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Don't leave caches out in the open, please!

The VanDucks

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I can't say how often I've gone out to perform maintenance on one of our caches in the local parks and found the container right out in the open where anyone passing by can see it and take it. I've sometimes contacted the most recent finder to ask how they found it and been told, "It wasn't covered up so I just left it out the way I found it."


Please, if you're new to geocaching, use your common sense (sometimes referred to as "geosense" in these forums!) No cache owner is going to hide a box with goodies in it in a park, playground or along a path and leave it visible and uncovered where every passer-by can see it. If you can see it from 20 feet away when you approach it, hide it after you open it and log it. Find some ground cover, leaves, sticks, small rocks, or hide it in a thicket or hollow log as close to where you found it as you can, where it will be covered up from view. If you think you've had to re-hide it too far from the original location, drop an email to the owner to ask him to check on it.


A few (very few) caches are hidden IPV (in plain view) and they are almost always micros. Examples might be a magnetic nano stuck on a bench or fence. We actually have one like that ourselves. It will be obvious when you find such a cache because it will look like part of its surroundings. You don't need to hide that one better if a muggle would never notice it.


But if you found a lock and lock, or an ammo can, or any container which contains a log book and swag, it should be concealed from sight when you leave it. If you enjoy finding caches, you have a responsibility to leave the cache in good shape for the next finder to enjoy too.

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I absolutely understand your frustration, but I'm afraid you're fighting a uphill battle here....Geocaching has always stressed (and sometimes spells out explicitly in the cache description), to "please hide it back EXACTLY as you found it". Then there is the issue of finders who try to "hide it better", sometimes so much so that even the owner can't find it....this is frowned upon and so good caching etiquette says you don't try to rehide it "better" (even if common sense is telling you you should.


I agree, finders should make an effort not to leave the cache lying out exposed, but all it takes is one person to leave it lying out and all the subsequent hiders to "rehide it exactly as you found it"....

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use your common sense (sometimes referred to as "geosense" in these forums!)


Not trying to be too picky, but "geosense" refers more to a cacher's ability to "sniff out" the geocache, to locate the hidden container in a given location. It's not really a substitution for "common sense". In fact, there are plenty of great caches hidden in a way that seem to defy "common sense"...

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use your common sense (sometimes referred to as "geosense" in these forums!)


Not trying to be too picky, but "geosense" refers more to a cacher's ability to "sniff out" the geocache, to locate the hidden container in a given location. It's not really a substitution for "common sense". In fact, there are plenty of great caches hidden in a way that seem to defy "common sense"...

Common sense? Are we speaking of the human race, here? Really?


True, many (if not most) geocachers will take extreme measures to (re)place the cache as found.

Heck -- maybe they truly left it as found.... out in the open (happens more than you might think).


I view this problem usually related to (disorganized) group caching or the "whole fam damily" out geocaching. Organized cachers shed a different light -- it's easy to tell which-is-which, when you see 'em.

Mom or dad find the cache... every tyke needs to look through it, so they bring it into the open. When finished, Little Billy is told to put it back in hiding. Problem is... Little Billy (or whatever non-finder it may be) doesn't know where was in the first place!

Quite possibly, Little Billy found it, but in his excitement forgot just where it was when he found it.... seen that before, a number of times!


That's the best thing about geocaching... anyone can do it. It's the worst thing about geocaching... anyone can do it.

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You can't always blame little Billy on this, although I do agree this sort of thing does happen in group caching. I've followed a number of prolific cachers and found the cache tossed back in the hole, completely uncovered. It's less about not having common sense and more about just plain old laziness.

Edited by The_Incredibles_
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I'll fess up.


There are times when I'm searching and searching and thinking I won't find it so I'm not paying close attention...then oops, I found it! Sign the log, put it all back together then...uh-oh, how was that attached again? I think it was here, but maybe it was turned like so...? Then there's the thing that was covering it, where did that fall? I can't find it! Oh...that's it. I think. I'll put it up, but how was that set up again...?


A moment of distraction can mean you don't get it 100%. I never leave it out in the open, of course (unless that is how it was intended...of which I have found a few)...but I sometimes cannot guarantee it was put back precisely how I found it. What comes to mind is a micro hanging from a thin branch in a tree. Once or twice the branch broke while I was removing the cache...or it was in a dense area of the tree and I can't recall which one it was hanging on. In those cases I just get it as close as possible to where I think it was intended to be.

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I'd rather find my cache in the open than not find it at all....at least if it's on the open I know it's there.


Yeah, but so does everybody else, non-Geocachers included


Let me rephrase that-I'd rather replace it because it was left in the open and stolen then put a 2nd cache out and there be 2 caches.

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And I would not discount the efforts of various animals. They often clean out hollow logs and stumps looking for their food, or even for nesting spots.


Doug 7rxc


True. I have one cache in particular that I've had to fix twice, and by the way the contents were randomly scattered about I suspect it was animals.

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I agree though, it doesn't take too much effort to put the cache back carefully so it can't be seen by muggles :anibad:

I have only had four out my 22 caches muggled fortunately, I do go out and check them and they are almost always put back very well :D

Most of my caches are made out of old bits and pieces though, I haven't had to spend anything much on them, so if they do get muggled I just make another container :lol:

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I agree.....we find many out in the open and some fall from trees. We always try to re hide and camo the way we think the owner intended.If we are not sure for some reason we leave it like we found it. A local caching friend told me when he re hides he always adds a 1/2 star to the diff. :).....this may actually help offset the fact that most become more exposed over time.

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