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My Finds PQ

Cornell Finch

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Is there an issue with the My Finds Pocket Query selector?


It seems that I have to press the button between 15 and 20 times before the system will register the request.


I last ran it on 15 February and just run it again now.


Is this a known problem? If it is then I might switch to the FSG Macro in GSAK, but I prefer the stats generated by Cachestats.



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Is there an issue with the My Finds Pocket Query selector?


It seems that I have to press the button between 15 and 20 times before the system will register the request.


I last ran it on 15 February and just run it again now.


Is this a known problem? If it is then I might switch to the FSG Macro in GSAK, but I prefer the stats generated by Cachestats.




Just press it once. It ran.

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Is there an issue with the My Finds Pocket Query selector?


It seems that I have to press the button between 15 and 20 times before the system will register the request.


I last ran it on 15 February and just run it again now.


Is this a known problem? If it is then I might switch to the FSG Macro in GSAK, but I prefer the stats generated by Cachestats.




After you press it, refresh your page.

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What people don't seem to realize is that pressing the Add to queue button justs adds your request to the queue. The button does not grey out, and the Last generated date and time will not change until the PQ is actually generated, and won't usually be visible until you refresh the page.


So, as others have said, press once and be patient.

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