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Cache near Playground

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If a hide is 10 or 15 feet up a pine tree and someone goes to visit it during a heavy storm and they slip because it is wet, windy or lighting, who is at fault? Surely not the hider.


If there is a hide on playground equipment and someone looking for it has the PD called on them, it is not the COs fault.


ok.... then lets place caches everwhere. ??? ;(


Why you always take T5 caches to compare with playground caches?


If a stupid without common sense hurts him self doing a T5 cache.. that only hurts him.


If someone without common sense does a cache on playground while kids are playing... he does not hurt him self. He makes other people feel uncomfortable.


That is reallly a big diffrens, or not?


I never said anything about banning caches - you assumed I was calling for a ban. I am not.


I agree, I can ignore a cache and move on, because I have common sense. However, when placing a cache, I consider the fact that there are people out there that lack common sense, and others that will go out of their way to do stupid/illegal/inappropriate things. If there's too much of a concern, I won't hide a cache there.


So the point I was trying to make is that hiders need to consider the fact the there will be finders ignoring common sense, and may lead to issues.


If a hide is 10 or 15 feet up a pine tree and someone goes to visit it during a heavy storm and they slip because it is wet, windy or lighting, who is at fault? Surely not the hider.


If there is a hide on playground equipment and someone looking for it has the PD called on them, it is not the COs fault. Heck, I have had the PD called on me at a tree in the middle of a open field with no houses around in Indiana. the only thing that upset the officer was having to walk in the 10 yards in the snow because I did not see him and was writing in the log.


If a cache owner can try to do something to prevent a negative repercussion on geocaching, they should try.


A person falling out of a tree will have less consequences on the sport than the bomb squad being called in because some idiot hid a cache that is a steel pipe with screw-on caps on it next door to a playground, school or police station. If there is a good chance that a person will look so totally out of place crawling over an electrical box or bridge looking for a cache that the cops will be called, they probably shouldn't hide it there.


There are things that the cache owner should consider doing (or not doing) when hiding a cache to minimize issues.


I never said anything about banning caches - you assumed I was calling for a ban. I am not.


OK, I have been assuming that broadly here and I realize that is not necessarily the case.


I agree, I can ignore a cache and move on, because I have common sense. However, when placing a cache, I consider the fact that there are people out there that lack common sense, and others that will go out of their way to do stupid/illegal/inappropriate things. If there's too much of a concern, I won't hide a cache there.


So the point I was trying to make is that hiders need to consider the fact the there will be finders ignoring common sense, and may lead to issues.


There will be cachers ignoring common sense in any situation. My point is that playgrounds generally are not a place of concern.




ok.... then lets place caches everwhere. ??? ;(


Why you always take T5 caches to compare with playground caches?


If a stupid without common sense hurts him self doing a T5 cache.. that only hurts him.


If someone without common sense does a cache on playground while kids are playing... he does not hurt him self. He makes other people feel uncomfortable.


That is reallly a big diffrens, or not?


I think you are confusing another thread you are on or something. Not only did I never mention anything about a "T5" cache, I most certainly don't "always" do it.


Hunting a cache on a playground may make you uncomfortable, that's fine. If something like that scares you, you should just pass on it. Others, however, are not as unreasonable and capable of deciding for themselves when to look for it or not.


There is no difference between a playground cache or a bus stop cache or, for that matter, a LPC. In fact, an argument can be made for a playground cache over the others as it is something intended for me to use since I paid for it.


While I don't think 'on the playground equipment' is the best place to hide a cache, I'm not going to join a world-wide effort to ban them.


I have done plenty like this, and despite my previous post I go when there is nobody around and I can search at my leisure. Probably my biggest advantage is that I am wearing a work-shirt and look like someone who needs to be there to check the equipment for safety or maintenance.


If you don't like the cache, put it on your IGNORE list and move on.

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