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Cointest (jumping up and down with joy!)


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oups! I just saw your hint!


how about... your cat is pregnant?? :)


daarrn you took the words at me month :rolleyes::):)



You have found 1000 caches.........................whhootttt you are a kilocacher congrats B):D:blink::lol:


Morning Team CeDo,

I've been waiting for you, LOL!!!!


It's not about Hockey or her family, that much we do know. And someone was close in the first few posts.





OK, the answers are great and random.

I don't enjoy Nascar even though I still buy 8 tickets to the Glen every year for the hubby.

Morgage has another few years.

Oh, the kitties. They are both males.

So, what is left?




Remember to be specific!

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