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BUG REPORT: Cache archived by owner


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I found this by accident..


There is this cache (GCXPFZ) that has been archived by the owner on June 9, 2009 but, when clicking on his profile (either on the "placed by" link, or the "traffic_cone.gif "archived log" link), it shows that the last time he logged on was on October 9, 2008.


A bug from the system?

Synch problem?

He logged on from a different source (mobile, iphone, blackberry.. wap?)


Who knows.. I was just reporting something I saw.. it's just weird and I'm curious to know why..


This is a known bug. When a user logs in with the widget on the homepage rather than from the full login page, the date of the last site visit doesn't update as it should.


For this reason, volunteer cache reviewers have to be very careful to not archive caches prematurely because the cache owner is "gone."


Thanks for the report!


This is a known bug. When a user logs in with the widget on the homepage rather than from the full login page, the date of the last site visit doesn't update as it should.


For this reason, volunteer cache reviewers have to be very careful to not archive caches prematurely because the cache owner is "gone."


Thanks for the report!


the widget on the homepage


Can you explain that, Keystone? I don't understand.


Go to the GC.com home page and log out.


Go visit Google and then come back to the home page.


In the upper right of the page next to the small banner picture, notice that there is a Name/Password login box set. Don't use that, but...


Click the link above and to the right of that says Log In.


Two different ways, two different "last visited" dates.


Go to the GC.com home page and log out.


Go visit Google and then come back to the home page.


In the upper right of the page next to the small banner picture, notice that there is a Name/Password login box set. Don't use that, but...


Click the link above and to the right of that says Log In.


Two different ways, two different "last visited" dates.


Hmmm... followed your instructions (I think) but when I clicked the "Click the link above and to the right of that says Log In." link, all it did was to repostion my cursor to the username textbox. Maybe if I had continued to log in that way, the date would have been different, but I'm not taking it that far. Thanks.


This is a known bug. When a user logs in with the widget on the homepage rather than from the full login page, the date of the last site visit doesn't update as it should.


For this reason, volunteer cache reviewers have to be very careful to not archive caches prematurely because the cache owner is "gone."


Thanks for the report!

You're welcome and thanks for the explanation. My curiosity is satisfied! :grin:


Go to the GC.com home page and log out.


Go visit Google and then come back to the home page.


In the upper right of the page next to the small banner picture, notice that there is a Name/Password login box set. Don't use that, but...


Click the link above and to the right of that says Log In.


Two different ways, two different "last visited" dates.


Hmmm... followed your instructions (I think) but when I clicked the "Click the link above and to the right of that says Log In." link, all it did was to repostion my cursor to the username textbox. Maybe if I had continued to log in that way, the date would have been different, but I'm not taking it that far. Thanks.

Interesting. It takes me to an entirely different page...the same one you see when you log out.


This is a known bug. When a user logs in with the widget on the homepage rather than from the full login page, the date of the last site visit doesn't update as it should.


For this reason, volunteer cache reviewers have to be very careful to not archive caches prematurely because the cache owner is "gone."


Thanks for the report!


Thanks for explaining this. I have seen this issue as well.

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