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When to report a cache

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I was looking for caches to do at the weekend and there is one near me but reading the log it has 3 needs maintence the first was june 2007 then december then feb


I was going to go to see if it is still there but is seems to have been gone for a year now

Is there anyone to contact to contact the owner to have the listing amended,


Is there a time limit to this

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To be the perfect Geocaching Citizen, it would be good if you could just go and check on this cache yourself. Then if it really is the poor, abandoned cache that it appears to be you can post a "Should be archived" log, stating exactly what is the condition of the cache. (e.g. container cracked/bio-degraded into the subsoil/inhabited by happy family of newts/whatever). Your SBA log will go to the Reviewer who will then assess the situation and use his extraordinary powers to do whatever is necessary.


MrsB :laughing:

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Last find: June 19, 2007 by one lost sheep

Owner's last visit to the site: Sunday, January 07, 2007

Three NMs:

June 29, 2007 by Gmick

December 16, 2007 by Drumb0

February 25 by kevnorth


It really is the pits man! ;-)


I've no idea which cache is being referred to, but that does sound an idea candidate for a SBA log.


(Do we have to mention "pits" in here?) :laughing:


MrsB goes to find the air freshener spray...

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As a community, we are all a bit reluctant to use the NA Log, but really it needs to be done more often, certainly over here, though the UK is a bit more responsible IMHO.


I trod very carefully when we arrived here, not wishing to upset the locals, but now I report caches as NA when necessary and that was at the behest of the local reviewer when I contacted her about something (she does all of Nevada and Arizona and it's her only chance of knowing about the trash).


Rule of thumb, if you see a cache where the owner has ignored several DNF/NM logs and hasn't logged in themselves for several months (years) then post a Needs Archived Log, even if you were just browsing the area and haven't been there yourself. That way the Reviewer can follow it up.

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When I was reviewing (as Lactodorum) I would always encourage people to post a "Needs Archived" (SBA) log. That way the reviewers are made aware of a potential problem and in the case of such a cache as described, we would almost certainly try and follow it up with the owner.


I would stress that posting a SBA does NOT automatically lead to a cache being archived, it just brings it to the attention of the reviewer.

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I would stress that posting a SBA does NOT automatically lead to a cache being archived, it just brings it to the attention of the reviewer.

I don't want to cause any arguments (honest) but Mandy flagged a cache I was looking after that Graculus archived without warning a short while later. Granted it had been disabled for a while and had fallen off my radar, but I would have expected the customary reminder and a short time to fix it.


I had my moan at Graculus (remembering not to call him Graccy :D ) and the case is closed, just like the cache, but I do strongly feel that a reminder/warning should be given as it has in the past.

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I was looking for caches to do at the weekend and there is one near me but reading the log it has 3 needs maintence the first was june 2007 then december then feb


I was going to go to see if it is still there but is seems to have been gone for a year now

Is there anyone to contact to contact the owner to have the listing amended,


Is there a time limit to this


For me if you're near the cache it would be good form to visit the site before posting. If you're not near the cache it may be good form to leave well alone.

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I was looking for caches to do at the weekend and there is one near me but reading the log it has 3 needs maintence the first was june 2007 then december then feb


I was going to go to see if it is still there but is seems to have been gone for a year now

Is there anyone to contact to contact the owner to have the listing amended,


Is there a time limit to this


For me if you're near the cache it would be good form to visit the site before posting. If you're not near the cache it may be good form to leave well alone.


possibly, but also worth bearing in mind that those local to a cache may not actually now it is having difficulties, especially if they have already found it. Once a cache is found, it tends to drop off of people's radar unless they have some special reason for putting it on a watchlist. Just a thought. Anyway, I'll carry on posting SBAs or NAs or whatever they are called, should I feel it necessary. I tend to err on the side of caution though, and like to make sure!


Taking this a step further, would an SBA-type log be less controversial if it was renamed along the lines of "bring to reviewer's attention". Less confrontational, especially as that is all it really amounts to in the end - it's the reviwer who decides, not us plebs!

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Caches can be reported with a 'needs maintenance log' which emails the owner (but not the Reviewer). The owner should respond by checking the cache and if it is no longer available should disable it. The guidelines state that a cache should only be disabled for "a few weeks" during which time the owner is expected to either repair/replace or archive it.


The guidelines further state: "In the event that a cache is not being properly maintained, or has been temporarily disabled for an extended period of time, we may archive or transfer the listing." The UK Reviewers would consider 'an extended period of time' to be more than 2 months.


There is an option when reporting a cache to use the "needs archived" log indicating to the owner (and the Reviewers who get a copy of this type of log) that the cache is no longer available and nothing seems to be being done about it e.g. the owner has not responded to log requests.


When we get a 'needs to be archived' log we check the cache and past logs to see what has been happening. We also check the owner to see if they are still 'active'. There are many instances of a 'one off' cache placement then the owner appears to give up Geocaching! If it is within the two month period we will PM the owner and request they check it - giving them a couple of weeks to respond. If there is no response to that request we will archive it. If however the logs indicate an extended period of time disabled and other logs from cachers reporting 'needs maintenance' and no logs from the owner to indicate if it is being dealt with, we will just archive it. It is not uncommon to find a cache disabled for many (many) months with no indication the owner is doing anything about it but they are still actively caching :(


If you do disable a cache and are having problems getting it sorted out then please post an owner maintenance log on it so that we (and others) may know what is happening. As long as we see it is being actioned we will leave it disabled for a longer period (but not too long :D ).


At the moment we have a large backlog of 'needs archiving' emails to deal with. Please do not forget the stirling work that Deceangi has been doing on his own for many months now. I am only just getting up to speed as a Reviewer. This means we do not have time to consider every disabled cache before archiving it although we do try to be fair. And please don't forget we can very easily 'un-archive' it for you.


And finally.... I know I have quoted the guidelines frequently in this post but let me remind you that you already know these guidelines, you cannot publish your cache without ticking a box to say you have read them :(




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