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Anyone Using Gis?

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Oh Right!! I don't see the purpose of this, but then I suppose I won't as I haven't thought about how it could help.

It's 100% digital mapping and uses layers and overlays. So for example it lets you put an overlay showing all the SSSI over a map of the UK so you can see where they all are.


Similar to this.



You could also link to a database file with all the UK geocaches in it and see which ones are close to or in areas of SSSI for example.


Local authorities use it to keep track of where all there street lights, bollards and road signs are. It's very widely used now but as I said, in the UK everyone seems to want to keep their data to themselves as opposed to the USA where much of it is up for grabs free on the internet. Texas seems to be leading the way with this. All these are available as free downloads. The benchmark data for instance will be of use to those in the states who hunt those things.


I'm not saying that it is a great new resource for geocachers, but it's certanly the way that mapping is going in the future and fun to play with if you like that sort of thing.



Edited by SlytherinAlex
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Have a look at this




I used this about 10 years ago. We had to go the the map office in the Civic Centre and extract all the data relating to the positioning of dog poo bins and plot them.


Also, we found out that schools can get copies of all electronic OS data for the area the LEA covers and use if for educational purposes free.

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