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Log entry text in email notification...


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I like the new email notification format that includes the cache name and the cacher's name. I also like being able to read the text of the log entry as well (saves me from having to click on the link to the cache page), BUT, can it be set up so that an encrypted log entry maintains it's encryption in the email notification?


I know, I know, someone will say "if you don't want to see it, then don't read it" but it's just too easy to accidentally pick out a key word or phrase that may give something away for a cache I have not yet found.


Alternatively, a warning could be posted at the begining which stated...


WARNING: Cache log was originally encrypted!


Idealy, a user could configure their email notifications so that, for example, email notifications for caches they have not found maintain their encryption, while email notifications for caches they have found come through unencrypted.


At the very least, if the email notification can't be set up to maintain encryption then I would just as soon see the log entry text removed.


BTW, thanks for this new forum category!




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Are you working on this tonight? I ask because I just got a watch list notification that encrypted the entire text of the log. If I go to the actual cache listing, the text appears unencrypted. The cache is:



And the log in question is the one by Mopar. Hope you get it figured out!







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I'm probably being lazy but having to actually READ the paragraph at the start of the watchlist notification email is kind of painful!


I had posted another thread discussing changing it so the email would look like:


Cache: Redmond1

Poster: Bgates

Status: Not Found

Comments: Hmmm I can't seem to find my office. It was here yesterday?!?!


This would be a lot easier for my brain to parse!





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Heres another vote for mrcpu's suggestion. As my notifications go to my alpha pager with limited display, I miss much of the useful message as its too far down in the e-Mail (120 character limit). mrcpu's suggestion would fit nicely on my display, especially the ststus:(found, didn't find, other) which at present I have no way of telling.






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Heres another vote for mrcpu's suggestion. As my notifications go to my alpha pager with limited display, I miss much of the useful message as its too far down in the e-Mail (120 character limit). mrcpu's suggestion would fit nicely on my display, especially the ststusicon_frown.giffound, didn't find, other) which at present I have no way of telling.






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Originally posted by Team CacheCows of Wisconsin:

Heres another vote for mrcpu's suggestion. As my notifications go to my alpha pager with limited display, I miss much of the useful message as its too far down in the e-Mail (120 character limit). mrcpu's suggestion would fit nicely on my display, especially the ststus:(found, didn't find, other) which at present I have no way of telling.

Another vote from me, as I send to my cell phone via SMS (160 chars), currently I have to massage with procmail and sed to get it into a nice format.


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Originally posted by Team CacheCows of Wisconsin:

Heres another vote for mrcpu's suggestion. As my notifications go to my alpha pager with limited display, I miss much of the useful message as its too far down in the e-Mail (120 character limit). mrcpu's suggestion would fit nicely on my display, especially the ststusicon_frown.giffound, didn't find, other) which at present I have no way of telling.

Another vote from me, as I send to my cell phone via SMS (160 chars), currently I have to massage with procmail and sed to get it into a nice format.


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Originally posted by BigNick:


Another vote from me, as I send to my cell phone via SMS (160 chars), currently I have to massage with procmail and sed to get it into a nice format.



160!? I'm jealous... my Timex Internet Messenger watch only gets 100, and I think that includes the "From:" address. icon_frown.gif Of course, I don't send cache logs to it... it would be vibrating all day!


> Martin (Magellan 330)

Don't have time to program and record your shows while geocaching? Get a TiVo!

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Originally posted by BigNick:


Another vote from me, as I send to my cell phone via SMS (160 chars), currently I have to massage with procmail and sed to get it into a nice format.



160!? I'm jealous... my Timex Internet Messenger watch only gets 100, and I think that includes the "From:" address. icon_frown.gif Of course, I don't send cache logs to it... it would be vibrating all day!


> Martin (Magellan 330)

Don't have time to program and record your shows while geocaching? Get a TiVo!

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