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Would this kind be allowed?


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Ok, I am still new and all that but have some ideas, one of which I am especially fond of, for some caches.


The one which falls in my favor is something of a "Save the environment" message. I'm not some tree-hugger granola, but do care.


Basically a local river, the Cache le Poudre, is being threatened with another reservoir which would consume a majority of its water and basically deplete it by 2040 or around there. There is a book that was published containing essays, poems etc... about the river and its vast importance to many people. My idea is to place a cache in the Cache which would encourage activism or at least educate people. It would contain 2-3 copies of the book, some literature on the Poudre, ways to get involved, and general non-affiliated fun stuff. It would be in an ammo can as well. My goal is to get people up into the Canyon where the heart of the river is, which isn't far from Fort Collins at all, and see what would be lost by informing them of


Would this be allowed, or would it be considered pushing an agenda. Don't want to ruffle any feathers or get a huge argument started, enough of those already.


Just want to know why this is or isn't a good idea. Thanks.

Posted (edited)
Would this be allowed, or would it be considered pushing an agenda.


I would have to say probably, at least as far as what you are describing. The books are fine, so a lot would depend on the text on the cache page. A brief mention of the threat to the area might pass muster, but a cache page dedicated education and encouraging activism would likely be considered an agenda.


For example here are two hypothetical cache page texts:


Probably OK:

The cache is in the beautiful e Cache le Poudre River valley. This section of Cache le Poudre River is the site of a proposed reservoir that will inundate this beautiful area, so enjoy it while you can....



Probably would not be allowed:

The cache is in the beautiful e Cache le Poudre River valley. This section of Cache le Poudre River is the site of a proposed reservoir that will inundate this beautiful area. The reservoir will consume most of the water in the region and deplete it by 2040, but you can help stop it. See the Friends of Cache le Poudre website to find out how you can be part of the effort to save this wonderful place...


Edited by briansnat
I mean, think about it: Trying to get the U.N. to pass a resolution on diabetes is pushing an agenda (one I also happen to support), so it seems the geocaching community is not absolutely adverse to agendas, so long as the cache page is not overtly political. As someone else suggests, I suspect you could slip that past a reviewer.


The difference is that the diabetes iniative is one that has been taken on by Groundspeak, the owners of this site. They can choose to support causes as they see fit. They also make the rules and the rules say that caches can't promote agendas, no matter how worthwhile. Your advice if taken, is only likely to hold up the publishing of the OP's cache.

I mean, think about it: Trying to get the U.N. to pass a resolution on diabetes is pushing an agenda (one I also happen to support), so it seems the geocaching community is not absolutely adverse to agendas, so long as the cache page is not overtly political. As someone else suggests, I suspect you could slip that past a reviewer.


The difference is that the diabetes iniative is one that has been taken on by Groundspeak, the owners of this site. They can choose to support causes as they see fit. They also make the rules and the rules say that caches can't promote agendas, no matter how worthwhile. Your advice if taken, is only likely to hold up the publishing of the OP's cache.


Point taken.


Ok, I am still new and all that but have some ideas, one of which I am especially fond of, for some caches.


The one which falls in my favor is something of a "Save the environment" message. I'm not some tree-hugger granola, but do care.


Basically a local river, the Cache le Poudre, is being threatened with another reservoir which would consume a majority of its water and basically deplete it by 2040 or around there. There is a book that was published containing essays, poems etc... about the river and its vast importance to many people. My idea is to place a cache in the Cache which would encourage activism or at least educate people. It would contain 2-3 copies of the book, some literature on the Poudre, ways to get involved, and general non-affiliated fun stuff. It would be in an ammo can as well. My goal is to get people up into the Canyon where the heart of the river is, which isn't far from Fort Collins at all, and see what would be lost by informing them of


Would this be allowed, or would it be considered pushing an agenda. Don't want to ruffle any feathers or get a huge argument started, enough of those already.


Just want to know why this is or isn't a good idea. Thanks.


