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Lord Hill, now with maps.


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I know I said I'd stay out of the forums - but I can't & I tried. Too many interesting topics. Anyhow, I haven't had a chance to do Lord Hill, so if something gets put together in January, I'd love to go. The only day I can't is the 19th - but it looks like you're talking the 26th.

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GA just emailed me a great idea and I was wondering if it would work. Could we park a car or two at the top of Lord hill and park one or two on the bottom? Then it would almost be downhill half the time. Oh and what knee is bad? I have a cranky right knee, if yours is the left maybe we can tie ourselves together at the waist, and maybe we can walk straight :(

Edited by Harriet the Spy
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Some of you may remember I posted a similar thread a couple years ago. We eventually did the 'through hike' as you mention by parking a few cars at each end, (most of us) starting at the "top" end and ending at the river. Here is a track/map that AndrewRJ made with his new 60CSX as we walked:




I say 'most' because LandRover, Prying Pandora and PlaidGuy did it the opposite way and by doing that missed my 1000th cache/celebration. :laughing:


Some information for you as you plan:


1. There are many 'loops' in the park. You'll have to plan which ones you want to do. Oh, and there is no trail around Temple Pond even though there is a Temple Pond Loop.


2. We did not do the West View spur or the Beaver Lake loop. Even without those, our trip was still 7 miles...and took 4.5 hours (9am - 1:30pm) and I did 10 geocaches (and one terra cache). Some of the group did one or two more but I was tired and sore by that point.


3. Thinking you will go 'up' for half and then 'down' for the other half, as I admittedly did, is a bad thing to do. There are many 'ups' and many 'downs'...and that big 'down' at the end near the river takes many 'ups' to get there.


4. It's January...think mud. Wear good boots with lots of traction. As always, take water and snacks with you.


Not trying to scare you...just want you to be prepared.


And yes...If you get the stuff, I'll show up with my stove and make Frito Pies for y'all. :(

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I have a sort of Frankenmap of the trails in Lord Hill. It is made of a combination of tracks I recorded on various excursions out there as well as data taken from aerial photos and assorted trail guides. Here is what it currently looks like:




I'm not sure if I can join the party on the 26th, but if not could I ask people to record track data of the outing and send it to me so I can continue polishing the data?


You can download the data that I currently have here:


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Woot!! Pokey Plodders are eventing this Saturday!

I have a preliminary route that I have come up with. I used the very helpful route Allanon posted, Sassy's Map of the park and Google Earth. If anyone who knows the park better thinks I have some things out of order let me know.

1 Galleons Leap

2 Tibby's Remnant of Majesty

3 Beaver Lake

4 Lord Hill Rocks

5 Tibby's Mossy Maple

6 New Original Lord Hill

7 Another Lords Hill

8 Temple Pond

9 I saw a weasel...

10 Buck Rub 3.0

11 Lord Hill back side

12 In which pooh...

13 Quarry Trail 3.0

14 Wile Coyote

15 Monroe 3 cookie dough

16 Eagle Perch

Not on the list

Rickies Birthday

West View

River Trail


I plan on placing the Event cache as close to parking on the bottom of the hill as possible. So there can be a parking coordinate cache. Also Gridlock I solved a looong time ago, found the cache and don't have the cords hanging around to put it my route. If somebody still had them around I could put it in where it belongs.


Any thoughts on the route?


Edit: I realized I missed some caches

Edited by Harriet the Spy
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After some MUCH better intel (from the honorable Johnny Boy) this is what I got (Thanks to Tibby's People as well!)


The point to point version, from NW parking to South parking would be:


Tibby's Remnant of Majesty

Beaver Lake

Take the North end of the Tpl to Tibby's Mossy Maple

Continue on the Tpl to New Original Lord Hill

Then continue on the TPL to Lord Hill Rocks

Head South on the Pipeline to the cutoff trail and then up to Another Lord Hill

Then back to the Pipeline to the Temple Pond View point trail and the Cache called Temple Pond.

Then back to the Pipeline south again to Buck Rub.

From Buck Rub you can take the Quarry trail around and down past the Quarry Trail cache to Lord Hill Back Side or

you can drop down the steepish goat trail along the utility right of way directly to Lord Hill Back Side (Then quarry trail cache would be a short side trip option)

Finally from the Back Side cache you could work your way around the quarry to the area with a boat load of dumped logs. If you drop down the hill north of the logs you'd pick up a trail that heads down and SW toward the river to Pooh's. Then continue toward the river. At some point you'll hit a dirt road and from there Wil E. Coyote, Eagle Perch and Cookie Dough and then it is a short walk to the south parking.

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