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Logs Like Blogs


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This is not at all a necessity, but I think it might be cool if there was a page that showed our logs in a "blog" format, similar to the Cache logs in the user profile, except with the actual logs displayed (sort of like the cache page logs, except by user instead of cache). Of course, it might not seem very appealing to those cachers who just say "TNLNSL TFTC" in their logs. :laughing:

Thanks for listening! :rolleyes:

Edited by TFTC
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This is not at all a necessity, but I think it might be cool if there was a page that showed our logs in a "blog" format, similar to the Cache logs in the user profile, except with the actual logs displayed (sort of like the cache page logs, except by user instead of cache). Of course, it might not seem very appealing to those cachers who just say "TNLNSL TFTC" in their logs. :o

Thanks for listening! :bad:


Do you mean as a tab in a user's profile or something? I'm not getting what you are looking for.

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Do you mean as a tab in a user's profile or something? I'm not getting what you are looking for.
I'm not sure how you'd get to it. Basically I mean a page of a user's logs, in descending date order, like a blog. Similar to what you see on a cache page.
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Yeah, I know it doesn't show all the logs:

(Which might be a good thing.)




but you can use the calendar to navigate to other logs.


Neat suggestion though.

Thanks, that's actually very close to what I was thinking of (although, not being limited to 15 and paging to earlier logs would be a bonus) - how do you get to that page (other than the direct URL you pasted)? (never mind, found it) I get the feeling that that page can only be seen by you though, is that right? Edited by TFTC
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I get the feeling that that page can only be seen by you though, is that right?


Yes, since you access it through your account overview page. Knowing it was there is what prompted me to ask what you were looking for. MrCOgeo beat me to pointing it out. :bad:


I kinda like the idea have having your logs listed on another tab in your profile for others to look at. I like reading the logs of my brother and daughter, but bouncing around in the caches the visited can be a real pain and I imiagine it doesn't do the server load any favors either.

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The "recent logs" function, now available to just the account owner, might be extended as part of the much-discussed "friends group" feature that will hopefully be built here now that it's up and running over at Waymarking.com for somewhat different purposes. Members of an opt-in group would want an easy way to see each others' recent geocaching activity.

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I get the feeling that that page can only be seen by you though, is that right?


Yes, since you access it through your account overview page. Knowing it was there is what prompted me to ask what you were looking for. MrCOgeo beat me to pointing it out. :bad:


I kinda like the idea have having your logs listed on another tab in your profile for others to look at. I like reading the logs of my brother and daughter, but bouncing around in the caches the visited can be a real pain and I imiagine it doesn't do the server load any favors either.

I think it would also be cool if the uploaded images were embedded in the log (like the ones that pop up when you mouseover them in the cache log, except no popping up necessary - but that size). The logs could be displayed 10 at a time, and you could page through them (like bookmarks, etc) to go back in time, if displaying more is too much bandwidth-consuming. Another tab on the profile page would be fine - it could be "Geocaching Journal" or something.
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The "recent logs" function, now available to just the account owner, might be extended as part of the much-discussed "friends group" feature that will hopefully be built here now that it's up and running over at Waymarking.com for somewhat different purposes. Members of an opt-in group would want an easy way to see each others' recent geocaching activity.
Oh, thanks for that info - I've somehow completely missed that discussion so I'll search the forums for it now!


On edit: Found it - I have to digest how this would fit in with that. I don't think I'd want to have to manage who can see my "log blog". But if there's a downside to making it easy to read someone's logs (really, all this does is save them from clicking a few dozen more times and loading a bunch of unnecessary pages they can find anyway), maybe whether it shows or not could be a user preference?

Edited by TFTC
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