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COMPLETED - [BUG] Beta Maps not working since update on 12/6/2011


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You probably already are aware, but wanted to report the beta maps are not rendering. There is a bunch of code at the bottom of the page and no map showing. Only the side bar on the left is rendering. This is assuming the updates are done...


EDIT: Error is in FireFox and IE9

Edited by GeoKeeper
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I don't get any server indication on IE9 or FireFox in the source.


Here's what it's showing (on the map page itself ... at the bottom):


'); w.document.getElementById('dataForm').submit(); }); // INIT Function $(function () { log.clear(); layout = $('body').layout(layoutSetup); // load the cookie state for the layout object layout.loadCookie(); $(function () { $(".demo ul").menu(); }); menuShowState = $("#mapsMenu").data("showState"); var mss = $.cookie('menu_show_state'); if (mss || mss != "undefined") { var t = JSON.parse(mss); menuShowState = $.extend(menuShowState, t); } else { $.cookie('menu_show_state', JSON.stringify(menuShowState), { expires: 30 }); } // set the menu states for (var key in menuShowState) { var mm = $('#mapsMenu'); if (menuShowState[key] !== true) { mm.find("h2[key='" + key + "']").addClass("collapsed").next().hide(); } } $("#mapsMenu").sortable({ axis: "y", handle: "h2", distance: 15, stop: function (event, ui) { var pos = []; $("div.st-menu").each(function (x, y) { var menuId = $(y).data("menuId") || -1; pos.push(menuId); }); $.cookie('menu_order', JSON.stringify(pos), { expires: 30 }) } }); $("#mapsMenu h2").disableSelection(); // init the page var menuOrder = $.cookie('menu_order'); if (menuOrder) { menuOrder = $.parseJSON(menuOrder); for (var x = 0, len = menuOrder.length; x < len; x++) { $("div.menu" + menuOrder[x]).detach().appendTo("#mapsMenu"); } } if (userSession.getSubscriberType() > 1) { layout.show("east", false); layout.close("east") $(".ct_groupToggle a").click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); // if the item is already disabled ignore and just reenable all. var $c = $(this), $ul = $c.next("ul").find("li"), isHidden = $c.hasClass("cat_hidden"), ct = []; if (isHidden) { // remove the hidden flags from everything. $c.removeClass("cat_hidden"); $ul.removeClass("ct_hidden") .addClass("ct_displayed") .each(function (i, o) { ct.push($(o).data("typeid")); }); } else { // hide everything $c.addClass("cat_hidden"); $ul.removeClass("ct_displayed") .addClass("ct_hidden") .each(function (i, o) { ct.push($(o).data("typeid")); }); } userSession.toggleCacheTypes(ct, !isHidden); geocacheLayer.Reset(); return false; }); $(".ct_toggle").click(function (e) { var $c = $(this), isDisplayed = $c.hasClass("ct_displayed"), typeId = $c.data("typeid") || 0; userSession.toggleCacheTypes(typeId, isDisplayed); geocacheLayer.Reset(); if (isDisplayed) { $c.removeClass("ct_displayed") .addClass("ct_hidden"); //walk the rest and see if they are all toggled off var allHidden = true; $c.siblings("li").each(function (i, o) { if (allHidden && $(o).hasClass("ct_hidden") == false) { allHidden = false; } }); if (allHidden) { $c.parent().prev("a") .addClass("cat_hidden") } } else { $c.addClass("ct_displayed") .removeClass("ct_hidden") .parent().prev("a") .removeClass("cat_hidden").end(); } }); $(".pt_toggle").click(function () { var c = $(this), show = (c.data("show") || false); (c.data("pt") == "mf") ? userSession.showMyFinds(show) : userSession.showMyHides(show); geocacheLayer.Reset(); c.toggleClass("ct_hidden ct_displayed"); c.data("show", !show); return false; }); //init heartbeat window.setInterval(function () { $.getJSON("map.hb", { sk: userSession.getKey(), st: userSession.getSessionToken() }, function (response) { switch (response.status) { case "success": log.debug("HB Good @ " + new DateTime.now().format("h:m:ss")); userSession.updateSessionToken(response.data.st); break; case "fail": log.debug("HB Failed! \n" + new DateTime.now().format("h:m:ss") + "\n" + response.data.title); userSession.updateSessionToken(response.data.st); break; default: log.debug("Error!