direkt auf einen alternativen Anbieter zurückgegriffen haben, sondern

zunächst auf die Aussage der baldigen Fertigstellung vertrauten, um

Schaden von uns abzuwenden.


Nach Rücksprache mit unserem Rechtsbeistand haben wir den Vertrag mit

dem Hersteller aufgekündigt. Gleichzeitig wurde ein anderer

Hersteller, mit dem wir bereits sehr gute Erfahrungen machen konnten,



Für ihre Verärgerung haben wir großes Verständnis! Ihre betroffenen

Kunden dürfen sich gerne an uns wenden – wir werden dann gemeinsam

Lösungen finden.


Wir erwarten den Liefertermin, sowie das Artwork kurzfristig und

werden Sie umgehend in Kenntnis setzen. Zudem garantieren wir für die

Einhaltung des Termins! Sprich nach Ablauf erklären wir uns

ausdrücklich mit der Aufhebung des Vertrages einverstanden.“


Das Hersteller-Artwork der Flying-South-Geocoin wurde uns bereits von

COINWERK übermittelt. Als Shipping-Date hat die chinesische Fabrik den

10. April 2015 genannt. Die Verzögerung ist vor allem dem Chinesischen

Neujahrsfest geschuldet.


Somit wird es mit einer endgültigen Lieferung der Geocoins vermutlich

Anfang Mai werden.


Wir sind mit dieser Gesamtsituation mehr als unzufrieden. Wenn Ihr vom

Vertrag zurücktreten möchtet, haben wir durchaus Verständnis dafür.

Eine E-Mail an uns mit Angabe Eurer Bankverbindung genügt.


Wenn Ihr Fragen habt, könnt Ihr uns gerne ansprechen. Auch COINWERK

steht Euch für Fragen zur Verfügung (E-Mail an order@coinwerk.de).


Wir hoffen, Euch mit den Angaben bedient zu haben.


Viele Grüße,

Mario Fuchs




Dear customers of our Flying-South-Geocoin.


after another month we want to give you an update for the Flying-South-Geocoins.


Our shop COINWERK told us, that they had big problems with an

unreliable minting factory in China. Now they had choosen another

minting factory with a good reputation and placed a new order. We have

seen the artwork of the coins. The Chinese minting factory told the

10th April 2015 as shipping date. This delays is mainly due to Chinese

new year.


So we will send the geocoins to you at the begin of Mai.


We are very dissatisfied with the whole situation. If you want to

cancel your order, this is no problem. Send us an e-mail.


If you have any questions, please ask us. You can ask COINWERK too

(E-Mail: order@coinwerk.de).


Best wishes

Mario Fuchs

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After two months we want to give you an update for the Flying-South-Geocoins.


The Chinese company failed to meet the deadline (shipping date 10th april). Our shop COINWERK told us the end of april als next delivery date.


After many delays in the past, this new delay on the part of COINWERK is not acceptable anymore. As we don't know, if this new date can be fulfilled, and we have been waiting seven months for the geocoin, we have withdrawn from the contract with COINWERK and demanded the refund of the paid money.


This means for you that we withdraw the advance order with you. You will get a fully refund of the paid amount.


If the Flying-South-Coins would be produced in the future, they will be sold in the COINWERK shop (www.coinwerk.de) at the end of April


Best wishes,

Mario Fuchs

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Not able to complete purchase.


When I try to complete purchase and have to pick shipping I get this message: Es ist keine Versandart vorhanden. Translated by google: There is no delivery service available.


Can you help please.

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Not able to complete purchase.


When I try to complete purchase and have to pick shipping I get this message: Es ist keine Versandart vorhanden. Translated by google: There is no delivery service available.


Can you help please.


I contacted the shop and asked what can be done. If there is no solution by the shop, I can order them for you.

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Ok, the shop owner told me that of course he sends the coins also abroad. The shop will be also available in English in the future. If you still have that problem I think the best is you use thr "Kontakt" button on the bottom righr. Then you just have to fill out your email-address and "Sicherheitscode" (security code) and write your text.


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Inthe worst case I still can order them for you.

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Dear BVnLJ,

dear Team Red-one,


i´m so sorry.

We did some changes at the shopsystem some days before and missed to test the shipping module.

Please try again! :)

If there are any other problems, please contact me at order(at)coinwerk.de.


Thank you so much for your patience! :)


Best regards,


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