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Magellan GPS


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Magellan will not reliese there code to alow this to happen.

I find it does not slow me down I an still using a Explorist 500.

Make a PQ or Bookmark and send file to Magellan Geocache Manager.

There is a topic here somewhere for Magellan uses I will see if I can find it for you.

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As a newbie to geocaching I was very disapointed to find out your "send to GPS" option only supports Garmin. I know there has to be others out there with Magellan GPS's That would love some support.

When might we be able to expect that? :)

My understanding is that it is not gc.com's initiative to provide that particular support, but rather the company in question. Garmin did this some time ago, and Delorme appears to be working with gc.com to do this soon. At the rate Magellan's been doing customer-friendly things lately, I would not expect too much.

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My understanding is

Your understanding is correct.

Magellan apparently does not care about it's customers.

They apparently do not want to foster good relations with their customers by providing useful, free, tools to them.

They apparently only want your money and then you are completely on your own.

They have the most useless support people, although I've never ever contacted them myself, I'm going on prior reports in these forums.


You can do as others suggest with PQ's to get coords to your GPS. You can also download 1-20 caches at a time from any search page as LOC files and using free EasyGPS send them to your GPSr.

Edited by trainlove
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As has been said, make PQ's and use GSAK to send them to your unit and create a file for your PDA........just a minute or two and you can be off with hundreds of caches loaded, cache pages, hints, etc.


I'm new to this too, have the exact same problem as the OP and need to ask...PQ? GSAK? PDA? (This one is a Personal Data Assistant?)


Also, I've been told by a Boy Scouting frind...There is a program that you can load the grids to and then send to Magellan. It adds one step but takes out SOOOO much clickin on the actual GPS...

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As has been said, make PQ's and use GSAK to send them to your unit and create a file for your PDA........just a minute or two and you can be off with hundreds of caches loaded, cache pages, hints, etc.


I'm new to this too, have the exact same problem as the OP and need to ask...PQ? GSAK? PDA? (This one is a Personal Data Assistant?)


Also, I've been told by a Boy Scouting frind...There is a program that you can load the grids to and then send to Magellan. It adds one step but takes out SOOOO much clickin on the actual GPS...


I have only been geocaching for a year and found about 240 with my Magellan Explorist 500. They might not have the best customer support ( almost none at all ) I cant agree with all the magellan bashing I see all I know is when I go for a cache the thing almost always drops me right on the cache.


Sorry back to the question PQ is pocket querry which if you have the paid subscription for geocaching you will allow you creat a custom querry of the caches in a certain area

IE. a 5 mile radius around your home cords you can search a number of caches ( up to 500 ) all tho the Magellan can only import 200 at a time ( Gripe gripe )


GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife) is a program that alows you to do alot of things like importing that pocket querry into your Magellan and many other things like importing that same pocket querry into a PDA (personal data assistant ) for paperless caching.


well I hope this helped and sorry for being long winded

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My understanding is

Your understanding is correct.

Magellan apparently does not care about it's customers.

They apparently do not want to foster good relations with their customers by providing useful, free, tools to them.

They apparently only want your money and then you are completely on your own.

They have the most useless support people, although I've never ever contacted them myself, I'm going on prior reports in these forums.


You can do as others suggest with PQ's to get coords to your GPS. You can also download 1-20 caches at a time from any search page as LOC files and using free EasyGPS send them to your GPSr.


Do you personally know anyone at Magellan? I'm just curious...I actually prefer using my Magellan with GSAK (only $10 for a full subscription...free, if you don't mind the nag screen) over what I experienced with my Garmin and the "send to GPS" function on geocaching.com. I don't think it's a case of Magellan taking your money and leaving you "out on your own." I think it's a case of priorities...and, right now, the company is no prioritizing geocachers. I have no problem with that, as, well, I'm pretty capable of figuring stuff out...which, I guess, says a lot...

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I own two Magellans - a Sportrak Colour and just recenty acquired an Explorist XL (luv its big screen). I agree that Magellan's support is horrendous - well to qualify it as horrendous is a misnomer since I don't think their customer support actually exists. But I haven't had any problems with their GPS's. I create Pocket Queries, send them to GSAK, refine a filter, export to Explorist format and then use MapSend Manager to transfer to my Explorist. One major problem I encountered involved my MapSend Topo maps not working with Vista nor recent service packs in XP. My workaround was to install my software onto an older XP pc, create regions, convert these to maps which I stored on my USB key, then transferred each map into Magellan's Vantage Point software on my Vista pc. Now I can use each of these topo maps on my Explorist by transferring them to my SD card and can use them in Vista. (and the Explorist XL's large screen provides me with enough light to allow me to tie my boot laces while out night caching)


So a few extra steps involved but once I figured everything out, smooth sailing.

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A few?!? Now add a PDA for paperless and you'll be at what 5 for PQs, and 4 for maps,

and PDA syncing gits ya up to somewhere around 12 total. Man I'm sold, I better dump

this PN-40, and dust off the XL, & LifeDrive. Uhhh?? . . . does Vista run on Parallels?

That would no doubt bring the nightmare I truly desire.


He's Cowboy Papa, and I'm sure he'd approve this message . . . ;^)




Naw, . . . On second thought I'll stick w/DeLorme, there'll be FAR fewer steps,

and an existent support network. WHAT was I thinking?

Edited by RRLover
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