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Bruce Trail bans caching


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Looks like the Bruce trail is banning caching where they can.


From the Ontario Geocaching site.......

"Selective Geocaching Ban

Posted on July 3, 2013 by teamvoyagr

We were notified earlier this week that effective June 1, 2013 the Bruce Trail Conservancy has selectively banned physical geocaches along 12% of the Bruce Trail. Only lands owned or directly managed by the Bruce Trail Conservancy are affected.


Earth caches or other “virtual” geocaches may be approved with prior approval from the Bruce Trail Conservancy. It has been explained to the Conservancy that virtual caches cannot get published but they are referring to any non-physical geocache.


The policy notice that we received on June 24th can be found here – BTC Policy


We are characterizing this as a ban because that is effectively what it is. The Conservancy had minimal engagement from the previous OGA executive before they imposed their policy. The Conservancy made no attempt to contact the current executive in the past five months and no draft policy was ever provided for comment or feedback.


Any cache within the 12% of the trail affected will need to be removed. The BTC has not told us which part of the trail this is so we can’t provide guidance on that. Only the BTC can tell if the cache is on owned land. We will provide more guidance if it becomes available. Keep in mind that the Conservancy only has this kind of authority on land it owns or directly manages. The land owner is the only person that can determine was is allowed and what isn’t. If you have already sought land owner approval then your cache will not be affected.


The BTC decision occurred in part because of an incident where caches were placed without permission causing a land owner to revoke permission for the trail to pass through their property. Understandably the BTC had to take action. In our estimation this action is heavy handed and could have been resolved in a way that works for both communities.


The Conservancy’s annual general meeting is coming up in September. We will be petitioning to get geocaching added to the agenda for that meeting. If you are a member of the Bruce Trail Conservancy we encourage you to share your thoughts about this new policy directly with the Conservancy.


From the Bruce trail Site.....

"Geocaches on Bruce Trail Owned or Managed Land:

The BTC will allow only virtual geocaches along the Bruce Trail on BTC owned or managed land. Physical geocaches of any kind are not permitted. A virtual geocache is a physical object that was already at a specific location, e.g. an obvious tree, rock formation, building or structure.

.All geocaches must be approved by completing the Geocache Application.

Geocache Form (.pdf, 88.2 KB).

Geocachers, must travel on blazed trails and NOT STRAY OFF THE TRAIL. Straying off the trail can lead to hazardous situations, e.g. cliffs, crevices and/or disturbing species at risk. This information must be included in the published directions to any virtual cache along the Bruce Trail and its Side Trails.

The BTC will request that a virtual cache be de-listed if it is located off the Trail route. If the cache owner does not de-list the cache as requested, the BTC will notify the local geocaching administrator to request immediate de-listing of the cache in question."


Let's hope there can be a middle ground.


What are your thoughts?


The Conservancy’s annual general meeting is coming up in September. We will be petitioning to get geocaching added to the agenda for that meeting. If you are a member of the Bruce Trail Conservancy we encourage you to share your thoughts about this new policy directly with the Conservancy.



Let's hope there can be a middle ground.


What are your thoughts?


Any idea to whom at the Bruce Trail Conservancy members should address their concerns?


Is it safe to "assume" that nothing has changed in the review process? Another trail club has also posted a similar statement banning caches but at the moment to the best of my knowledge nothing has changed on the review end of the process because its not as simple as saying "caches are not allowed".


Is it safe to "assume" that nothing has changed in the review process? Another trail club has also posted a similar statement banning caches but at the moment to the best of my knowledge nothing has changed on the review end of the process because its not as simple as saying "caches are not allowed".


First thing is first: I am speaking as "northernpenguin", geocaching.com player account not as any official voice of the Ontario Geocaching Association right now.

What I am typing below is not OGA policy or opinion, it is mine.


I believe at this time BTC has not provided Groundspeak - or anyone - with GIS data to show where their land is. Without GIS data the reviewers cannot tell if the cache is on BTC owned land. Remember, only 12% of the Bruce Trail is owned by the BTC. They cannot have caches removed at, say, Hilton Falls Conservation Area or Kerncliffe Park. They do not own that land. I have heard of some cachers being asked to remove caches before this ban came down on BTC owned land - particularly in sections along the Caledon section where the BTC seems to have a real problem with landowners these days. One can only hope they are coming down just as hard on birdwatchers and nature photographers.


As I said on that last thread that Dr. House linked to, do not take action on your caches or anyone else's caches based on this headine that seems intended by BTC to spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) to maybe affect archivals beyond their 12%. If players get spooked and pull caches then they "win" and exert control over more land than they own.


As an avid Bruce Trail hiker I am disappointed that the organization has adapted the poorly conceived Ontario Parks model for managing geocaches on their land when the opportunity was there to work with geocachers to add to the Bruce Trail experience such as Parks Canada does with their policies.


This is not good at all.


I have a cache we placed on the Bruce Trail and it is the section that my X-wife actually monitors and maintains. I will have to look into this ruling.


I get it they don't want someone walking off a cliff, which is possible, but to ban and not make a guideline makes no sense.


Thanks for the post and I will investigate.


Mark Yetman (TeamDoo)

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