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Everything posted by GeoKeeper

  1. I've cached quite a bit around the city of Salt Lake City, but I am interested in getting out for a long hike where I can get some good caches. I'll probably be going with a group of non-cachers, so I want to show them around the GeoCaching scene while we are out. Any suggestions for good places to go hiking with scenic views and decent caches? I am not sure the distance we'll go, but I'd be up for anywhere between 5 and 10 miles. Thanks!
  2. Can I come work for you? You are nice to your IT people
  3. I'm hoping the traffic uptick won't be an issue for much longer. The maps aren't pulling up at all. I'm assuming this was reviewed before the switch was made.
  4. In my list of Recently viewed caches, some of which I have found, it still shows "Log It" out to the side. It would make more sense to replace this with "View Log" if the recently viewed cache has been found.
  5. Was "class" a typo? Or is that coding humor?
  6. Not the point of this thread, but it would be nice to maintain caches using the app. But people can/do submit new caches with coords shot with their phones. The app just doesn't make it easier for them to do it. I think it should stay that way.
  7. It would also be nice as you browse back over your own history to see where you were at different points. But I agree, being able to look at a snapshot of cache counts would add a little depth to the logs.
  8. My son has fewer than 100 cache finds. Once he got started, he wanted to hide his own. He has gone back to work on it and make it better and better. Just because you don't have a bunch of finds doesn't mean you can't put down a decent cache and then improve on it. Don't forget, not all cachers are grownups that expect more than the scattered lamp post/sign post micro.
  9. I've got foxy 8 on Windows 7 (x64) and it doesn't happen. I haven't noticed this before either.
  10. I don't get any server indication on IE9 or FireFox in the source. Here's what it's showing (on the map page itself ... at the bottom): '); w.document.getElementById('dataForm').submit(); }); // INIT Function $(function () { log.clear(); layout = $('body').layout(layoutSetup); // load the cookie state for the layout object layout.loadCookie(); $(function () { $(".demo ul").menu(); }); menuShowState = $("#mapsMenu").data("showState"); var mss = $.cookie('menu_show_state'); if (mss || mss != "undefined") { var t = JSON.parse(mss); menuShowState = $.extend(menuShowState, t); } else { $.cookie('menu_show_state', JSON.stringify(menuShowState), { expires: 30 }); } // set the menu states for (var key in menuShowState) { var mm = $('#mapsMenu'); if (menuShowState[key] !== true) { mm.find("h2[key='" + key + "']").addClass("collapsed").next().hide(); } } $("#mapsMenu").sortable({ axis: "y", handle: "h2", distance: 15, stop: function (event, ui) { var pos = []; $("div.st-menu").each(function (x, y) { var menuId = $(y).data("menuId") || -1; pos.push(menuId); }); $.cookie('menu_order', JSON.stringify(pos), { expires: 30 }) } }); $("#mapsMenu h2").disableSelection(); // init the page var menuOrder = $.cookie('menu_order'); if (menuOrder) { menuOrder = $.parseJSON(menuOrder); for (var x = 0, len = menuOrder.length; x < len; x++) { $("div.menu" + menuOrder[x]).detach().appendTo("#mapsMenu"); } } if (userSession.getSubscriberType() > 1) { layout.show("east", false); layout.close("east") $(".ct_groupToggle a").click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); // if the item is already disabled ignore and just reenable all. var $c = $(this), $ul = $c.next("ul").find("li"), isHidden = $c.hasClass("cat_hidden"), ct = []; if (isHidden) { // remove the hidden flags from everything. $c.removeClass("cat_hidden"); $ul.removeClass("ct_hidden") .addClass("ct_displayed") .each(function (i, o) { ct.push($(o).data("typeid")); }); } else { // hide everything $c.addClass("cat_hidden"); $ul.removeClass("ct_displayed") .addClass("ct_hidden") .each(function (i, o) { ct.push($(o).data("typeid")); }); } userSession.toggleCacheTypes(ct, !isHidden); geocacheLayer.Reset(); return false; }); $(".ct_toggle").click(function (e) { var $c = $(this), isDisplayed = $c.hasClass("ct_displayed"), typeId = $c.data("typeid") || 0; userSession.toggleCacheTypes(typeId, isDisplayed); geocacheLayer.Reset(); if (isDisplayed) { $c.removeClass("ct_displayed") .addClass("ct_hidden"); //walk the rest and see if they are all toggled off var allHidden = true; $c.siblings("li").each(function (i, o) { if (allHidden && $(o).hasClass("ct_hidden") == false) { allHidden = false; } }); if (allHidden) { $c.parent().prev("a") .addClass("cat_hidden") } } else { $c.addClass("ct_displayed") .removeClass("ct_hidden") .parent().prev("a") .removeClass("cat_hidden").end(); } }); $(".pt_toggle").click(function () { var c = $(this), show = (c.data("show") || false); (c.data("pt") == "mf") ? userSession.showMyFinds(show) : userSession.showMyHides(show); geocacheLayer.Reset(); c.toggleClass("ct_hidden ct_displayed"); c.data("show", !show); return false; }); //init heartbeat window.setInterval(function () { $.getJSON("map.hb", { sk: userSession.getKey(), st: userSession.getSessionToken() }, function (response) { switch (response.status) { case "success": log.debug("HB Good @ " + new DateTime.now().format("h:m:ss")); userSession.updateSessionToken(response.data.st); break; case "fail": log.debug("HB Failed! \n" + new DateTime.now().format("h:m:ss") + "\n" + response.data.title); userSession.updateSessionToken(response.data.st); break; default: log.debug("Error!\n" + new DateTime.now().format("h:m:ss") + "\n" + response.message); } }); }, new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0).totalMilliseconds()); } else { $("#mapsMenu").qtip({ content: { text: $("#loc_upsellcontent").html() }, position: { my: 'top left', at: 'bottom right', viewport: true, target: 'mouse', adjust: { mouse: false } }, show: { target: $(".pt_toggle, .ct_toggle"), event: 'click', solo: true }, hide: 'unfocus', style: { classes: 'ui-tooltip-dark', tip: true } }); layout.hide("east"); } maptt = $("#map_canvas").qtip(); loadGoogleMapsScript(); //quick pager $("#user_pq_list") .quickPager({ pageSize: 5 }) .find("li").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (PQLayer.isLoading()) { return false; } $li = $(this); if ($li.hasClass("pq-selected")) { PQLayer.reset(); $li.removeClass("pq-selected"); } else { $li .siblings(".pq-selected") .removeClass("pq-selected") .end() .addClass("pq-selected") .addClass("pq-loading"); PQLayer.reset(); var pqKey = $(this).data("key") || null; //var url = [mapKMLRootUrl, "/map/beta/map.pq?rand=", (Math.random() * 99999999), "&pqk=", $(this).data("key"), "&k=", userSession.getSessionToken()].join(""); PQLayer.show(pqKey, map, function () { $li .removeClass("pq-loading pq-failed"); }, function () { $li .removeClass("pq-loading") .addClass("pq-failed"); }); } return false; }).end() .show(); // lock down some UI elements var showSplash = urlParams.nosplash || $.cookie('betamap_tutorial_hidev2'); if (showSplash == null || showSplash == "false") { $("#tutorial_link").trigger('click'); } }); $("a.send2gps").live("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $.fancybox({ type: "iframe", width: 450, height: 450, href: '/seek/sendtogps.aspx?guid=' + $(this).data("guid") }); return false; }); $("#find_loc_lnk").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) { map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude)); }); return false; }); // Relies on UserSession var PQLayer = (function () { var _kmlLayer, _currentState, _infoWindow, _isLoading, _timeoutWindowID, _currentItems = [], _mapMarker = null, _mapMarkerImage = null; return { show: function (pqkey, map, success, failure) { _isLoading = true; this.reset(); if (!_infoWindow) { _infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); } if (!_mapMarker) { _mapMarkerImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage( 'images/map/crosshair_32.png', new google.maps.Size(32, 32), new google.maps.Point(0, 0), new google.maps.Point(16, 16)); _mapMarker = new google.maps.Marker({ icon: _mapMarkerImage, clickable: false, flat: true }); } // load the kml data $.getJSON("map.pq", { pqk: pqkey, st: userSession.getSessionToken() }, function (response) { switch (response.status) { case "success": var url = mapKMLRootUrl + "/map/beta/map.pq?kmz=" + response.data.kmz + "&uk=" + userSession.getKey() + "&rand=" + (Math.random() * 99999999); _kmlLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(url, { clickable: false, preserveViewport: false, suppressInfoWindows: true, map: map }); layout.open("east"); var $ep = $("div.ui-layout-pane-east"); _currentItems = response.data.items; /* // Display a convex hull mask var points = $.map(_currentItems, function (e) { var ll = decodeGeoHash(e[1]); return [new google.maps.LatLng(ll.latitude[0], ll.longitude[0])]; }) displayConvexHullMask(points); // End Display a convex hull mask */ $ep.scroll(function (e) { if ($ep.scrollTop() >= $("#pqitems").height() - $ep.height()) { for (x = parseInt($("#pqitems").data("last")) + 1, len = x + 25; x < len; x++) { var item = _currentItems[x]; if (item == null) { break; } $("•") .text(item[0]) .data("ll", item[1]) .appendTo($ul); $("#pqitems").data("last", x); } } }); // load the cache listing $("#pqitems").empty(); $ul = $(""); $ul.delegate("li", "click", function (e) { if ($(this).hasClass("selected")) { $(this).removeClass("selected"); _mapMarker.setMap(null); } else { $ul.find("li.selected").removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); $li = $(this); var ll = $li.data("ll"); ll = decodeGeoHash(ll); var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(ll.latitude[0], ll.longitude[0]); map.setCenter(pos); _mapMarker.setOptions({ position: pos, map: map }); } }); $ul.appendTo("#pqitems"); for (x = 0, len = response.data.items.length; x < len; x++) { var item = _currentItems[x]; $("•") .text(item[0]) .data("ll", item[1]) .appendTo($ul); if ($("#pqitems").height() > $ep.height()) { $("#pqitems") .data("last", x); break; } } if (typeof success === "function") { google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(_kmlLayer, "defaultviewport_changed", function () { if (_timeoutWindowID) { window.clearTimeout(_timeoutWindowID); _timeoutWindowID = null; } success(); window.setTimeout(function () { _isLoading = false; }, 500); }); } break; case "fail": log.debug(response.message); break; case "error": default: // error? log.debug(response.message); break; } }) _timeoutWindowID = window.setTimeout(function () { _isLoading = false; if (typeof failure === "function") { failure(); } }, 15000); // timeout after 15 seconds }, reset: function () { if (_kmlLayer != null) _kmlLayer.setMap(null); _currentItems = []; layout.close("east"); $("#pqitems").empty(); }, isLoading: function () { return _isLoading; } } })(); $("#lnk_savepq").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // saving PQ var b = map.getBounds(), dist = (Math.round(distanceFrom(b.getNorthEast(), b.getSouthWest()) * 100) / 100) / 2, ll = b.getCenter().toUrlValue(), filter = [], hf = null, ho = null; var cts = $("#m_cacheTypes").find("li.ct_toggle"); // are we dealing with nothing being hidden? if (!cts.filter(".ct_displayed").length == 0) { cts.filter(".ct_displayed").each(function (i, o) { filter.push($(o).data("typeid")); }); } hf = $("#chkMyFinds").hasClass("ct_hidden"); ho = $("#chkMyHides").hasClass("ct_hidden"); s = "/pocket/gcquery.aspx?" + $.param({ ll: ll, ctf: filter.join(','), d: dist, hf: hf, ho: ho }); window.open(s) return false; }); // map type selected $(".mu_MapType a").live("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var mt = $(this).attr("mapid"); map.setMapTypeId(mt); $(".mu_MapType a").removeClass("mt-selected"); $(this).addClass("mt-selected"); return false; }); $("#location_search").keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == '13') { e.preventDefault(); $("#btn_Search").trigger("click"); } }); $("#btn_Search").click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var searchVal = $.trim($("#location_search").val()); if (geocoder == null) { geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); } if (searchVal.length > 0) { geocoder.geocode({ 'address': searchVal }, function (results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { if (results[0].geometry.viewport) { map.fitBounds(results[0].geometry.viewport); } else { map.setCenter(results[0].geometry.location); } } else { alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status); } }); }; return false; }); // hide banman $('.BanManWidget .WidgetClose').click(function (e) { $('.BanManWidget').hide(); return false; }); // fancybox $("#tutorial_link").click(function () { $.fancybox({ padding: 0, width: 620, height: 510, href: "comingsoon.aspx", type: 'iframe' }); return false; }); // toggle Menu $('#mapsMenu h2').click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var sh = $(this); sh .toggleClass("collapsed") .next().toggle(); menuShowState[sh.attr("key")] = !sh.hasClass("collapsed"); $.cookie('menu_show_state', JSON.stringify(menuShowState), { expires: 30 }) return false; }); function unload() { // some simple map cleanup for now google.maps.event.clearInstanceListeners(map); } /** * @param {google.maps.LatLng} newLatLng * @returns {number} */ function distanceFrom(latLng1, latLng2) { // setup our variables var halfPI = Math.PI / 180; var lat1 = latLng1.lat(); var radianLat1 = lat1 * halfPI; var lng1 = latLng1.lng(); var radianLng1 = lng1 * halfPI; var lat2 = latLng2.lat(); var radianLat2 = lat2 * halfPI; var lng2 = latLng2.lng(); var radianLng2 = lng2 * halfPI; // sort out the radius, MILES or KM? var earth_radius = 3959; // (km = 6378.1) OR (miles = 3959) - radius of the earth // sort our the differences var diffLat = (radianLat1 - radianLat2); var diffLng = (radianLng1 - radianLng2); // put on a wave (hey the earth is round after all) var sinLat = Math.sin(diffLat / 2); var sinLng = Math.sin(diffLng / 2); // maths - borrowed from http://www.opensourceconnections.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/clientsidehaversinecalculation.html var a = Math.pow(sinLat, 2.0) + Math.cos(radianLat1) * Math.cos(radianLat2) * Math.pow(sinLng, 2.0); // work out the distance var distance = earth_radius * 2 * Math.asin(Math.min(1, Math.sqrt(a))); // return the distance return distance; }
