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Waiting For Cache Approval


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I hid and posted a cache on Sunday September 6th. Today is September 9th. I was hoping the cache could be active by this weekend, but so far no good. Does anyone know how long it really takes to get a cache approved? The site says 36 to 72 hours.


I have not heard anything at all from the NJ Approver. Maybe that is good...maybe not... is there a way to find out what my status is?


This is my first cache hide. I might be jumping the gun, but obviously I am excited.


PS - I am racing Team Bam Bam for approval of our first caches. His was rejected by the NY Approver immediately. That quick response is what makes me wonder if there is a problem and I missed a notification or something.


Generally within 1-5 days.

The caches depend on a couple of factors and tips:


1. If it is a mystery/puzzle cache or a multicache then the reviewer needs to verify each leg of the multi or puzzle so it may take longer. You should supply coordinates for each stage and explain where they are located. Make sure you follow the 528 feet guideline, unless you have a really, really, really good reason why it has to be closer to another cache.


2. Make sure the reviewer knows that cache is all set up and that there is a pen and log in the cache. These components are essential.


3. Give detailed information about any potential things that may need clarification, this will reduce the questions the reviewer has to ask and will limit the e-mail back-and-forth which delays the approval process.


4. If something feels like it could potentially break the guidelines, make sure to remedy it to conform before sending your cache for approval.


5. Be patient!


5. If that all fails: Send $50 to BrianSnat, HartClimbs or Mopar in hopes one of them can speed along the process.


Just my 2 cents, hope these help.



I checked to confirm that your cache is indeed waiting in the New Jersey queue. It looks like most all of the previous submissions have been decisioned, and perhaps yours will be one of the next to be addressed now that the volunteers have largely worked their way through the crush of new caches hidden on Labor Day weekend.


From looking at your cache, I see at least two issues that the local reviewer will probably ask you about. Typically during busy periods we list the ones that don't present any issues, and go back later to write the notes on the ones where we need to work with the owner.


Also I see that you logged your own cache as a "find" in order to drop off a travel bug. You can either delete the log entirely, or change it to a note. Many people believe that logging your own cache as a "find" is bad form, since you already know where it's hidden.


Thank you for your patience and I am sure you will hear more soon.

Posted (edited)
Also I see that you logged your own cache as a "find" in order to drop off a travel bug. You can either delete the log entirely, or change it to a note. Many people believe that logging your own cache as a "find" is bad form, since you already know where it's hidden.


I know that it is bad form. I plan on deleting the log once the first person grabs the Travel Bugs. I might then let my wife look for it without me. She is part of BMSquared. I don't think anyone would have a problem with that do you? Team Bam Bam's opinion does not count .. As Usual.


Thank you Keystone Approver for looking into this for me.

Edited by BMSquared



I have nothing but good things to say about the approver for my neck of the woods, New York Admin. He/she has been quick to respond, asked reasonable/relevant questions, and provided me with some valuable feedback.


Thanks to all of the approvers and other volunteers at gc.com! :huh:



I know that it is bad form. I plan on deleting the log once the first person grabs the Travel Bugs.

Why wait until then? The travel bug will still remain with the cache even if you delete the log.

The travel bug will still remain with the cache even if you delete the log.


Thank you Mister Floopy! That was my real concern. I will delete my log now. You are cleared for a FTF. Good luck.... Oh, but you have to wait until it is approved.



I have nothing but good things to say about the approver for my neck of the woods, New York Admin. He/she has been quick to respond, asked reasonable/relevant questions, and provided me with some valuable feedback.


Thanks to all of the approvers and other volunteers at gc.com! :huh:



New York Admin approved my last cache in 25 minutes!!! NJ Admin still hold the records though at 6 minutes. Thanks!! :o


that's paypal@newyorkadmin right?

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