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Vista...any good


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I need to upgrade. I don't need any city maps nor any of the U.S. navigational options or points of interest. I live in Canada and my gps will be used for hunting and fishing and I want to upload topo maps. I was looking for a used Etrex Legend but for a few dollars more, I can get a refurbished Vista....I like the compass function and the altimeter plus the additional memory.


Is the Vista a good reliable GPS? Are refurbished GPS's good? Not many people mention the Vista.


I've had a new Vista Hcx for a few months now and like it quite well; I upgraded from an older--refurbished--GPS V, which never let me down.

You should still get a decent warranty with a refurbished Garmin unit, despite the model, otherwise keep shopping around, IMO.


Vista Operating System is crap, but if you are talking about the GPS then I have heard much good about the HCx, and it will be my next GPSr, baring something newer/better.

Posted (edited)

I need to upgrade. I don't need any city maps nor any of the U.S. navigational options or points of interest. I live in Canada and my gps will be used for hunting and fishing and I want to upload topo maps. I was looking for a used Etrex Legend but for a few dollars more, I can get a refurbished Vista....I like the compass function and the altimeter plus the additional memory.


Is the Vista a good reliable GPS? Are refurbished GPS's good? Not many people mention the Vista.


It appears you are inquiring about the older black and white Etrex Vista. It has 24 Mb of internal memory and will allow you to do what you are asking - upload topo maps to it. Granted you would not be able to upload a large area with topos but you certainly would be able to upload an entire area you'd be hunting in. The major draw back with the Vista (b&w) ones is that they tend to loose satellite lock in heavy tree cover... not the best thing when your hunting.


The newer Etrex color unit's satellite lock was improved over the black and white units and the newest H (high sensitiviy) units are outstanding. It might be worth spending a few more dollars to get the color and and high sensitivity and not go with the compass to save money. The top of the line Vista HCx which is something that would serve you well and you'd be happy with for many years can be bought for around $237. The compass on the Vista HCx usually only adds about $20.00 more and for $20 I'd definitely get the compass and altimeter. I would step up to at least a color refurbished unit if possible.


Nothing wrong at all with buying factory refurbished and warranted units.


edited: Link to eTrex H on Amazon


Edited by eaparks

REI.com has the eplorist 210 for $124 with the Topo map CD included. Don't forget that's usually another hundred bucks or so. I can't really give it a good recomendatin as I don't have one yet.....but that price seems pretty good to me, after looking online for an entry level unit. I expect the prices on all the explorists will start to drop now that the new Triton line is out.

Posted (edited)

An older Vista (pre-HCx) may give you problems under tree cover or in canyons.


I just upgraded from the Vista to the Vista HCx. Let me say i really liked the Vista and the only reason i upgraded is because it broke. I think it had (device specific) issues from the start, but it carried me for 2 years.


I can vouch for the sensitivity. I havent had the HCx off road yet, but under tree cover my Vista had a very difficult time keeping satellite lock. Forget about picking them up indoors (not that thats required) just making the point that i can lock onto a bunch of satellites sitting in my living room now with the HCx, no way the old one would see even one in that situation.


I used my vista extensively when mountain biking this summer. I was dissappointed with how often it lost sat. reception in the trees and valleys. Couple of the guys i was riding with had the edge 305 devices on their bikes and kept lock the entire time no matter how deep the ravine or thick the canopy. Looks like the HCx will be much much improved in this area.

Edited by dropthehammer

Problem with the eTrex Vista is that it only gets about 10 hours in real world battery time. Which was annoying.


I think the Vista and Legend Cx and HCx models are rated for longer use (25-32hrs). I know I get more than 10 hrs from mine.


I submit the Etrex Venture HC ($160) for consideration. It has color screen and can hold 24mb of maps. The "H" means it has the touted new sensitivity chip which I can vouch has significant improvement in the satellite-signal gathering dept. I have a Vista HCx and it is no competition for my mono Vista or Venture Cx.


I've been using themonochrome Vista since June of 07. It has gotten me over 150 finds so far. I have the entire state of New Jersey topo on it, as well as some of NE Pennsylvania. The downside, as others have mentioned is the low sensitivity. It open areas, it quickly gets a WAAS lock, giving me often 10 foot accuracy or better. But in heavy tree cover it bounces from 20' (good) to 40'(bleh). Once, in wet tree cover, the accuracy was bouncing from 145' to 180' (and yet I was able to find a woods micro).


There were many many times I wished for a high sensitivity chip. I really want to upgrade to the 60csx. And I find the electronic compass indispensable.


My husband and I both have an Extrex Vista C. We've had them almost 3 years and use them almost daily, mainly geocaching. Neither have been a problem other than the rubber surround comes loose in the heat but I think we've got that one licked now :D The new model is the Vista Cx. I'd definitely purchase another.


I used the Vista C for more than two years and still have it as a "spare" now that I upgraded to the Vista HCx. I started with the monochrome Vista, but wouldn't go back to one now after having a color display, a faster processor, and the greater sensitivity chip.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the responses. I'm not very interested in buying a Magellan. As for sensitive reception, that has never been a problem for me because I can find my way around in the bush when there are no trails. I always have topo maps and compass with me. I use my GPS most often in my canoe or boat. I always hook up my GPS to my electric motor battery, so running out of batteries is not a problem either. Even my Lowrance GlobalNav 200 worked fine. If it wasn't for the fact that I want to load some topo maps, I would still use it. When driving on the highway, I plug my Lowrance in the cigarette lighter and 90% of the time, when coming back on my tracks, it even tells me on which side of the road I am driving on. Yes, some of the bells and whistles of the newer units would be great, I'm on a tight budget so 100 dollars is the limit I want to put on a GPS. In a year or two, the higher end units will be in my price range.

Edited by phern47

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