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Garmin Emap Question

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I primarily use the GPS V for almost all of my GPSing. However, I have an emap unit that I picked up a couple of years ago. I've only use it with the basemap it comes with therefore have only used it for very basic line of site navigation etc.


My question is if I buy the memory cartridge for this unit and download maps into it will it be worth it. I no long have the manual so I'm wondering if the emap will do auto routing? I don't think it does.

I'm tempted to not do anything and just save up for a newer unit like the 60cs.


Anyone have an opinion if I put in the maps in the emap if I'll enjoy it more or if it would be worthwhile or would I just still use it as a back up. I guess I like the size of it for geocaching but wonder if sinking more money into the emap would be worthwhile when the newer units do a lot more.....Kind of answereing my own question here but wondering if anyone has a comment.?

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The eMap does not do autorouting.

I've got one, with a data cartridge, into which I have loaded the MapSource City Select map set. The detail is much better, in terms of the features and map resolution, but it doesn't actually enhance the basic functioning of the eMap unit itself. You will find that it doesn't show you as standing in the middle of a lake or off-roading next the the freeway as often, but that's about it.


I still have only the eMap, and it still does a great job of getting me to the cache boxes. It just doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the newer units.

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I still use the eMap I bought almost 5 years ago and just picked up another for my daughter this year. No, it won't do autorouting, but with the MetroGuide or CS maps it does show me where restaurants, campgrounds, motels, museums, etc. are located and it's never been a problem using the displayed map or even just the direction and distance to find my way to the destination. I also use the capability to find addresses quite frequently


So unless you're really sure you want to get one of the new units soon I'd recommend adding at least a 16 or 32 MB card and picking up MetroGuide or City Select (the latter would be more useful if you later get one of the autorouting models).

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Garmin data carts have gotten cheaper in the last few months. I picked up a 128MB from gpsdiscount.com for $74. I used my eMap for three years until I lost it Christmas day last year (I'm still convinced that it's in a box of boxes and we'll find it this Christmas when my wife starts wrapping presents). I used MetroGuide 4 in it and it was nice to have around, even after I had bought an eTrex Vista.



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Are you sure you don't have at least an 8MB data card installed in it??? I don't think any of them came with less than 8MB. If you pull out the batteries and look inside toward the upper part of the unit, if the slot is empty then you'll need a card. If you look in there and there's just a lip of something just big enough for your thumbnail to grip, then you've got a card in there already - pull it out to see what size.


If you don't have a card, then you can get a 32MB on eBay for about $25.00 or so. 32MB is the lowest capacity size I saw there, although Garmin makes (or made) them as low as 8MB.


Last time I checked, eMaps were going for right about $80.00 on eBay. I think that if you need a card, then don't bother.


Personally, I bought an eMap AFTER I bought my Legend. The Legend only had 8MB of memory, and the eMap offered the ability to upgrade the memory to 128MB. I ended up using my eMap exclusively while my Legend gathered dust on the shelf.


Then when the 60 series came out, I HAD to have a 60C! So I sold my Legend and kept my eMap for backup.


In your case however, I would sell the eMap, keep the V for backup, and buy a shiny-new 76C (but that's just me).

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