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Save PQ automation in Outlook

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I've researched the idea enough to know it is possible, and even have found some code to do this, however I keep getting stuck when it comes time to modify the code to use my existing folder locations, or possibly some other step I'm not aware of.


I have a rule set up to move PQ's to their own Sub-Folder (under Inbox) where I then manually "Save as" to send them to a folder in Documents where I keep my PQ's.


I'm under the impression by using a macro, as soon as the E-mail with attachment (i.e. my PQ) hits the sub-folder, the macro would run and save the attachment to a pre-defined address (Dcuments\Pocket Queries) overwriting the old PQ file from last week. Then after a week or two my Archive settings delete the messages and attachments saving me disk space. I should never need to touch my PQ's in Outlook, only open GSAK or my folder in Documents.


If anyone is familiar enough with Visual Basic to help me solve my issues I'd greatly appreciate it and hopefully others here with MS Outlook can use the method. The online sources assume you have some knowledge of Visual Basic, and while I've managed to get it "half-working" I need some more simplified instructions.


Here is the latest (and I think the simplest) code I've tried:

Outlook Automatically save and print attachments code


I'm not sure all that automation is going to save you anything. You use GSAK which means you will still have to open GSAK, open a folder with the new GPX in it, then drag it to the appropriate folder in GSAK to load it. It appears from your posting that you might believe that overwriting the old one in the PocketQueries folder will somehow change GSAK.


You could also have gsak get the mail from your inbox automaticly if all you are trying to do is import the queries into your gsak database.I have a special mail account that all my queires go to then gsak checks this account and downloads all the queries for me


I'm not sure all that automation is going to save you anything. You use GSAK which means you will still have to open GSAK, open a folder with the new GPX in it, then drag it to the appropriate folder in GSAK to load it. It appears from your posting that you might believe that overwriting the old one in the PocketQueries folder will somehow change GSAK.


No, it will work and be useful.


The effect of the macro in Outlook is this. Every time my mail account receives the PQ, the .zip file will be sent immediately to a known address. (As in C:\Users\Airmaper\Documents\Pocket Queries\filename.zip) and overwrite that file.


GSAK is built to look for a file in the location it was last accessed, which means the ONLY action I will need to do is hit load in GSAK. It will load the same PQ I used last time, only since it has been overwritten, the data is current. If you intend to use more than one PQ in a database, you can set up load profiles to change the settings (and address of the target file) with a click on a drop down menu.


The reason I know this is I already do it, the macro will save me the effort of saving each PQ to the destination folder from Outlook.


You could also have gsak get the mail from your inbox automaticly if all you are trying to do is import the queries into your gsak database.I have a special mail account that all my queires go to then gsak checks this account and downloads all the queries for me


That is a nice feature and a good suggestion, but what if I want to use another program for my PQ, like EasyGPS or USAPhotomaps. With the macro, I can go directly to the Pocket Query folder and get the file after my mail syncs. I won't have to save it first from Outlook.


I appreciate the comments so far, but still what I need is to add the code to a Visual Basic macro to tell it where my E-mail PQ folder, and local disk PQ folders are. If someone knows Visual Basic, I bet it will take all of 10 seconds to know what to do, and 15 minutes to tell me how. :lol::)




Send me a message with your code so far and the file locations where you want things saved and so on, and I'll take a stab at it. It's been a while, but I used to feed my family automating Outlook.




My setup is a little different. I have a third-party($) "custom action" in the rules wizard that will save attachments to a folder and run an executable. My executable in this case is a perl script that starts GSAK with a macro to load the PQ. So as long as Outlook is running, as soon as the PQ comes in GSAK will immediately have the latest. I can provide details if you're interested.


As for your problem, I don't really do Visual Basic and I'm not sure if this would be a problem in its syntax, but could it be the space in your file path causing your headaches.?




Send me a message with your code so far and the file locations where you want things saved and so on, and I'll take a stab at it. It's been a while, but I used to feed my family automating Outlook.




Thank You, PM sent.


As for your problem, I don't really do Visual Basic and I'm not sure if this would be a problem in its syntax, but could it be the space in your file path causing your headaches.?


That might be it, my file system is full of folders with two word names and with Vista they are everywhere.


Use the "Get Mail" function already built into GSAK. It will pull your PQ's from the mail server and save them into any folder on your computer you want. With this function you have the option of overwriting a PQ of the same name, say last week's PQ, or have GSAK ammend the name by adding a number to it.

The one possible problem with this function is that the original e-mail needs to be on the e-mail server. If the e-mail w/ the PQ has already been downloaded off of the serever the "Get Mail" function won't work.



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