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I have a 2210 as well: I didn't really notice doing anything special, just copied the .gpx file from the PC to the memory card, then in GPXSonar did file - load GPX file - then selected the GPX file. Brilliant! A list of caches, sortable. Click one to see the full details! I also use GSAK for sorting out the caches before downloading into the 2210, but this bit is on the PC.



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I have just switched from a palm to a ipaq 2210. I have downloaded gpxsonar and gpxview onto my ipaq, but I can't get the waypoints from geocach onto it and into these programs.

I don't know about other OS's, but with Windows XP you just right click the GPX file that you were sent via your pocket query, and then click "send to your pda name My Documents". As soon as you have sync'ed using activesync the gpx file will be on your PDA and you just open it with whichever program you wish to use.


You could use GSAK to split a smaller GPX file down a bit, but to be honest, the 2210 can easily cope with a 3Mb gpx file anyway.


Oh yes, and to make this all work you need to be a premium member (US$30 per year last time I looked).


Good luck!

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