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GSAK Macro for YOSM?

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Assuming you mean finders stats then I don't know of a GSAK macro that does it but if you can do the following.


1. Get Edgemasters enhancement to log counter script for Firefox which can be found HERE and install it.


2. Generate a list of finders using the script.


3. Cut and paste that list into a text file then import it into Excel. From there you can sort the data as you need.


It is then easy to produce stats like this:-




If anyone knows an easier way please let me know ;)


Hope that helps,


Dave - The Gecko's

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I've installed the script but how do I run it? (I'm not familiar with greasemonkey scripts :) )


Once installed you will see that under the usual logged visits counter you now also have "Finder count: ( click to show )" Just click on that and a list of finders will appear below it.


Dave - The Gecko's

Edited by The Gecko's
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