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garmin oregon 450 issue


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I have recently purchased a garmin oregon 450 for geocaching and having an issue that makes me want to take it back to the store, I go to geocaching.com, upload caches to my gps, it says they upload successfully but they are not on the gps, I've also tried to upload from opencaching.com and again, it says they are uploaded successfully but again it is not on the gps. When I try to go into the geocache function on the unit it says you have no caches and to go to gamin.com/geocache

any ideas would be greatly appreciated, (waiting for a call back from garming support but I want to get going ASAP)


I have recently purchased a garmin oregon 450 for geocaching and having an issue that makes me want to take it back to the store, I go to geocaching.com, upload caches to my gps, it says they upload successfully but they are not on the gps, I've also tried to upload from opencaching.com and again, it says they are uploaded successfully but again it is not on the gps. When I try to go into the geocache function on the unit it says you have no caches and to go to gamin.com/geocache

any ideas would be greatly appreciated, (waiting for a call back from garming support but I want to get going ASAP)


Confirm the GPX files are on your GPS, in the GPX folder, if you send them as .LOC files, check for them under Waypoints. Also, are the caches close to your current location? They won't show if they're too far away.


Sometimes it helps if you delete all the caches from your GPX folder, then disconnect and reboot the GPSr. Then reconnect and add your GPX files back in.


I experienced something similar, but probably not quite, twice recently. I loaded one cache via 'send to GPS' to my Oregon 450. I also loaded other caches the same way. The others all seem to be there, the mystery with a couple of waymarks wasn't I realized when I arrived at GZ. When I was back home I wanted to put that cache on the unit again but I got the message that the cache is already there. I overwrote the file and then it worked.


This happened another time with a different cache a few days later. The other cache, loaded just before or after is on the unit.


Super frustrating! I am having the same issue. Oregon 450, current all updated communicator plug in. I upload the cache, it says it was successful and nothing. I have emptied, rebooted, etc. Try again, nothing. I'm about to run a PQ to see if that will work but at this point in time, I am a little less then hopeful...


Super frustrating! I am having the same issue. Oregon 450, current all updated communicator plug in. I upload the cache, it says it was successful and nothing. I have emptied, rebooted, etc. Try again, nothing. I'm about to run a PQ to see if that will work but at this point in time, I am a little less then hopeful...


Yippie! Just a quick check in more forums and I found something that worked like a charm for me.


Here's the link, check out the download link in the forum to roll back to the previous version of communicator for Mac. I did it, worked first time like a charm!




I love my Caching Community!


I have just bought a new mac after using a pc for years and am also having the same problems with my 450. I am rather useless with computers and technical stuff, so I really need a lot of hands on...Calling Garmin support was useless, so I am very pleased that you have been able to help out! I am going to try the link Shotputter suggested and see what happens.... :unsure:


Was hit by the same bug: geocaches that I had in 3 separate .gpx files suddenly weren't recognized anymore. My Oregon 450 reported "no geocaches loaded".


What worked:

- deleted the .gpx files

- disconnected and powered up the GPSr

- connected and loaded the .gpx files back to the GPSr (copying them manually into the \Garmin\GPX folder, I don't use other software)

- disconnected and powered up the device; the geocaches were recognized


What didn't work:

- deleting other .gpx files (with hiking tracks)

- overwriting existent .gpx files (geocaching pocket queries)

- deleting and loading back the .gpx files without a disconnect/power up in between


Was hit by the same bug: geocaches that I had in 3 separate .gpx files suddenly weren't recognized anymore. My Oregon 450 reported "no geocaches loaded".


What worked:

- deleted the .gpx files

- disconnected and powered up the GPSr

- connected and loaded the .gpx files back to the GPSr (copying them manually into the \Garmin\GPX folder, I don't use other software)

- disconnected and powered up the device; the geocaches were recognized


What didn't work:

- deleting other .gpx files (with hiking tracks)

- overwriting existent .gpx files (geocaching pocket queries)

- deleting and loading back the .gpx files without a disconnect/power up in between



|||||||||||| This exactly. Worked for me.


Sometimes I think I am just too old to try this stuff.. you guys start posting pq, gsak, gpx gpsr.. and all i read is waa waa waa waa.. I have tried GSAK and am so lost my gps can't find the way home.. I buy a good GPS and expect it to work.. all i do is get more and more frustrated.. I am having the exact problem.. and would rather return the peice of junk since I just can't seem to figure this stuff out.. sorry just needed to vent.. good luck all


I have had a 450T for a few years....I really wouldn't call it a piece of Junk...Any time I have had an issue it has always been an operator issue. I do some searching here and google and usually within a few minutes I see my error...


I am far from computer guy also...but I put the time in to hunt and peck and usually can work my way through it....I doubt you will find it any less confusing with any other unit that is paperless....I also have a magellan and a Lowrance....I hardly doubt you are too old...I am 50 and My wife's mom is 70 and we stumbled our way through the issues..


Sometimes I think I am just too old to try this stuff.. you guys start posting pq, gsak, gpx gpsr.. and all i read is waa waa waa waa.. I have tried GSAK and am so lost my gps can't find the way home.. I buy a good GPS and expect it to work.. all i do is get more and more frustrated.. I am having the exact problem.. and would rather return the peice of junk since I just can't seem to figure this stuff out.. sorry just needed to vent.. good luck all

As a Premium member, you really need to at least get a handle on Pocket Queries (PQs). That will be the basis for loading any GPS with a decent selection of caches.

Once you've figured that out, the only other step CAN be as easy as copying the files that your PQs create to the right folder on your 450, then go caching!


I just tried loading some to my new Garmin 450 also. I use a PC and it tells me I must be a premium member...which I am and was already logged in. I cannot get them to send to the unit...don't have old ones to erase, and honestly....it's super annoying. I'm not that good with the different file types and what they mean etc. I feel like I should be able to follow the instructions and have it work like it says it will. LOL...age and technology...ugh! If anyone has idea's I'm open to hearing it. Thank you.

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