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Pocket Query For Locationless Caches


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I'm trying to figure out how to get a PQ to run for Locationless Caches - because the "origin" feature must be selected and you can only get results up to 500 mi from that point, I can't get them all and there's only 284 of them... can there be a .gpx generated that just sits on the locationless page?

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Create a new PQ for all locationless caches and select ALL the states/provinces by checking the box next to States / Provinces, highlighting ALABAMA and then scroll to the bottom of the list and SHIFT-CLICK on YUKON TERRITORY. Every item on the list should then be highlighted.


You can also create another PQ selecting every country and then merge the two files into one master locationless GPX.

Edited by Stunod
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Create a new PQ for all locationless caches and select ALL the states/provinces by checking the box next to States / Provinces, highlighting ALABAMA and then scroll to the bottom of the list and SHIFT-CLICK on YUKON TERRITORY. Every item on the list should then be highlighted.


You can also create another PQ selecting every country and then merge the two files into one master locationless GPX.

Actually, I think all you need is the state/province query. Last time I did it I got all the LC's on just the one.

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wtf with the first reply?


I tried running it for all countries, got nothing... when I ran it for all states as someone suggested, I only got 69, and there's 200 some out there.

I'm having the same problem as you now. When I edited my search from all states to all contries, I can't seem to edit it back. It keeps wanting to stay as all countries.


I deleted the query and created a new one with just the states and it is working fine.

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