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Disgusted And Appalled


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I just wanted to make you all aware of the people that are in the IRC channel #geocache on irc.slashnet.org, I came into this room for the first time with my two kids watching as well, as they are also into Geocaching


As you can see I had my name changed because it was already taken, so upon changing my name I receive the message you see below, I jokingly responded with one of the built in responders in my IRC client to be greeted by this imbecile and his barrage of abuse.


I just wanted to make anyone aware that is thinking of going in there or allowing their kids in there to stay well away, it’s the certain few that spoil it for the rest


[8:05pm] *NickServ* This nickname has been registered; you may not use it. Your nickname is now being changed to Guest1702487026


[8:05pm] *legal1* Jimmy=Guest1702487026 Oh Yeah? That nick's kewl 8o)


[8:05pm] *Guest1702487026 is now known as JimmyR


[8:05pm] *legal1* Guest1702487026 = JimmyR Oh Yeah? That nick's kewl 8o)


[Content removed by moderator]

Edited by CYBret
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SilentBob has never been known to be silent. :cool:


Although I don't frequent the chat room much, I have been witness (maybe even a party to) to some seedy conversation there. Keep in mind that this website basically disclaims, in the index link, any control of Clayjar's chat room.


Not saying that I condone the type of language you have illustrated, but at least now you know what you may encounter there. I've found though, that most participants there are at least as civil as they are in these forums. Perhaps your timing was just bad. :(:huh:

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[Edited by moderator who thought that Mopar did a good job of explaining IRC life, unfortunately this isn't the place for it]


[i had to save this part, though....might need to use it sometime]


I can't believe you just made me have to stick up for that jerk Silent Bob!

Edited by CYBret
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As noted on the link that takes you from the Groundspeak Forums to the ClayJar Chat Channel on IRC #geocache, this service is not sponsored by Groundspeak. Please address your complaint to ClayJar, who manages the channel.


The material is equally offensive when posted into the Groundspeak Forums, so I've removed it. Content posted here is governed by the Forum Guidelines linked at the top left corner of every page. ClayJar would be able to speak to any guidelines which might govern the #geocache channel.




I couldn't have said it better myself....glad I didn't have to.


Closing and editing this one too.



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