\n" + new DateTime.now().format("h:m:ss") + "\n" + response.message); } }); }, new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0).totalMilliseconds()); } else { $("#mapsMenu").qtip({ content: { text: $("#loc_upsellcontent").html() }, position: { my: 'top left', at: 'bottom right', viewport: true, target: 'mouse', adjust: { mouse: false } }, show: { target: $(".pt_toggle, .ct_toggle"), event: 'click', solo: true }, hide: 'unfocus', style: { classes: 'ui-tooltip-dark', tip: true } }); layout.hide("east"); } maptt = $("#map_canvas").qtip(); loadGoogleMapsScript(); //quick pager $("#user_pq_list") .quickPager({ pageSize: 5 }) .find("li").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (PQLayer.isLoading()) { return false; } $li = $(this); if ($li.hasClass("pq-selected")) { PQLayer.reset(); $li.removeClass("pq-selected"); } else { $li .siblings(".pq-selected") .removeClass("pq-selected") .end() .addClass("pq-selected") .addClass("pq-loading"); PQLayer.reset(); var pqKey = $(this).data("key") || null; //var url = [mapKMLRootUrl, "/map/beta/map.pq?rand=", (Math.random() * 99999999), "&pqk=", $(this).data("key"), "&k=", userSession.getSessionToken()].join(""); PQLayer.show(pqKey, map, function () { $li .removeClass("pq-loading pq-failed"); }, function () { $li .removeClass("pq-loading") .addClass("pq-failed"); }); } return false; }).end() .show(); // lock down some UI elements var showSplash = urlParams.nosplash || $.cookie('betamap_tutorial_hidev2'); if (showSplash == null || showSplash == "false") { $("#tutorial_link").trigger('click'); } }); $("a.send2gps").live("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $.fancybox({ type: "iframe", width: 450, height: 450, href: '/seek/sendtogps.aspx?guid=' + $(this).data("guid") }); return false; }); $("#find_loc_lnk").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) { map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude)); }); return false; }); // Relies on UserSession var PQLayer = (function () { var _kmlLayer, _currentState, _infoWindow, _isLoading, _timeoutWindowID, _currentItems = [], _mapMarker = null, _mapMarkerImage = null; return { show: function (pqkey, map, success, failure) { _isLoading = true; this.reset(); if (!_infoWindow) { _infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); } if (!_mapMarker) { _mapMarkerImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage( 'images/map/crosshair_32.png', new google.maps.Size(32, 32), new google.maps.Point(0, 0), new google.maps.Point(16, 16)); _mapMarker = new google.maps.Marker({ icon: _mapMarkerImage, clickable: false, flat: true }); } // load the kml data $.getJSON("map.pq", { pqk: pqkey, st: userSession.getSessionToken() }, function (response) { switch (response.status) { case "success": var url = mapKMLRootUrl + "/map/beta/map.pq?kmz=" + response.data.kmz + "&uk=" + userSession.getKey() + "&rand=" + (Math.random() * 99999999); _kmlLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(url, { clickable: false, preserveViewport: false, suppressInfoWindows: true, map: map }); layout.open("east"); var $ep = $("div.ui-layout-pane-east"); _currentItems = response.data.items; /* // Display a convex hull mask var points = $.map(_currentItems, function (e) { var ll = decodeGeoHash(e[1]); return [new google.maps.LatLng(ll.latitude[0], ll.longitude[0])]; }) displayConvexHullMask(points); // End Display a convex hull mask */ $ep.scroll(function (e) { if ($ep.scrollTop() >= $("#pqitems").height() - $ep.height()) { for (x = parseInt($("#pqitems").data("last")) + 1, len = x + 25; x < len; x++) { var item = _currentItems[x]; if (item == null) { break; } $("•") .text(item[0]) .data("ll", item[1]) .appendTo($ul); $("#pqitems").data("last", x); } } }); // load the cache listing $("#pqitems").empty(); $ul = $(""); $ul.delegate("li", "click", function (e) { if ($(this).hasClass("selected")) { $(this).removeClass("selected"); _mapMarker.setMap(null); } else { $ul.find("li.selected").removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); $li = $(this); var ll = $li.data("ll"); ll = decodeGeoHash(ll); var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(ll.latitude[0], ll.longitude[0]); map.setCenter(pos); _mapMarker.setOptions({ position: pos, map: map }); } }); $ul.appendTo("#pqitems"); for (x = 0, len = response.data.items.length; x < len; x++) { var item = _currentItems[x]; $("•") .text(item[0]) .data("ll", item[1]) .appendTo($ul); if ($("#pqitems").height() > $ep.height()) { $("#pqitems") .data("last", x); break; } } if (typeof success === "function") { google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(_kmlLayer, "defaultviewport_changed", function () { if (_timeoutWindowID) { window.clearTimeout(_timeoutWindowID); _timeoutWindowID = null; } success(); window.setTimeout(function () { _isLoading = false; }, 500); }); } break; case "fail": log.debug(response.message); break; case "error": default: // error? log.debug(response.message); break; } }) _timeoutWindowID = window.setTimeout(function () { _isLoading = false; if (typeof failure === "function") { failure(); } }, 15000); // timeout after 15 seconds }, reset: function () { if (_kmlLayer != null) _kmlLayer.setMap(null); _currentItems = []; layout.close("east"); $("#pqitems").empty(); }, isLoading: function () { return _isLoading; } } })(); $("#lnk_savepq").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // saving PQ var b = map.getBounds(), dist = (Math.round(distanceFrom(b.getNorthEast(), b.getSouthWest()) * 100) / 100) / 2, ll = b.getCenter().toUrlValue(), filter = [], hf = null, ho = null; var cts = $("#m_cacheTypes").find("li.ct_toggle"); // are we dealing with nothing being hidden? if (!cts.filter(".ct_displayed").length == 0) { cts.filter(".ct_displayed").each(function (i, o) { filter.push($(o).data("typeid")); }); } hf = $("#chkMyFinds").hasClass("ct_hidden"); ho = $("#chkMyHides").hasClass("ct_hidden"); s = "/pocket/gcquery.aspx?" + $.param({ ll: ll, ctf: filter.join(','), d: dist, hf: hf, ho: ho }); window.open(s) return false; }); // map type selected $(".mu_MapType a").live("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var mt = $(this).attr("mapid"); map.setMapTypeId(mt); $(".mu_MapType a").removeClass("mt-selected"); $(this).addClass("mt-selected"); return false; }); $("#location_search").keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == '13') { e.preventDefault(); $("#btn_Search").trigger("click"); } }); $("#btn_Search").click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var searchVal = $.trim($("#location_search").val()); if (geocoder == null) { geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); } if (searchVal.length > 0) { geocoder.geocode({ 'address': searchVal }, function (results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { if (results[0].geometry.viewport) { map.fitBounds(results[0].geometry.viewport); } else { map.setCenter(results[0].geometry.location); } } else { alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status); } }); }; return false; }); // hide banman $('.BanManWidget .WidgetClose').click(function (e) { $('.BanManWidget').hide(); return false; }); // fancybox $("#tutorial_link").click(function () { $.fancybox({ padding: 0, width: 620, height: 510, href: "comingsoon.aspx", type: 'iframe' }); return false; }); // toggle Menu $('#mapsMenu h2').click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var sh = $(this); sh .toggleClass("collapsed") .next().toggle(); menuShowState[sh.attr("key")] = !sh.hasClass("collapsed"); $.cookie('menu_show_state', JSON.stringify(menuShowState), { expires: 30 }) return false; }); function unload() { // some simple map cleanup for now google.maps.event.clearInstanceListeners(map); } /** * @param {google.maps.LatLng} newLatLng * @returns {number} */ function distanceFrom(latLng1, latLng2) { // setup our variables var halfPI = Math.PI / 180; var lat1 = latLng1.lat(); var radianLat1 = lat1 * halfPI; var lng1 = latLng1.lng(); var radianLng1 = lng1 * halfPI; var lat2 = latLng2.lat(); var radianLat2 = lat2 * halfPI; var lng2 = latLng2.lng(); var radianLng2 = lng2 * halfPI; // sort out the radius, MILES or KM? var earth_radius = 3959; // (km = 6378.1) OR (miles = 3959) - radius of the earth // sort our the differences var diffLat = (radianLat1 - radianLat2); var diffLng = (radianLng1 - radianLng2); // put on a wave (hey the earth is round after all) var sinLat = Math.sin(diffLat / 2); var sinLng = Math.sin(diffLng / 2); // maths - borrowed from http://www.opensourceconnections.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/clientsidehaversinecalculation.html var a = Math.pow(sinLat, 2.0) + Math.cos(radianLat1) * Math.cos(radianLat2) * Math.pow(sinLng, 2.0); // work out the distance var distance = earth_radius * 2 * Math.asin(Math.min(1, Math.sqrt(a))); // return the distance return distance; } 

Edited by GeoKeeper
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