My opinion, it will get shot down- See my recent cache Made In USA. I originally included details of how many American jobs have been lost, and included FACTS about our trade deficits with China. The reviewer didn't approve it until I removed most of the information.


Even though a cause may be popular, it doesn't make it any less of an agenda I guess.


BrianSnat summed it up fairly well. All caches have an agenda, it's when they cross a certain point that they need toned down a bit. If any agenda was a caching agenda it's certainly the preservation of open space.


With permission any cache with a blatent agenda can be listed. But you do have to ask and understand that no is a possible answer.

I mean, think about it: Trying to get the U.N. to pass a resolution on diabetes is pushing an agenda (one I also happen to support), so it seems the geocaching community is not absolutely adverse to agendas, so long as the cache page is not overtly political. As someone else suggests, I suspect you could slip that past a reviewer.


The difference is that the diabetes iniative is one that has been taken on by Groundspeak, the owners of this site. They can choose to support causes as they see fit. They also make the rules and the rules say that caches can't promote agendas, no matter how worthwhile. Your advice if taken, is only likely to hold up the publishing of the OP's cache.

And the diabetes thingy is TB's, not caches.


I used to live in Fort Collins. Great town. You should visit the site listed in my sig below. I know they are working at getting some Adopt-A-Miles and other projects and would probably love your input.


On Topic: Putting the books in the cache would be no problem, just make sure its good and water tight. If your light on the politics I don't see it as a problem. The two reviewers for that area are COAdmin and RockyMtnReviewer. I'd send them a polite email and see what they think before you go through a long hike to place it and get turned down.





The difference is that the diabetes iniative is one that has been taken on by Groundspeak, the owners of this site.


Erm... there's another big difference:


The diabetes initiative is via travel bugs, not caches, and AFAICT, anyone who wants to can release a TB or geocoin with an agenda.

In fact, there is a geocoin currently close to release which is dedicated to raising awareness of breast cancer; it's in the form of a pink ribbon.


I think the key to pushing an agenda is to be subtle and not forceful. People get fussy and combative when ideas get shoved down their throat. That's why TV commercials rarely tell you directly, "buy this now, or else."


How about leaving Travel Bugs inside the cache to bring awareness to the issue at hand? You can drop one off on each of your maintenance visits. It's a bit more costly than posting a log or note on bringing awareness to this issue, but the TBs will travel around and spread the word to the people who are unable to visit the location. :santa:



The difference is that the diabetes iniative is one that has been taken on by Groundspeak, the owners of this site.


Erm... there's another big difference:


The diabetes initiative is via travel bugs, not caches, ...


Consider Project APE Caches. They had a Big Hairy Commercial Agenda.


Not to open too big a can of worms, but why would the books be okay if the books are pushing a political agenda? I've heard repeatedly that religious traicts make for poor cache trade items and the most oft cited reason is that they are pushing a religious agenda. We even had a recent thread about a person who wanted to put religious items (crosses, rosaries, etc.) in a cache and that was majorly frowned on as well. Again, it was cited as pushing a particular agenda.


If the mere inclusion of religious items constitutes pushing an agenda, then I would think these books would fall into the same basket.


In the end, it all comes down to whether or not the reviewer decides to hit the publish button. It has been clearly stated that there is no precedent. Some caches, like the one I listed above, clearly have a strong agenda and get published (maybe that was before the agenda rule... I don't know). Some have almost no agenda and don't get published. We can argue about it all we want in the forums, but the reviewer will always have the final say unless the prospective cache-owner, or offended cache-seeker, appeal to higher powers on an individual basis.


I think the key to pushing an agenda is to be subtle and not forceful.

Kind of like this one? :D

Yeah, I visited that one when I first started Geocaching. Too bad the title wasn't more generic like "Tehachapi Best" or "World's Best Loop View" but considering when it was published (2003), I can see how it slipped through, due to looser guidelines. Even with the current guidelines, the political climate at the time would have risked cries of "traitor!" had it been rejected. :(


I highly recommend the cache, but as a disclaimer, I'm pushing a railfan agenda. :(

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