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Caretakers For Caches?

The Golem

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I'm not sure what the point of placing a cache you can't maintain is. Surely it should be placed by someone who can maintain it. It just seems like a way of getting more hides in your stats.


However, you could be meaning placing a cache and then getting someone else to 'own' it. I wouldn't see a problem with that, say if you had come up with a good idea for one.



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If you have a contact who is willing to look after the cache then it is OK, but you should leave a reviewer note to that effect when setting up the web page for consideration by lactodorum or Eckington, the person does not have to be a cacher.


The person should live no further than 50 miles but closer is better


This cachers has several maintained by family and friends.


Milton (aka Moote)

Edited by Moote
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How would you feel about maintaining caches for another person?  :D

I've been approached on five occasions to adopt or act as maintainer, by people who have placed caches in Ireland but are not resident here.


Unfortunately, my criteria for agreeing to this are a lot more stringent than Geocaching.com's guidelines...


* GC.com prefer a statement from the placer that permission to hide was obtained - I need to see proof.


* GC.com don't (usually) approve caches within 0.1 miles of an existing one - I won't maintain if it's within 1.5 kilometres of an existing one.


* I won't maintain if the container is inadequate - and most holiday cache containers are far from adequate for conditions here.


* GC.com don't (usually) approve caches in a SSI or ASSI - I won't accept one if it's in ANY designated conservation area.


And... if all the above criteria are met but I'm feeling more than usually grumpy that day, I probably won't agree anyway. :mad:



Edited by wildlifewriter
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I am the designated maintainer for one cache. As above, it was organised with L&E approval of the arrangement. In my case, someone now living in America wanted to place a cache near to where they played asa child. They regulalry return meaning I have never had to undertake any maintenance activity, but am still on hand if called upon.

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We're going to be looking after two caches for four months over the winter while the owners are in Spain, another two of their caches are being looked after by another cacher who lives closer, we've also offered help when needed to another cacher while he's away at Uni.


We often do cache maintenance on ones we visit if needed, and we know of other cachers who do the same.


Des & Bren

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