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Wooh! First 10 cache-finds has been reached!


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Note: Wasn't sure if this should go in the 'getting started', or the 'general geocaching' forum... but since I've only been caching for 8 days and this is a pathetisadically small number of finds, I figured I should put it here. If this is more meant to be in the 'general geocaching' forum, or the 'the unusual/the hunt' forum, could someone either move it, or just lock it and tell me to remake it?


In either case... second note. As previously stated, I realize that this is a pathetisadically small number of cache-finds, but hey... it was my first personal pseudo-milestone I was aiming to reach. 10 cache-finds without the use of a GPS system.

... I'll be getting said GPSr either late next week, or the week after. Or worst case, the week after that.


Regardless... WOOH! Some semblance of happiness over here at least. There's not all that many caches in Manitoba (compared to say... most capitol cities in the USA or most of Canada), so I'm thinking it's not too bad an achievement.


Added bonus: #10 there was a micro. Albeit an easily-rated micro, but a micro nonetheless.


Although, the mildly annoying part about not having a GPS yet is that I can't really do any multi-caches, or anything that involves finding the "final" coordinates of the actual cache. Well... technically I could do it, but I'd have to find the first hint, go home, find where those coordinates go in google maps or something, go back out, and repeat as many times as needed. Not really wanting to make a dozen trips back home for one cache when there's various traditional caches around. Just have to kinda expand the area I'm looking :laughing:


So... yeah... that's about it. Was just happy about said achievement, and wanted to post about it :lol:

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Congratulations on your finds!


We like to go Google-Earth caching too. We use a GPS most of the time, but every now and then it's not with us or it's hungry.


The funny thing is, when you get a GPS you may have a harder time finding caches. The GPS can divert your attention from looking around for a likely hiding spot.


- T of TandS

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Congrats! I'm just one behind you, but plan on adding #10 within the next day or so. Can't really afford a GPS right now (am I still really a Geocacher?), just rely on online maps, copious notes, and spoilers left in the log entries. Sure I might being making it too easy, but I'm still having fun, and more importantly, getting some much needed exercise.

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WOOT! Well... random note... I'm now at 11 non-gps finds, but my GPSr should be arriving early next week (or if I'm brutal-lucky, late this week). Got my brother in law to get it in Calgary from a place that's 1. usually 50-100 bucks cheaper than a store here, and 2. There's no PST there. It's being shipped out today :} :} :}


Maybe I can get up to 15 non-gps finds before it gets here :blink:

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Fraid so, if youve found a box and signed a log you're in, and if you did it without a GPS then you're in the fundamentalist wing of the movement.


A Geofundie? Hallalujah! :P


(currently up to 14 finds)

Congradulations 14 finds without a unit. There is a cacher out there with over 900 finds and he hates the gps units. He uses maps and a compass. nice to see someone dedicated.

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Hey Kabuthunk, you inspired me to try it sans GPSr. There was a cache (GCQ7F9 - Lovers Lane) I'd been driving by all week and had a good idea where it was so after reading your thread, I went and gave it a try. I brought my trusty new GPSMAP 60Cx with just in case, but didn't need it. Good thing too! While playing around with my new toy, I had downloaded this cache and then erased it! :laughing:

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Congrats on #10! I was only able to do 1 before I broke down and bought a gps. Does make it easier, that's for sure.


Us too! We found our first one without GPS, then went straight to Canuck Tire and bought one. Love it!


At any rate Kabuthunk, being from Saskatchewan, I can relate to the low number of caches in your area - Way to go!

Edited by glennandroxy
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