  11. No, cleared cache and did a hard refresh and it's still showing the same thing for me.
  12. You probably already are aware, but wanted to report the beta maps are not rendering. There is a bunch of code at the bottom of the page and no map showing. Only the side bar on the left is rendering. This is assuming the updates are done... EDIT: Error is in FireFox and IE9
  13. What if the reviewer never responds? The only way I've been able to do it is to actually update the puzzle, the location and submit the cache for approval. Only then do I get the response. I doubt I would have even started this thread if I could have gotten some feedback outside of committing the form. I realize I'm new at the hiding game. I've learned quite a lot by bumping into obstacles, which is how I usually learn (think bushwhacking). It just seemed in this case what I had to go on is obviously against what is put forth in the guidelines. It seems that now the guidelines are what are being followed, which I'm fine with. Just as long I understand where the obstacles are now.
  14. There might be some that abuse the system. I can't imagine thousands of cachers trying the "battleship" method, but maybe I'm wrong. I still think it would be a nice tool to help reduce the work on reviewers. I'm glad that it's "in the works" and hope that they can do it in a way that will minimize the abuse.
  15. I am currently trying to hide a cache in an area that is pretty congested. I'm new to the hiding, so I took other instances in the area to draw my conclusions about how puzzle caches/multi stage caches were approved. Every time I have submitted my puzzle cache, the reviewer has come back and told me there is a final stage to a puzzle cache within the 528 foot guideline, or stages to a multi cache. At first I didn't understand because we have several in the area where puzzle final cache locations are 100 feet or less from other traditional caches. If the 528 is a guideline, why can't the website warn you before you submit a new cache that it is within 528 feet of any physical cache/stage out there? It doesn't have to give details or coords, just a warning like: "You may be too close to (x) physical stages of caches nearby". It might take some work off of the reviewers, and make the submitting of new caches easier in congested areas. I've had to change my puzzle three times and each attempt was met with the same result (I have not gotten all the caches in the area, so I was not aware). If the system could warn you when submitting, then COs would be able to leave caches disabled and find new coords without having to do a bunch of work each time in hopes they had finally found a good spot.
  16. I think a system could be put in place where the reviewers can be automatically flagged when a cache seems to be in trouble. As a cache owner, I wouldn't mind if my caches were periodically flagged because of lack of activity. It could be triggered by difficulty and time since owner has logged onto the website. I don't think automatically archiving them would be a good idea, but an auto review notification would be good. I also think the "Needs Archived" needs to be changed to "Needs Reviewing" because for most, the "Needs Archived" does have a negative connotation. I recently replaced a fairly active cache because it had gone missing. Only to find out that the owner hasn't logged on in almost 3 years. A cache owner has to accept responsibilities when hiding caches. One of them should be an auto review process. People leaving the game, or people moving to different parts of the country should archive their caches so active cachers in the area who want to hide caches can. My 2¢ worth!
  17. Add your comment to my problem report ( a vote or two might not hurt ) http://feedback.geocaching.com/forums/75863-report-a-problem/suggestions/1507565-double-log-posting It's not just you
  18. Well, I'll respond even though I'm a n00b too I went caching this weekend with another person using a "standard GPS" and I have to say as an all around tool, my DroidX is very good for this activity. But it seems that when you get into woods or cloudy days, the GPS devices are much more accurate. But since I'm new, I don't mind because the caches I'm looking for aren't generally that tough ... yet I also like that I can look up information on the fly as well, as well as log my finds in real time instead of keeping track and doing them when I get home. Just make sure you do a good job at calibrating the compass on your phone.
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