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New! Caches

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There is a caches by state listing which shows them in descending order by date hidden. I find that useful, but its usefulness depends how many caches are hidden in your state and where.


Premium members can preview their PQs and it's pretty easy to get only new caches using that technique, too.

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On my local group boards, someone implied they can "search the new caches in my area"... feature on gc.com. Is there such a thing? Other than using PQ are we able to search exclusively for new caches in our area?

Have you signed up to recieve the weekly email notification? They are all new caches hidden within the past week (sometimes two) within 100 miles of you.

It's been so long I can't remember where it is, but I think it's from "my account" page.

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Knew about those suggestions, but it doesn't really help overall. Being in Philly, I really don't want to wade through Pittsburgh caches. Wouldn't call that 'my area'.


Suggestion for change in the future, perhaps? And yes, I signed up for the email, but the person was looking for on-the-fly access to the latest and greatest caches nearby.


Thanks for the responses.

Kristina :rolleyes:

Edited by Lawtechie
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Click on "My Account"


Look to the upper right hand side of the page.


There is a link to search for nearest caches from home coordinates. (Assuming you entered these.)


Right underneath there is a link for "List Newest in" your state name

thank you


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