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Alsacache 2005


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I've posted announcements about the forthcoming event AlsaCache 2005 to several national forums, and people sometimes ask me questions which might be of interest to others.


So I'm starting this thread to centralise these questions and answers, and any other discussion which people might want to have about this event.



Hello Nick,


do you have any idea how many cachers will come?



So far I think there are 22 teams which I estimate to represent 38 people and a dog. But 53 accounts are watching the cache, so potentially another 30 teams could sign up. If only 40% of them do then we will probably have 60 people!


Excellent. Pour rebondir sur ta dernière réponse, rassures-moi, il y a quand même quelques cachers français ?

En fait, j'y pense maintenant, je vais te faire un peu de pub sur GpsPasSion :blink:

Excellent. Pour rebondir sur ta dernière réponse, rassures-moi, il y a quand même quelques cachers français ?

En fait, j'y pense maintenant, je vais te faire un peu de pub sur GpsPasSion :blink:

Si j'ai bien interprété bien les logs existants, il y aura:


* Un couple de "français", lutin&gredin - au moins, ce sont des résidents français, ils sont peut-être tous les deux des vrais franco-français, si je doute un peu leur franco-française-ness, c'est qu'ils ont loggué pas mal de caches aux USA dans un anglais parfait;


* Un collègue alsacien, DGSTRUCH - qui fait aussi beta-testeur sur certains des caches de l'event, donc si tu lui files qqs balles il te révélera peut-être tout; :blink:


* J'espère aussi un tout nouveau collègue, warcat, peut-être que pour une partie de la journée.


Pour GPSpassion, excellent idée, en lisant ce site j'ai l'impression que si les français ne sont pas de GCers fervents ce n'est pas en premier lieu à cause d'une manque de GPSr chez les gens.


Par contre sur les 12 caches qui compte l'event, il y aura un certain nombre (la moitié ?) qui ne sont pas pour les débutants...

Pour GPSpassion, excellent idée, en lisant ce site j'ai l'impression que si les français ne sont pas de GCers fervents ce n'est pas en premier lieu à cause d'une manque de GPSr chez les gens.
Normalement en ligne cet après-midi.
Par contre sur les 12 caches qui compte l'event, il y aura un certain nombre (la moitié ?) qui ne sont pas pour les débutants...
A voir les log, il n'y aura pas beaucoup de débutants :blink: et les Belges ont décidé d'envahir la Gaule :blink:
DGSTRUCH - qui fait aussi beta-testeur sur certains des caches de l'event, donc si tu lui files qqs balles il te révélera peut-être tout
Pas de bol, je squatte à côté de chez lui (mais non, je plaisante, et le plaisir de la chasse alors).


Je te souhaite plein succès pour cette journée.


Some news of the caches:


There will be 12 new caches for this event. All will be "regular" sized (in fact all will be ammo boxes, either .30 cal or .50 cal). Difficulty will be between 1* and 4.5*. Terrain will be between 1* and 3.5* - no "climbing" will be required, but one or two caches will have steep, off-trail (but hopefully hands-free) stretches, especially near the end.


Depending on approver feedback in one specific case, there should be 4 traditionals, 4 multis, and 4 mysteries. Of the mysteries, 3 will be puzzles to solve on the trail, and 1 will be solvable "at home" - which on the event day will probably mean, in the back of the car. :blink: The harder ones will contain a YJTB or a Geocoin.


As far as I can remember, none of the caches involves a round trip of much more than 3km, and several are shorter. (There's one exception, which is a 4-stage multi which takes 15km, of which 14km can be done by road.)


All of the caches will be within about 20km of the start point, and I hope that there will be no more than 7-8km between a cache and its neighbour.

Posted (edited)

The caches are in place. Here are the types, and provisional difficulty and terrain ratings (subject to feedback from beta testers):

AC1  Traditional  2.5/3.5
AC2  Multi        2.0/2.0
AC3  Multi        2.5/1.5
AC4  Multi        2.0/1.0
AC5  Traditional  2.0/3.0
AC6  Mystery      3.5/2.0
AC7  Traditional  1.5/2.5
AC8  Mystery      4.5/2.5
AC9  Mystery      3.0/3.0
AC10 Mystery      4.0/2.5
AC11 Multi        1.5/1.5
AC12 Traditional  1.5/1.5

That's an average diffculty of about 2.54 and terrain 2.29.


