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Geocoin drops in member only caches


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Would it be considered bad form to remove a geocoin from an open geocache and drop it in a members only cache? My thought is perhaps it would help it live longer as coins and TB's seem to disappear pretty quickly now.


That's true. But my concern is that I should make my best effort to help it stay alive and that was, perhaps, a way to make that happen even for a while.


When I pick up travelers I don't take note of whether or not it was a PM cache, nor do I pay attention to the cache I place it in. I'm sure I have placed some in PM caches though.


Just move the thing. Place it in a cache that seems secure.


That may provide a bit of protection for at least one step of the journey :blink: Do you have the coin in a ziploc with an explanation of what geocoins are? That would help too :shocked:


Neither of the coins I picked up today were in bags nor were they marked as a non-tradable item. I intend to correct that before I place them in another cache. I think I'll just put them in caches that I consider to be the most likely not to be muggled. However, that won't protect them from becoming someones collectable. I hate to see traveling items disappear but I know it happens. I sure hope these make it though. One has come all the way from Wales in the U.K. and the other has just started its journey.


Thanks for your comments.


No guarantee the next cache it moves to will be a PM.

That's pretty obvious isn't it? However, that's not what I asked.

Thank you for your comment.


No guarantee the next cache it moves to will be a PM.

That's pretty obvious isn't it? However, that's not what I asked.

Thank you for your comment.


Wow, decided your first reply wasn't enough?


Would it be considered bad form to remove a geocoin from an open geocache and drop it in a members only cache? My thought is perhaps it would help it live longer as coins and TB's seem to disappear pretty quickly now.

It wouldn't be bad form as long as it furthers the mission on the trackable.


It also wouldn't guarantee that it would "live longer". There's no evidence to support that coins and TBs are "safer" in PM caches.


There is no rule about dropping trackables in member only caches. And there is no guarantee that those caches are safer. They are hidden outside as well and can be muggled.


I'm pretty sure, Groundspeak will not make a guideline against dropping trackables in member only caches. That would be not very clever considering that they make money of the premium members.




Conversly, placing trackables in remote or rarly visited caches seems to me like poor form as these caches usualy end up being more like purgatory than a stop-over.


I like to think of travel bugs and coins as visitors to a cache. That being said, if there's a trackable that's goal is something ambiguous like "want's to visit lots of caches" or "will protect the cache and other bugs..." I imagine that they want to visit cool caches like I do. I'll place them in remote caches if they're cool to bring those caches to the attention of future holders of the bugs. Most of them I move along quickly to easy locations to grab.


Cool coins are also much less likely to disappear in a remote cache, as there are fewer people who will visit so there is statistically less chance that the coin will be gaffed. It also seems that those of us who like to find the aforementioned caches are less likely to steal the coins. Maybe not, I dont' know for sure.


I also like the idea of resident coins.


I'm done now. :blink:

Conversly, placing trackables in remote or rarly visited caches seems to me like poor form as these caches usualy end up being more like purgatory than a stop-over.


Now that i agree with. I had one of mine on a mountain top in the San Bernadino mountains for over a year. This cache averaged two visits a year. Maybe the placer didin't realiaze that the T in TB stood for Traveler.

Conversly, placing trackables in remote or rarly visited caches seems to me like poor form as these caches usualy end up being more like purgatory than a stop-over.


Unless the owner wants it to go to remote or rarely visited caches. TB2FWWF


Since PM status isn't in PQ's, I rarely even know if a TB/coin I'm picking or dropping is in a PM cache or not.


Which makes me wonder, do most people even pay attention?


I would put a TB in a PM cache only if the TBs owner was clearly a premium member. It would suck to see your bug dropped someplace but be unable to visit the cache page to see what kind of place it`s at.

That's a very good point. Hadn't even thought of that possibility. Moot point now, however. I'm placing a cache this week and I'll drop them both in it and get them moving.

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