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Yet another Iron Horse (APE cache) ride :)


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TrailGators (aka Patrick) and family will soon be visiting us from Southern California, and of course, the APE cache is on the agenda. Alas, Monday, July 7, is the only time he can do it.


So on July 7, MarcusArelius and I are taking TrailGators on a thru-ride of the Iron Horse from Snoqualmie (Hyak) to Rattlesnake Lake, which is about 22 miles (downhill grade the entire way). Beautiful scenery and up to 20 caches, per Mark's excellent Iron Horse Ride bookmark list.


Anyone is welcome to join us if you have the day off - the more, the merrier! :ph34r: Let us know if you want to come, so we can coordinate logistics.


If you can't make the ride, we hope to see you later that day at our Meet-n-Greet at Red Hook Brewery.

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Hey, it would be so cool if LandRover and Team Sagefox could join us! :D


We're meeting at Rattlesnake Lake next Monday, July 7, at 10:15 am, in the parking area outside the gate. That's exit 32 off I-90 east. If you like, auto-route to the Cedar Falls cache and stop at parking.


Would appreciate everyone meeting at Rattlesnake first, in case we need to shuffle bikes and passengers to ensure adequate vehicles at both ends. We'll then shuttle up to Hyak to start the ride. When we get done that afternoon, we'll take those who drove to Hyak back up to their cars.

Edited by hydnsek
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Spark and I are planning on being there though we might balk if thunderstorms are predicted. The long range forcast right now says partly cloudy.

Spark....thunderstorms....I understand completely. :D Seriously, I do. I have a near-phobia about lightning ever since I was trapped on an open ridge at Yellowstone during a major thunderstorm. Then met Lightning Jeff, who survived a lightning strike in almost the same spot. ;) I still love watching thunderstorms from a safe spot - so awesome and pretty. (It's lightning outside right now!)


EraSeek - I hope fate allows your body to make it, would be great to see you! ;)

Edited by hydnsek
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I've got Maonday & Tuesday off so at this point my plan is to meet you at Hyak. I'm heading up to the pass on Sunday to do a bit of camping at Mirror Lake so I would rather not have to drive down to Rattlesnake Lake just to turn around and drive back up to the pass but I will need a ride for me and my bike back up to Hyak after the ride.

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Lookin' good!


Current weather conditions at Snoqualmie Pass

Updated: July 6, 2008 9:11 AM


Air Temp: 49ºF Humidity: 90%


Surface Temp: 71ºF Dew Point: 47ºF


Elevation: 2874 ft / 876 m Wind Speed: 0 mph


24hr High/Low: 54ºF / 52ºF Wind Direction: N


Pressure: N/A Visibility: N/A


Recent Weather Data



Today Rain Showers

Tonight Clear

Monday Clear

Monday night Clear

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Change of plans once again. I had to cut my camping trip short in fact I didn't get to camp at all. On the way to Lost Lake I stopped to get a BM and locked my keys in the Land Rover, along with my cell phone. I ended up breaking out a window so I could get back in and I wasn't going to leave my car at the Mirror Lake trail head overnight without a rear passenger window. So anyway I will be meeting everyone at Rattlesnake Lake. I will be driving the VW.

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This was, indeed, a fun day. We really enjoyed the ride and meeting the faces behind the names we've long recognized.


This was the first time since about the 9th grade that either of us has ridden a bike over 20 miles in one day but the downgrade made it easy. We know that we did something but nothing that a couple of Advil can't fix. The breaks presented by approximately 1 cache per mile helped out too, though that climb to Raven's Roost let us know that cache meant business.


Through the years I have been reading the logs from the Iron Horse rides and loosely attempting to setup our own ride. We lived in California during all but the last year and it was very difficult to fit this ride in during our short visits. Now that we are settled in nicely in Olympia I have been keeping an eye out for a group effort and then Hydnsek came along with this great one. Nice of her to include the best of riding conditions - clear sky, warm and good company.


Thanks Abby for this most enjoyable day.


Here is the companion photo to lucyandrickie's: (Lucy was there to send us off!)



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That's a great shot of Lucy, Sagefox :ph34r:

What a great ride. An absolutly perfect day! Thanks everyone, I loved it!

All the usual suspects:



"Fellowship is the purpose of our creation" Marcus Aurelius (the first one)

Edited by EraSeek
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Thanks to everyone who joined me and TrailGators on our wonderful ride down the Iron Horse trail. The weather and company couldn't have been better! :P Thanks to Rickie's tracking, we now know it's 22.5 miles from Hyak to Rattlesnake Lake, something we'd been speculating about. Others have already posted most of the memorable moments, so I'll just add this photo of our newest APE initiates - congrats, TrailGators and Team Sagefox!



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