PS: If anyone knows how to do a table with properly aligned columns in this forum, I'd be pleased to hear it!

Edited by sTeamTraen
If anyone knows how to do a table with properly aligned columns in this forum, I'd be pleased to hear it!

You can do at least something with the code-tags, but I haven't fully got its logic yet.


AC1   Traditional      2.5/3.5
AC2   Multi            2.0/2.0
AC3   Multi            2.5/1.5
AC4   Multi            2.0/1.0
AC5   Traditional      2.0/3.0
AC6   Mystery          3.5/2.0
AC7   Traditional      1.5/2.5
AC8   Mystery          4.5/2.5
AC9   Mystery          3.0/3.0
AC10  Mystery          4.0/2.5
AC11  Multi            1.5/1.5
AC12  Traditional      1.5/1.5

Posted (edited)

Utilises la balise [ code ] [ /code ] (sans les espaces) et alignes avec des espaces ou des tab, je pense que cela passe.

Tu peux voir le code d'un post en faisant simlement "Quote" pour répondre. :blink:

Edited by habot
Utilises la balise [ code ] [ /code ] (sans les espaces) et alignes avec des espaces ou des tab, je pense que cela passe.

Tu peux voir le code d'un post en faisant simlement "Quote" pour répondre. ;)

Oui oui. :blink:

Utilises la balise [ code ] [ /code ] (sans les espaces) et alignes avec des espaces ou des tab, je pense que cela passe.

Tu peux voir le code d'un post en faisant simlement "Quote" pour répondre. :blink:

Done. Thanks! Only thing is, tabs are hard to insert (because the browser interprets them and moves me to the next field on the form), so I did it with spaces.


Now there are four or five redundant posts in here. ;)


Hi Steam Traen! I am going to be in france during the month of may 2005, and I was wondering:


It seems like there are only a few caches in France...What is the reason for this? For example Germany has like ten times the amount of caches that France does. Are the laws different in France or is there an alternative / competition to geocaching.com in France. thank you! We are looking forward to caching in the Beautiful country of France!




Mantis7 & Faele

Hi Steam Traen! I am going to be in france during the month of may 2005, and I was wondering:


It seems like there are only a few caches in France...What is the reason for this? For example Germany has like ten times the amount of caches that France does. Are the laws different in France or is there an alternative / competition to geocaching.com in France. thank you! We are looking forward to caching in the Beautiful country of France!




Mantis7 & Faele

This is a FAQ - search the previous posts on here or in "Geocaching Topics", perhaps using my handle (sTeamTraen*, please spell it right, the capitals are significant, at least I think so!), and the word "France".


Otherwise, you'd have to ask the people who don't go geocaching. According to David Hume (usually a good guide), I can only say why I do, not why they don't. :blink:


Meanwhile, if you're in the East of France on May 15, please join us!!


(*) = "[da]s Team [v'n] Traen[heim]" in our local dialect


Let me take this opportunity to mention that habot is now the cache reviewer for France and for the french Belgian caches. I'm sure he will do a great job!


I have already reviewed the caches for the event in Alsace and I'm sure they will be a lot of fun. They will be posted at the last minute by either habot or I.

Wish I could join you guys for the event!


erik - geocaching.com admin

Let me take this opportunity to mention that habot is now the cache reviewer for France and for the french Belgian caches.  I'm sure he will do a great job! 
Thanks for présentation and trust.
I have already reviewed the caches for the event in Alsace and I'm sure they will be a lot of fun.
Thanks too, I will thus take part in this event "quiet minded" B)

Erik, it will have to be you who approves those caches. Habot will be at the event! Already I have to get him to promise not to look at the reviewer note with the final coordinates of the non-traditionals. B)


It's good news that we have a French-speaking approver for French caches, anyway, so congratulatons Alain!.


I posted a note yesterday evening inviting everyone who is watching the event listing to let me know if they are coming, and to give me a few details.


If anyone is watching informally (without having GCMDAP on their watch list), now might be a good time to check those travel plans. :(

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