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More Kid's Questions!

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Time for me to beg again for answers to question for the Today's Cacher kid's section.


Do me a BIG favor and ask your children the following questions, then EMAIL the answers to me with a name, age and gender. Selected answers will be published in upcoming issues.




(1) What would be the hardest cache to find that you can imagine?


(2) If cartoon characters were geocachers, what would they hide and where?


(3) Why does Mom and/or Dad geocache?


In addition, I will accept answers from adults who also submit kid's answers. One or two "young at heart" answers will be published each month. You must also submit kid's answers for this!!!!


Kelly, 17 (hey she is my baby)


(1) What would be the hardest cache to find that you can imagine?


A cache on the moon


(2) If cartoon characters were Geocaches, what would they hide and where?


Pikachu, he would hide battery's.


(3) Why does Mom and/or Dad geocache?

Daddy Geocaches because he is a little "off" He enjoys looking for Tupperware but yells at me when I don't take it from the dishwasher and put it in the cupboard. I tried to explainto him that the puzzle places the coordinates in the dishwasher but he doesn't buy it. Sometimes I don't understand adults. Its ok to leave tupperware in the middle of nowhere but not in the dishwasher.




I have taken my kid to a couple of caches. He enjoys the hike and likes to babble in my ear.


I sat him down and asked him some of your questions, but he just looked at me like this:




Well, he's only one years old and doesn't know how to talk... :lol:


Actually, I posted here to bump this thread as I know there are A LOT of cachers who geocache with their kids...


Come on! Let's help Carleen out! Ask your kids why they like geocaching, etc. It's good bonding time with your family! :blink:




I'd love to help, but the kids that I have that are old enough to make a coherant sentence are visiting with their grandparents, so I'm at home with a two year old. His favorite cartoon character would be spiderman though :blink:

(1) What would be the hardest cache to find that you can imagine?


(2) If cartoon characters were geocachers, what would they hide and where?


(3) Why does Mom and/or Dad geocache?


The hardest cache to find that I can imagine would be a micro cache hid on top of the worlds tallest building.


I love the power rangers and they would hide underwater caches filled with gold and jewels.


My dad geocaches because it's free and he likes to stay in shape.


Casey Boy (12)


Rebecca (7) says:


Hardest cache to find would be nothing because she doesn't care :lol:

Cartoons wouldn't be able to do it because they are only on the TV :)

Mum and Dad geocache because they want to hurt their legs :)


Cameron (10) says:

Hardest cache he can imagine would be a really small mircocache in a snakepit :D

Dr Zoidberg would hide food somewhere underwater :P

Dad geocaches so he has a reason to buy a better GPS every now and then! :blink:


Dad says "go to bed".


Diltons cache would be the hardest to find. (see below)


Garfield would hide a food cache in his refridgerator, same with Jughead.




Dilton (from Archie comics) would hide one full of gizmos and gadgets 2km in the air on a hover-pod.


Dad needed another use for the GPSr, so he caches.


Age 12. :(

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