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Disturbing Dnf Trend

Team Bam Bam

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I just got back from visiting the site of BrianSnat's new cache, 'Take it and Leave it'. The cache seems to be missing. Fresh tracks led from stage 1 to the final and a pile of rocks surrounded the empty shape of an ammo box. This confirms what I had suspected for a few days - caches are dissapearing. 'The Roar' has had 2 DNF's, 'Rock, Stock, and Barrel' has at least 2 DNF's - it wasn't that difficult and Floopy logged a DNF, we logged a DNF on 'Edison's Factory Foundations' this weekend and that one is supposed to be rather easy.


I don't mean to be a conspiracy theorist but this sure seems like a trend and it's one I don't much care for.

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There were no rocks surrounding Take it and Leave It, so I hope you were mistaken. Will check tomorrow.

Future cache seekers disregard this post. There may well be rocks surrounding Take It and Leave It, or it could be sticks, or it might be in a crevice. But I easily could have covered it with rocks, so don't go by what I said in this post. OK.

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'Rock, Stock, and Barrel' has at least 2 DNF's - it wasn't that difficult and Floopy logged a DNF, we logged a DNF

This DNF should not be taken to mean anything. As I mentioned in my log, the GPS zeroed out when I climbed to the top of the rock formation and I searched only one side of it, leaving the rest for another day.

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