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captain zero


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Hello everybody,


I am Alpha24 from Belgium and I want to ask if anyone knows Captain Zero from Oregon.

I send him a mail a few weeks ago, asking about my coin he has in his hands since 2007, but with no response.

Is there anyone who could contact him please.






for info



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That cacher has something like 16 coins, 8 TB's, and a Jeep in his hands. :DB)

How do see which coins/TB's are in hand of a person?




Hi, Ruud4d --


When you look at a person's profile (by clicking on his or her name, which should be a link when you're looking at a coin's log page), there's a tab at the top of the page that says "Trackables".


Look at the "trackables moved/discovered" list on the following page. You have to click on each type (e.g., travel bugs and [usually] individual coin icons), but you should eventually see a list of trackables and their locations.


In Alpha4's case, you click on Alpha4's name on his post, then click on "Trackables", then look at "Trackables owned". It's in the Belgium coin's list in which you'll find the coin to which Alpha4 is referring.


Alpha4, since it has been two years and since you've had no response to emails, there are a couple of things to try. First, I'd definitely recommend contacting Peace Family and see if they can help you out.


If not, you could edit your coin's page so that there's big red text in the coin's description that says something like MISSING! (or, if you're in the mood to be provocative, STOLEN!)


As coin owner, you have the ability to change the coin's location so that it is marked as "missing" rather than being in captain zero's inventory. However, I wouldn't recommend doing that. Leave it in his/her inventory and put up the warning marking on the coin's page first and see if that prods our probable procrastinator into action.

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From perousing Capt Zero's profile he strikes me as the kind of cacher who takes, takes, takes. 240 finds but 0 hides, 104 trackables moves/discovered but 0 activated. Also from the gallery he has 3 little kids... the travellers he picks up could well be prizes he gives the kids. As a doctor who can afford to play nice he gives cachers a bad name.... but that's just my opinion.


Of course he could have changed his email address or has geocaching mail filtered as spam so all the TB owners trying to contact him are barking up a deaf tree.


Definitely change the name of your coin to TAKEN, at least.

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From perousing Capt Zero's profile he strikes me as the kind of cacher who takes, takes, takes. 240 finds but 0 hides, 104 trackables moves/discovered but 0 activated. Also from the gallery he has 3 little kids... the travellers he picks up could well be prizes he gives the kids. As a doctor who can afford to play nice he gives cachers a bad name.... but that's just my opinion.


Of course he could have changed his email address or has geocaching mail filtered as spam so all the TB owners trying to contact him are barking up a deaf tree.


Definitely change the name of your coin to TAKEN, at least.

I looked in there a little too, thinking that writing a note on one of his owned items might get through better than an email, but he has no owned items...He could have even changed usernames.

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From perousing Capt Zero's profile he strikes me as the kind of cacher who takes, takes, takes. 240 finds but 0 hides, 104 trackables moves/discovered but 0 activated. Also from the gallery he has 3 little kids... the travellers he picks up could well be prizes he gives the kids. As a doctor who can afford to play nice he gives cachers a bad name.... but that's just my opinion.


Of course he could have changed his email address or has geocaching mail filtered as spam so all the TB owners trying to contact him are barking up a deaf tree.


Definitely change the name of your coin to TAKEN, at least.

I looked in there a little too, thinking that writing a note on one of his owned items might get through better than an email, but he has no owned items...He could have even changed usernames.


Isn't there a way that TPTB could look into it. I mean, it has been 2 years. I Know they are busy souls, but maybe there is a way?!? :D

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I ask for some help from TPTB with one of my coins once and they did try and help me out. However, there really wasn't much they could do..they have the same contact information that we have access to. They did try though...


Isn't there a way that TPTB could look into it. I mean, it has been 2 years. I Know they are busy souls, but maybe there is a way?!? :D

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From perousing Capt Zero's profile he strikes me as the kind of cacher who takes, takes, takes. 240 finds but 0 hides, 104 trackables moves/discovered but 0 activated. Also from the gallery he has 3 little kids... the travellers he picks up could well be prizes he gives the kids. As a doctor who can afford to play nice he gives cachers a bad name.... but that's just my opinion.


Of course he could have changed his email address or has geocaching mail filtered as spam so all the TB owners trying to contact him are barking up a deaf tree.


Definitely change the name of your coin to TAKEN, at least.


Then I think my coin is last for ever :D




Alpha24 from Belgium

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