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I have just been informed that an article on Geocaching will be published in the Manchester Evening News this weekend.

Can anyone from that area keep a look out for it as I don't think their deliveries come this far South!



Posted (edited)

I'll get a copy and bring it to the NW meet (and then scan it in my pooter for all you southern softies)!!





Edited by Seasider

Article from Manchester Evening News Saturday April 17th

Page 22 WIRED WORLD A Guide to the Internet


The Internet is encouraging the geocaching craze, a hobby dubbed "treasure hunting for the 21st century". Web sites are providing the clues and co-ordinates to thousands of waterproof treasure boxes hidden around the country.

To find them, you need a handheld GPS (Global Positioning System) device to pinpoint the exact spot. Used by ramblers and hikers, these gadgets cost from around £100 each at electrical stores. There are no subscription charges or call fees.


As for the treasure - don't expect anything wildly exciting. Apparently, it's the sense of fun and adventure that keeps people hooked. Boxes usually contain just a log book to record your name, and a few small, low-value items, hidden for fun. You can take one- and leave your own for the next person.

But the game doesn't end there. Many geocachers dash straight back to their PCs, look up the location on the web and add their comments about the box. People upload digital pictures they've taken too.


You could be surprised at how many geocaches exist in your area. To find the locations and co-ordinates, go to the UK Stats page at Geocache UK

(www.geocacheuk.com) and type your postcode. You'll see comments, and maybe even pictures, from people who have been there.


Beginners can find more tips at the Geocaching Association of Great Britain

(www.gagb.org.uk). Alternatively to retrace the footprints of geocaching, visit Dartmoor Letterboxing (www. stevem.eurobell.co.uk/Boxing.html). It's reckoned to have all started back in 1854, with people leaving postcards in a jar in the wilds of Devon. For a modern twist on the theme, try Urban Letterboxing (http://spacehijackers.co.uk/letterboxing), which explains how to hide a "letterbox" in towns and cities- and find a box without needing a GPS device.


Phew the end!!!!! :lol:

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