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Is this micro or not?

Agent Splat

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I'm going to be using this in an urban/campus setting, and I just want to make sure people consider it small enough to be called a microcache...somebody posted this on here awhile back, and I got interested and got a few. So...too big, or is it micro? Thanks!






Until they come up with another cache size such as mini that has been suggested, I believe it's a safer bet to call it a micro than a regular.


I would probably list it as “traditional“ and the size as “other”. I would also describe the container and post the photo (description is for the benefit of those who download info to PDAs but don't include photos).



"Time's fun when you're having flies." - Kermit the frog


I would consider anything smaller than a sandwich sized tuperware container micro unless they come up with a mini size.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal: a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a brush, but very very ravenous


According to the website a micro is a film cannister sized object. I agree that there should be a mini size for stuff like this and sandwich- sized Rubbbermaid containers, but until there is, this should be called traditional. I've used these myself for caches and that's what I did. But I did

make sure to describe the size on the cache page. I also added a little note to disregard the warning on the lid and wrote the words "no hazard" across the warning in black marker.


Until there is a 'mini', I'd say it is traditional.


Call it traditional or micro, but if you call it traditional, describe the approximate size in the notes. This will allow people to pick an appropriately sized trade item.


I agree with the earlier poster that anything smaller than a sandwich box should not be considered a standard-size box. It is better to err on the small side. That way anyone looking to trade an item (or drop off a travel bug) which is too big will know not to bring it to your cache.


Originally posted by Agent Splat:

I'm going to be using this in an urban/campus setting, and I just want to make sure people consider it small enough to be called a microcache...somebody posted this on here awhile back, and I got interested and got a few. So...too big, or is it micro? Thanks!






I classify them as normal but list their size in the description.



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