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Google Map Data Stream

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When I’m looking at specific cache locations using “Hide & seek a cache,” I get the option of getting a map by clicking on “Geocaching.com Google Map.” It displays a wonderful map with all of the local cache locations plotted. It appears that “Google Map” is the engine for this. What data does one feed “Google Map” to get it to plot such points? Also, is there some way that if I click on the map (especially the satellite view) that it will give me the lat/lon for the spot I clicked?

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When I’m looking at specific cache locations using “Hide & seek a cache,” I get the option of getting a map by clicking on “Geocaching.com Google Map.” It displays a wonderful map with all of the local cache locations plotted. It appears that “Google Map” is the engine for this. What data does one feed “Google Map” to get it to plot such points? Also, is there some way that if I click on the map (especially the satellite view) that it will give me the lat/lon for the spot I clicked?

I think they feed it snickers bars, but I'm not sure.

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When I’m looking at specific cache locations using “Hide & seek a cache,” I get the option of getting a map by clicking on “Geocaching.com Google Map.” It displays a wonderful map with all of the local cache locations plotted. It appears that “Google Map” is the engine for this. What data does one feed “Google Map” to get it to plot such points? Also, is there some way that if I click on the map (especially the satellite view) that it will give me the lat/lon for the spot I clicked?

There are a set of Google-suppled APIs that are incorporated into the webpage. These are used to generate the maps.

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I am developing an API into my own site to show caches etc, is the data that is fed through to google maps available for everyone's use?

I simply use a GSAK macro that I have created to build an HTML file from the current filtered dataset. I'm using the std GoogleMaps pushpins to represent the various cache types. The marker's provide the cache detail (owner, difficulty, travel bug, etc.).


This is my 30 mi radius (995 unfound caches) - Hmmm, where will I go next?? ;)



Next steps for my macro:


1. Calculate center/extents/zoom

2. Sidepanel to list the 20 caches nearest to a dragable centerpoint

3. Draw circle / calculate area of cleared radius

Edited by markp99
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When I’m looking at specific cache locations using “Hide & seek a cache,” I get the option of getting a map by clicking on “Geocaching.com Google Map.” It displays a wonderful map with all of the local cache locations plotted. It appears that “Google Map” is the engine for this. What data does one feed “Google Map” to get it to plot such points? Also, is there some way that if I click on the map (especially the satellite view) that it will give me the lat/lon for the spot I clicked?

I think they feed it snickers bars, but I'm not sure.

No, it's seeds and grain.

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