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Event Reminders


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It would be wicked kewl if you could get an a reminder email for events that you've posted a "Will Attend" note.

Yea, I know "put it in your pda, 9key!", but that takes *effort*! :)


Anyway, an email a day or two before the event just to referesh the memory would be fantastic.



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You could put it on your watchlist. Usually a day or two before an event, gobs of people start dropping travel bugs in it. You'd get those emails, which would remind you about the event.

I put all events I plan to attend in my watchlist. We had one scheduled for this weekend but because of the weather last week, the trails are still iced over (it was a bike ride). It's postponed, hopefully nobody showed up. <_<

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Putting it on the watchlist gets you a lot of email traffic, but that isn't what i thought the idea was discussing. Is there a means for having a reminder sent from the site based on a block checked on the cache page? Is it feasable??? 3rd neat idea i have read today.

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How about meeting you partway? Perhaps I can just allow one of those downloadable files that contain the event reminder. I have to look into this but I believe there is a format for creating reminders that can be loaded into scheduling apps.


Reminder services are intriguing, but implementation would involved a scheduled process. It seems that something like a schedule file to download would allow you more control over your reminders.


Or am I on crack? I thought there was something like this out there. There is a vcd format for business cards anyway.

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