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Looking for a friend - geocacher in Warszawa


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I am incoming Erasmus student in Warsaw for the summer semester, and I would like to catch some caches here, but none of my Erasmus friends knows it or is interested in:-) And it is more fun to catch caches together:-) So I am looking for a friends here in Warsaw, who would like to go for geowalks and trips with me:-) I am 24 years old girl from Czech Republic, so the language will not be a barrier, if you are Polish:-) Anyway, I would like to meet new people here in Poland - so, I am looking forward to meet you!



Jsem tady na svém Erasmu na letní semestr, a hledám někoho, kdo by se mnou podnikal geovýlety a geoprocházky, protože nikdo z mých Erasmus kamarádů není cacher:-) Jsem z Čech a je mi 24... Ráda poznám nové lidi v mém dočasném novém domově:-) Těším se na to, až vás potkám!



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University of Warsaw (UW)... And my semester have started in the middle of the February. But I had some problems with accommodation,... and now I am ill for 3 weeks... So I am already here in Warszawa (yeah, I have the mistake in my title, but I wasn´t able to correct it... Sorry:-)

I hope in next days I can finally go somewhere (not only to apteka, doctor or to non-stop shop for a bread:-))


And may be stupid question - what does it mean this geo-resident? I am not cache master, sorry:-) (but I want to be:-))

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Hi guys!

I thought you can use this forum to plan a trip or meeting... Why not? B)


wlladuska - heh... Forum Guidelines says:


"7. Private discussions: Sometimes, a discussion thread strays off into a friendly dialogue or a heated debate among a very small number of users. For these exchanges, we ask that you please use the Private Message feature that is provided through the Groundspeak forums, or the Geocaching.com e-mail system. Public forum posts should be reserved for matters of interest to the general geocaching community. [...]"

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Hi, i'm Michal, and i'm new at this game. I'm looking for somebody who will teach me how to fastly and succesed find caches, and maybe to make us friend! ;)

I already found 4 caches

Swietnie, tylko powiedz, gdzie mieszkasz, a ktos sie powinien zgłosic :rolleyes: ...


Warszawa - ursynów

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