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Virtual Caches vs. Waypoint.org

Renegade Knight

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More than once I've seen "take your virtual to waypoint.org. So I looked it up. Boring. Maybe if I want to find one of those caves I'm not supposed to know about it would be nice. But other than that I can't see myself looking up a random waypoint and going there. Heck if I wanted to do that I'd go geodashing and that sounds like more fun.


A virtual cache, however bad puts you in the position of being on a mission to find something more than just the spot on the ground. That added element adds just enough spice to make things fun and makes all the difference between a virtual cache and waypoint.org.


To me there is a world of difference between the two and virtual caches do have their place.



Wherever you go there you are.

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Wow, that's the first I've ever hard of waypoint.org....very lame. I did my first virtual cache the other day. It was pretty cool. It was an easy cache, took me to a small park I didn't know existed with a beautiful artistic water fountain.


If most virtual cache's lead me to cool things like that, then I see no reason they be "taken to waypoint.org."



I'm not saying we should kill all the stupid people in the world. I'm just saying we should remove all the warning labels and let the problem take care of itself.

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Some people just don't get it.


This site is called GeoCaching. Even variations of the game name include something about a stash. With a virt there is no cache. You place a virt where a physcial could go, you take away from the game.


"If you don't like them, then don't do them," is very short sighted. You are only looking at it from a finder's view. What about a hider's view? When a virt holds a spot in a park, it blocks being able to place a physical cache. By it's very definition means there can't be a cache there until the virt goes away.


Like another poster said, a physical cache can be everything a virtual can be and more. However, the only advantage a virt has is being able to go into places physicals are prohibited. By it's very nature, a virt is a lesser cache than a physical. There is nothing lamer than a lame virt--some you can do without even stoping the car! Now, how lame is that? Even with the lamest of physicals there is still something you have find, pick up, open, and interact with.


When/if land managers think virtual caches are "just as good" as physical caches, then a good portion of them will only allow virtuals. As more and more managers get wind of others allowing only virts and thinking that's an acceptable solution, the next thing we know our sport is changed forever.


When you are doing virtual cache, the owner is supposed to be telling you, among other things, "sorry I wasn't able to place a physical cache here, the managers have prohibited them." He's not supposed to be telling you, "I didn't put a physical cache because I didn't feel like it."


"Bring back virtuals?" Where did they go? I still get them in my queries. I also bet I could get one approved on the first or second go around, if I could find an interesting spot around here that I simply could not incorporate into a physical. All you have to do is read some of the posts by the approvers here to realize what it takes to post a virt.

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Originally posted by SE7EN:

Some people just don't get it.


Yeah I agree, everyone says it's about the hunt. Then they say it's not a sport unless there is a dead container in the back of the truck when you are done.


So is it the hunt or is it the container?



Wherever you go there you are.

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Originally posted by wvabackpacker:

I did my first virtual cache the other day. It was pretty cool. It was an easy cache, took me to a small park I didn't know existed with a beautiful artistic water fountain.


Thank you. That's one of my virtuals!


web-lingbutton.gif ntga_button.gif

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Originally posted by Web-ling:

Thank you. That's one of _my_ virtuals!


Cool, didn't notice that Web-ling. The spot your virtual is in would make a great place to do some reading.


I did attempt my second virtual yesterday and couldn't find it. You had to find an item attached to the base of some corn...we checked out every statue and found nothing.



I'm not saying we should kill all the stupid people in the world. I'm just saying we should remove all the warning labels and let the problem take care of itself.

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