+ZingerHead Posted November 10, 2002 Posted November 10, 2002 I think there should be TWO dog buttons. I have a little (oops - I meant to say size challenged) dog (miniature Schnauzer) and he can't negotiate really BIG obstacles, not like the big (I meant *hearty*) dogs I see pictured here. How about a button for the size of the dog, or maybe a slider so you dial in the cache to exactly match the breeds you believe can make the cut. And a bigger question - what about kids? I believe there should be a bunch of buttons to rate the cache in kid terms, not just adults. I mean, come on, you NEED buttons for "No toys, just tools", "Long walk, small cache", "Giant cache, full of beanie babies", "Historical Virtual Cache - no way", stuff like that.
+leatherman Posted November 10, 2002 Posted November 10, 2002 Hadley Falls where her size was not a challenge. Preparation, the first law to survival. Mokita!
+Alan2 Posted November 10, 2002 Posted November 10, 2002 Great looking pooch leatherman. I've cached with Buddy but his small size does foul him up off trail. How did yours handle that cache? 4 1/2 stars!! Alan
+leatherman Posted November 10, 2002 Posted November 10, 2002 She was very slugish for two days after Hadley falls. Preparation, the first law to survival. Mokita!
+hoovman Posted November 19, 2002 Posted November 19, 2002 I'm still a newbie, but it seems to me that at the very least, if a hider sees a sign that says that pets are prohibited, they ought to have the decency to put that in the cache description. OTOH, maybe we dog owners ought to start using the "Post a Note" feature to tag caches that we find which prohibit our furry friends.
+carivercpl Posted November 19, 2002 Posted November 19, 2002 Now I take my rotty out every now and then and she found a cache once...cuz it was so darn hot and she needed shade...question is do I set her up with her own account and do I get the found or do I share it with her...
+Alan2 Posted November 19, 2002 Posted November 19, 2002 quote:Originally posted by hoovman:I'm still a newbie, but it seems to me that at the very least, if a hider sees a sign that says that pets are prohibited, they ought to have the decency to put that in the cache description. OTOH, maybe we dog owners ought to start using the "Post a Note" feature to tag caches that we find which prohibit our furry friends. http://www.mi-geocaching.org/ That's a good idea. One problem is the note will wind up down the page as more finds are posted. Maybe we dog owners could write the hider and ask him/her to add it to the cache description section so it can be easily seen? alan
+Blue Man Posted December 8, 2002 Posted December 8, 2002 I keep taking my cat with me, but so far the containers haven't been large enough for him to fit in.
+The Minnesota Cajuns Posted December 8, 2002 Posted December 8, 2002 I understand what a lot of you are trying to say, but being really sarcastic when you make an argument doesn't really make your argument very effective. Now, I think the reason people want a dog one and not a pot-belly pig or money section is because dogs are the most common domesticated animal companions in our country and I am sure they rank high in other nations. To those of you arguing against the button, does it really hurt you for it to be there? It could be defaulted to "Don't know" and you wouldn't even have to touch it if you don't care about it when you enter in a cache. Those who want to present that information can change it to Yes or No accordingly. I try to look on web sites for the places I go to as to whether dogs are allowed but a lot of times the State Parks web sites don't metion it depending on what state you are in. Anyway, I think if it is included and default to "Don't Know," even the people adamantly against it (for whatever reason) don't have to be bothered with it. Also, just because you don't personally find information useful doesn't mean it doesn't need to be there. I am sure there is some information you would like to be present that I might not agree with and I would certainly listen to your arguments and try to see your side of things.
+leatherman Posted December 8, 2002 Posted December 8, 2002 This entire argument doesn't matter anymore. Looks like admin is going to implement this feature now. If you do not extend your expectations unto others, you will not be disappointed by the stupid things they do. Mokita!
+Alan2 Posted December 8, 2002 Posted December 8, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Team Screamapillar: quote:Originally posted by Alan2:I hear Europeans are more generally relaxed about dogs. In FRance you can take your dog to the restaurant with you. Alan I hear that in Korea they have dogs in restaurants as well. Rather tasty too I hear. Alan
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