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New Hide....your Thaughts

Foothills Drifter

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Posted (edited)


The guy I buy my coffee from in the morning wants me to hide a cache in his parking lot (in a tree or elsewhere...) and put in certifacates for his 'goods'. I told him I could 'do the hide' but the certificates would be 'commerical' and would not get approved. I want to put in the 'usual swag' but in addition I would add (on the top) a First T Find Award of $5.00 off in the store (paid by me)

What do you think ? He would still get some G'cachers business, but would this still be too commerical?

He also sells ice cream, pasterys and a few 'other' things........


Your thoughts please.


Vern... :rolleyes:

Edited by Foothills Drifter
Posted (edited)

Have you read the guidelines for hidding a cache?

You make sound like a commercial cache.

THe owner of the store wants it in his parking lot.

Edited by JohnnyVegas

I don't see any difference between the store owner providing the certificate and you paying for it. For a cache in the parking lot of that particular store it looks like solicitation either way. Except you're out $5.

Oddly, I'd place this cache (if I were into placing parking lot caches, which I'm not). But I wouldn't include certificates to the store in it. On the other hand, if the store owner wanted to give me store certificates, I might drop them in OTHER caches.


Especially ice cream certificates. hmmm, food.


What's the difference between a cache in this parking lot and a cache at Wal-Mart?


I do agree that if the guy wants to give you certifcates for his store you should distribute them in other local caches. I picked up a card for a free cup of coffee once. It was in a cache about a half hour drive from where I live, but the coffee place is maybe a half mile from my house.


I agree he will probably get cacher business just by having the cache in his parking lot. Who can resist ice cream on a summer day?


I think that the act of hiding it in the parking lot of a business with permission is fine. No different than a Wal-mart lot cache - well actually better because you have permission. The certificates could also be fine. Really, what'd the difference between putting them in that cache, or in one a block away?


The key will be how you describe it in your cache page. Giving it a name that has something to do with the business (something like "Joe's Coffee Shop") and/or any mention of the business in your text will probably get the cache turned down.


Giving it a name that has something to do with the business (something like "Joe's Coffee Shop") and/or any mention of the business in your text will probably get the cache turned down.


I'm sending an email to a local art gallery about a potential cache on their 7th story terrace overlooking the Mississippi River. If they grant permission, I was seriously thinking about naming the cache "Atop the [local gallery name]"


If I named the cache that, is there less of a chance it would be accepted? What about if I did not name the cache that?

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